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Erroneous History Part III

One thing I just can’t help but notice is the fact when you look at a list of the locations of pyramids in the world how incomplete the list is. It is as if there is being a lot of information hidden from us. Some people equate this with the rest of our hidden history. Why would anyone care if we knew the truth about the pyramids which have been found? In the old days we would have said this is the sixty-four thousand dollar question, referring to an old quiz show which used to be on television. Many lists of the greatest pyramids contain newly built pyramids which to me makes no sense what-so-ever. The lists contain such things as the great pyramid of German World War I helmets. Yes at the end of World War One New York City took thousands of German helmets and made a pyramid out of them. Another Pyramid which is listed is the recently constructed upside-down Slovakian pyramid. This just seem like diversions to me as these types of lists avoid the really ancient pyramids which have been found in the last 50 years or so.

There is a pyramid in the United States and there could be far more than one. It is called the Monk Mound. It is located near East St. Louis, Illinois. It is said it was built by the mysterious people known as the mound builders and is about one mile from the Mississippi River. The pyramid mound is 92 feet high, 951 feet long and 836 feet wide and covers 14.4 acres. The mound is not all dirt and includes limestone slabs, bald cypress and red cedar posts. It is believed it was constructed somewhere between 3,000 and 1,000 B.C. Many different types of soil were used to avoid erosion and much of it was not common to the area. It is estimated it would have taken over 43 million baskets of soil to build the mound not counting the rest of the materials. Some of the layers of dirt were colored and some think there may have been earth paintings which have been destroyed. It would be interesting to know what is inside this pyramid of dirt and rock and it is not the only pyramid in the area.

We have been told that pyramids in Egypt were constructed to hold the bodies of the pharaohs and yet no body was ever found in the Great Pyramid at Giza. There are many theories about what that Egyptian pyramid really was and who really built it. I find one of the theories very interesting, it states the Great Pyramid was really a power generating station and there was a ring of these plants all around the world and they were supplying power far before this pyramid was supposed to have been built. Many are convinced the Sphinx is far older than the age assigned to the pyramid, but what if both theories are correct and some ancient civilization built the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid at the same time? I will talk about why I find this theory so compelling further in the article. Here is something I have to say to you because most of you have been misled. NO ROYAL BODY OR MUMMY HAS EVER BEEN FOUND IN A PYRAMIDΒ  IN EGYPT. I bet that statement surprised you. Therefore the Egyptian pyramids must have had another purpose. The story about Egyptian pyramids being tombs was invented in the 19th century and replaced a different theory which stated they were repositories of sacred measurements of the earth or biblical Joseph’s storehouse for grain. The bodies and mummies which have been found were found in tombs and graves.

Here is the reason I said I was very interested in the theory of the Great Pyramid being an ancient power station. The reason is one pyramid is still putting out power. Yes you heard me correctly, the Dark Pyramid in Alaska which has been hidden from us by the government for years is putting out so much power any plane which gets within 5 miles of it has it instruments go crazy because of electrical interference. As I said in a previous article the US government has a base there and has had it since the 1970s and anyone which gets too close is in danger of their life being ended by the forces protecting the pyramid who have been said to be wearing black uniforms without and insignia. This pyramid has never been mentioned in the normal channels. I want you to note that the same type of electrical interference seems to happen from time to time in the Bermuda Triangle suggesting the idea of a large pyramid under the water there may not be so farfetched. By the way the pyramid in Alaska in underground and twice as big as the Great Pyramid in Giza.

The giant Bosnian Pyramid is hardly ever mentioned and most lists do not note it. Even the archaeologistΒ  who discovered it was told not to continue his dig, but thanks to him he stubbornly opened the dig to students before he could be stopped. This pyramid find is still being treated like a hoax by some people who do not want us to know the truth. It has been dated as being built 20,000 years ago and artificial concrete covered the surface of the pyramid. There is not only one pyramid in this area but at least one other if not more. It was discovered that what were thought of as mountains were actually pyramids which were covered with soil and vegetation. This pyramid, the Pyramid of the Sun is one third taller than the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Another pyramid which was found there was named the pyramid of the moon.

A story which would have seemed farfetched 20 years ago has now come to light. We have all heard how the ice is melting at the poles. Scienceray.com ran a story about how 3 pyramids were found sticking out from the ice by 8 explorers from America and Europe. Immediately the question was asked, could Antarctica have been warm enough for habitation at one time? This also begged the question do any other pyramids or structures exist there? Why were all these pyramids built all over our planet? We don’t know much yet about the Antarctic pyramids and if the government gets to them they might be taken over and guarded much as what happened in Alaska. It does make me wonder however if extreme cold has something to do with the pyramid in Alaska still producing power and if so will this be the case with the Antarctic pyramids?

Pyramids exist in China, South and Central America, the Ukraine and in many other places I have not talked about, but I think you can see by now there is something wrong with our history. No history course every mentions any pyramids except for Egypt and Pre-Columbian civilizations and they usually tell us the lie that they were all tombs. They probably would not have even mentioned these pyramids except for the fact they are right in our face and on top of the earth not under the ground or covered with soil. Our history is being hidden from us and the history about pyramids and what their use really was and who built them seems to be top secret and we just don’t have the clearances according to the authorities. We are not allowed to know our own history.


