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Erroneous History Part II

In the last article I spoke about some of the places which defy what we have been told about the age of civilization concerning the human race. I mentioned some of the ruined cities and places which are older than the age of what we have been told about our history. I would like to continue this theme. One of things we have been taught is humans progressed to the point where they are now. In other words their inventions progressed so this would mean we could not find anything very advanced for the time period it was created in. This seems like it could be true until we do a little investigation. When we investigate we find there are some inventions which seem impossible because of when they were made. An out of place artifact is known by the term OOPArt. Many scientists tell us these do not exist and ignore the fact some have been found.

One of the very first things which comes to my mind is the Antikythera mechanism. While surveying a wrecked ancient ship off the Greek island of Antikythera something completely unbelievable was recovered. The problem was it was encrusted so badly it was hard to make out its true nature so it was sent to a museum and sat in the basement. The artifact had been recovered somewhere between 1900 and 1901. A scientist was examining the piece many decades later and realized what it was. It had clock gears and was a sort of wind up computer for navigation. The piece was from 205 B.C. and clocks would not be invented for another 1,000 years. How could this object have been created so long before clocks were invented and gears cut from metal were discovered? This was from a time when Julius Caesar ruled Rome.

Another object which seems completely out of time was a glider which was found in an Egyptian tomb. At first it was thought to be a bird, but more study proved it was a plane. The tail stabilizer had broken off but when a model was created from it with the tail stabilizer installed it flew perfectly. How could the ancient Egyptians have known about the principles of flight and constructed gliders as toys and how do we know if they actually built larger ones or not? This is not the only mystery however because things in Central and South America got even stranger because Pre-Colombian jewelry has been found which depict jet planes. Some say these are only birds but this was disproved when large mode planes were built which were exact replicas only scaled up and flew perfectly. Jet planes from 1,000 years ago? How does one explain this? One explanation which is being pushed states that the people of the time copied the vehicles aliens were using. Notice how some always fall back on the alien theory, this is far too easy to do.

For hundreds of years people knew about Damascus steel but the art of making it had been lost. Damascus steel was first said to have been created in the 3rd century and was stronger than anything we had up to the 1960s. How could such an ancient people have created a metal alloy which we could not equal with all our science up to that point? How did they jump 1,600 years of steel making? If technological inventions were linear how could this be? We finally rediscovered the process in the 1960 and used this steel in such places as jet engines because it was stronger than anything we had at the time. Speaking of superior metallurgy from ancient times one has to mention the Iron pillar of Delhi. The iron pillar is 23 feet high and what makes it so special is the fact it was created sometime around the 900 AD and brought to India around 1,300 AD and in all this time this iron pillar shows no rust. There are quite a few theories about why there is no rust and one discusses a protective film created by the creation process but we are hard pressed to duplicate this today.

Another great leap in technology is the Baghdad Battery. This storage battery is made from a clay pot, a cylinder made of a rolled up copper sheet and an iron rod inside the cylinder. The amazing part of all this is it dates somewhere from 250 B.C. to 250 AD. What did the ancients know about electricity? It has been suggested this battery was used for electroplating jewelry, but no one really knows. For all we know it might have been used as some sort device to cure disease since electricity would have seem magical to people of that time. Here is electricity being used almost 2,000 before storage batteries were rediscovered.

The first steam engine was invented by Hero of Greece. The engine was called the Aeolipile. It was a simple device, a round metal ball with two jetports one on each side. The ball was filled with water and put over a stand which had a fire built under it and as the water heated it would come out of the jets in the form of steam making the ball spin. The exact date of the invention is not known but Hero lived from 10-70 AD. We would not have steam engines again more than 1,600 years or so. If the steam engine would have found practical use in ancient times imagine where we would be today with our technology. This was certainly an invention far ahead of its time. Another invention which seemed to be ahead of its time was the steam powered car. The first one appeared in 1769 in France. The French army used it for moving artillery. A year later the inventor built a steam powered tricycle which could move 4 people but it wouldn’t be until 1873 when more steam powered cars would be built. The French car was about 100 years ahead of time.

We are all familiar with the search engine today, but I wonder how many people know the first search engine was invented in 1910? A lawyer in Belgium developed the search engine by spending years writing every bit of info he could find on cards and employing people to use his cross reference system to answer requests for data. He then began to experiment with using an electronic method to store data but the Belgium government cut funding.
There is just so much to talk about here which shouldn’t be, but is. What can we learn from all this? I think the answer is there could have been an advanced ancient civilization which disappeared and we would have never known about it.

