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Erroneous History Part I

Did you ever wonder about our history? I have and the reason for that is so much of it is either wrong or hidden from us. It is hard to know where to start when one talks about this subject since it is so skewed. As I am writing this article more things are being hidden from us which are becoming history and there doesn’t seem to be any end to the cover up. I think a good place to start is with very ancient history. When I say very ancient I am talking about tens of thousands of years ago. I picked this time period, because we have been told people from that time were nomads and there were no cities and such. It turns out some of these people had to have permanent settlements, because we are finding pyramids all over the planet and some of been reliably dated at more than 20,000 years old. I say reliably, because organic material was found between the stones which made it easy to date. We don’t know how many pyramids there are which we haven’t found, but we know the government is hiding one they found in Alaska called the dark pyramid which seems to be putting out energy. More about that in later chapters.

An ancient temple was found in Turkey. It is named Göbekli Tepe. It had been buried somewhere around 10,000 BC when the people who built it moved on. One of the things which puzzle archaeologists, beside the fact something this old exists, is the fact some of the stones weigh up to 10 tons so how were they moved? Another puzzlement is the fact some of the stone possess expert carving and the site itself shows signs it was inhabited for hundreds of years. Does this sound like nomads to you? In India a 12,000 year old city was found. Twenty five miles off the shore of India two ancient cities were found. It is being said this discovery could overturn everything archaeologists believe about our origins. The cities were the size of Manhattan and had massive walls and plazas. These cities are about 5,000 years older than any city ever found. Does this sound like only nomads existed?

One site which is underwater has been dated to about 10,000 years old is off the coast of Japan. This was controversial, because some say it is natural, but one look at the way it is carved and some of the carvings of animals which have been found most likely mean it was made by humans long ago. The site was discovered by a diver off the Okinawa shore in 1995. A gateway of stones which fit perfectly and form a gate has been found in the ruins. The site is known as Yonaguni. Many scientists have said there are just too many right angles for this site to be natural. Some scientists now believe this structure is the remains of a larger city. A city was found in Syria which is at least 10,000 years old. The ruins are about 50 miles from Damascus, but war is preventing archaeologists from going there. It lies in the desert near the ancient monastery of Deir Mar Musa. Don’t think all these ancient ruins are in other places. A possible 11,000 year old structure was found in a Canadian lake. In 2005 divers found ruins in MacDonald Lake in the Haliburton Forest and Wild Life Reserve. The structures were about 40 feet below the lake’s surface. Some scientists think these ruins could have been pushed along by glaciers in the last Ice Age since Canada was covered by ice to the extent of 97 percent. When scientists saw how the large stones were placed, some flat ones atop two baseball sized stones, one at each end, they were sure humans did this.

An unknown massive ruin is sitting at the bottom of Lake Kinneret in Israel. It is believed it could be more than 9,500 years old. Some archaeologists refuse to accept this date and say there is not enough evidence, because artifacts were brought up with dredgers and not by carefully using scientific procedures. Hey if the stuff was there it is probably part of the ruin. Not much else is known about this site and there is no excavation going on, because it is claimed it would be too expensive. Since when has this ever stopped anything? It makes me wonder what the real reason is. Ready to have your mind blown? Good then I can tell you about the ancient ruins which have been found in Africa. First of all thousands of gold mines were found in the area. The ruins of several cities have been found and they have been dated, hold on, to 160,000 to 200,000 B.C. You can see them on Google Earth so here are the coordinates:
Carolina -- 25 55' 53.28" S / 30 16' 13.13" E
Badplaas -- 25 47' 33.45" S / 30 40' 38.76" E
Waterval -- 25 38' 07.82" S / 30 21' 18.79" E
Machadodorp -- 25 39' 22.42" S / 30 17' 03.25" E
Remember these areas are extremely ancient so don’t expect to see a lot, there is just enough for archaeologists to determine what was there.

Along with all these mysterious ruins and there are plenty more, something else which suggests we were not all nomads 10,000 years ago has been found in Peru. Textiles were discovered which were dated from 12,000 years ago. There is a site in North Carolina which is very ancient. A sign on the road states it is an archaeological site and it is where there was a large native population. The most astounding part of the sign states the population center was from 10,000 B.C. Tiahuanacu is a city which had been built in the Bolivian Andes and now lays in ruins. It is 12,500 feet above sea level. This is another case when ancient people somehow moved rocks weighing up to 440 tons to the city site. Some have dated these ruins only back to 1,000 A.D. but here is the kicker, depicted on some of the stones are animals which went extinct over 12,000 years ago putting the estimate of the age of the city in doubt. It is probably safer to say this city is as old as the oldest extinct animal.

There are even some cases where ruins have been found to have been sitting atop even older ruins. It is the older ruins which should be dated to give us a true idea of what is going on. As you can see from what I have said we are being kept in the dark about the true nature of our history. Perhaps the authorities think they are doing this for our own good? Maybe this is happening because there are advanced discoveries to be made and the governments of the world don’t want us to know what is going on, or perhaps some of these structures were not even built by humans. Whatever the reasons are we are being kept in the dark about our true history.


