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Nick Pope
Nick Pope famous UFO investigator. Mr. Nick Pope worked for the Ministry of Defense in the U. K. He was in charge of UFO investigations for three years. He is the author of several UFO books and has appeared in various documentaries and tv programs.
Ken, webmaster of About Facts Net.



I'm not going to go through all the questions. I drew up 54 questions, because I didn't know how long each question would take and it seems that we can do about 24 questions in about an hour.

Nick Pope:

Okay, we done 24, I'm not going to volunteer to go all the way to 55. That would probably take up the rest of the evening.


Of course, I wouldn't do that. I'm going to skip a lot of questions here.

Nick Pope:

Yeah, I'm happy to do another 15 minutes or something like that and answer any really important questions that you may want to cover.


Okay I want to ask you about Gary McKinnon, are you familiar with him?

Nick Pope:

I am, that is going to be a very quick answer though, because legal proceedings are still ongoing. I don't want to discuss that I'm afraid.


That's okay, I'll skip it.
The next question is just a personal opinion. Are you familiar with the fact that scientists have stated that 95% of our DNA is alien, and what do you think about that?

Nick Pope:

I'm not familiar with that and I guess my question would be, which scientists have said that? No I am not familiar with that claim at all. When they say alien, I don't understand how they could be saying that? No I am really not familiar with that claim and I would be extremely surprised if it is a claim from any mainstream....


It is from the Genome Project.

Nick Pope:



It is from the scientists working on the Genome Project. They actually came out and said that.

Nick Pope:

Alien, I mean....


As in not being from the Earth.

Nick Pope:

Ah, well now.....


Not as in alien

Nick Pope:

Maybe there buying in to the Panspermia theory that organic materials have come to Earth from elsewhere. It is not a field that I am familiar with. I follow it in a very casual way, not a scientific one.


How about this, you are very familiar with remote viewing. Did you ever hear of a remote viewer picking up what he thought was the inside of a UFO?

Nick Pope:

I have heard about that, but again it was from literature. I should say that the Ministry of Defence did have a kind of project to investigate the possibility of remote viewing, long after the Americans had launched their project which was Stargate The Ministry of Defence came very late to this particular phase. It was 2001 before the Ministry of Defence started work on studying remote viewing to see if anyone could demonstrate remote viewing. Of course I wasn't involved in it and found out years later about it. It was a very interesting project, but whether it ever developed into a operational project, I don't know. I have seen books by some of the Americans like David Morehouse who made a number of claims, but I seen nothing like that in any British projects. Incidently the British study is something that again is on the Ministry of Defence's website. Go to MOD.uk and type in remote viewing and you will see what us Brits have been up to.


Disinformation is the topic of conversation between many people today. You have probably come across it yourself. Without naming any names, do you feel that there are any UFO organizations that are there only to put out disinformation?

Nick Pope:

No. I think that there are a number of individual UFO organizations that are putting out information that is plain wrong. But in my experience, certainly in Britain, I see no evidence that the government or MOD used UFO organizations to put out disinformation. In a sense they don't have to do a thing. The UFO community is their own worst enemy. I think that there is so much noise as it were and so little substance sometimes. Governments don't have to use disinformation.


I want to ask you about the UFO that was over O'Hare Airport in Chicago. Have you ever spoken to anybody about that?

Nick Pope:

No I haven't. It was only published a week or two ago. I've seen the NARCAP report. by Ted Roe


Yeah, that's where they say it was a danger to air traffic.

Nick Pope:

Yeah I have to be totally honest with you, because of the shear length of the report, I haven't read it in its entirety yet, but I think its from, what I have seen, its a splendid piece of work by NARCAP. I think this is a tremendous, really something that should have a proper scientific investigation and you can't have UFOs flying around in controlled air space. The Federal Aviation Agency or others should look at this very seriously. Its interesting that there have been thousands of reports from pilots and controllers and other people in aviation, so they are doing their job.


What do you think about all the sightings in Mexico? Thousands and thousands of people have seen them. I am not going to go into the record, I think that you are familiar with them. They never seem to make the papers, at least in the United States, why do you think that is?

Nick Pope:

I think that some of them are probably helium balloons blowing in the wind, to be honest. I am not saying that there are not some more interesting ones in there. Its not something that I have been following too closely, but I'm going next month, when is it, in just about three weeks time, I'll be in D.C. for the X conference. I think, from memory, that Jamie Maussan....


I was going to ask you if you knew Jamie Maussan?

Nick Pope:

I think that he is one of the other speakers there and it may well be that after the X conference, I think that Jamie will be there and I may get to ask him that question.


Many recorded communications are said to exist that prove that astronauts have been followed by UFOs and have reported seeing UFOs Have you ever received any documents to indicate that this is true and do you believe that this has happened?

Nick Pope:

Well I think that it is a matter of public record that people like Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell and people like that made comments about UFOs, some of which relate to them being seen, some of which relate to their belief, going back to the question of which statement comes from first hand knowledge and which statement is belief. I think somebody sent me one of the very many videos that is around on the subject, the other day. There are all sorts of things floating around in space. When they catch sunlight, they can perhaps look bigger than they are and literally fit the UFO definition, because the astronauts don't know what they are, they are UFOs Of course now at actual NASA conferences, the NASA people will say that these are probably ice crystals, maybe off of the space craft or lint or other very informal material, material off the shuttle bay or things like that. I am not one of the believers that NASA is part of a UFO cover up. NASA would love them to be UFOs, they would probably quadruple their budget overnight. So yes, there are strange things that the astronauts have seen, but I think that they are some times difficult, because they get shoved into a UFO documentary and you get people who are not qualified to really know what they are looking at. I am talking about going deep into making contact.


Here is what I wanted to ask you about. Have you ever heard of any UFOs that were visible through binoculars, in other words with the aided eye that couldn't be seen with the naked eye and were not at a distance that precluded them from being seen with the naked eye?

Nick Pope:

No, I haven't come across anything like that.


Well I have, that is why I was asking you the question.

Nick Pope:

I can't say that I have. Maybe there are one or two cases in the MOD files. I haven't looked at every single case right from beginning to end. Nothing should be ruled out in Britain


Well it sort of ties in with people that have taken photos, just taken a photo of the sky, didn't see anything there, and yet when they looked at the photo they saw a UFO on the picture.

Nick Pope:

I am certainly familiar with many many cases where that has happened. I think that in many of those cases that have been investigated it was more likely to be the camera itself. I don't rule out something on the photo.


Lastly this is your chance to discuss anything that you would like to.

Nick Pope:

Well okay I'll em..., I guess that my allegiencey to the UFO phenomenon does raise important defense questions. I don't have any knowledge that constitutes a smoking gun and I am not aware of anything that could fall into that category. It definitely points in the way to UFOs, but there is nothing in the way of proof that I can show anyone. I think, really as a closing statement, that I would say that I think that there are various natural phenomenon I know that this is probably a very unpopular statement for a UFO researcher. If there is life out there and I am fairly sure there is, I suspect that our proof will jump up through the UFO community. It will probably come through radio astronomy. And I think that it is particularly interesting that what has happened, er what is happening in regard to things like the Square Kilometer Array, which is the next generation of big space telescope.


We call it the large array, it is the same thing.

Nick Pope:

You have got the Very Large Array, which is already operational which I think is in use. My understanding is that the Square Kilometer Array is either going to..., construction hasn't begun yet.



Nick Pope:

This is the next generation one. It is going to be built, they had four sites, the last I saw they had two final sites, one is in Australia I think, the other is in South Africa. It is not going to be operational until 2020, but when it is operational, its sensitivity and power is going to be several orders of what you have now. Certainly I am aware that they believe that there are other civilizations out there, certainly within a hundred light years of here. That is a distance that contains several thousand stars. Any signal that emanates should be detected. I have great hopes and I think those hopes are going to manifest themselves in SETI and the radio astronomy unit. I think they are, but that is just the way I feel at the moment.


The interview is officially finished now and I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed it.

Nick Pope

I enjoyed it too.



The Disclosure Project - A group of concerned people from all walks of life that are trying to get the US government to release all UFO data and alien technology, if any.

Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident - In December of 1980, a UFO landed in the woods outside an air force base in Britain, It was manned by Americans who saw the craft and investigated the landing along with the British.

Project Blue Book - An Air force project to explain UFO sightings.

Gordon Williams - A British General that was rumored to have said that he talked to aliens during the Rendlesham Forest incident.

Malmstrom Air Force Base - in 1967 a UFO was over this US base in Montana when several missiles were taken off line unexpectedly.

Giorgio Bongiovanni - An Italian who was allowed to interview a Russian General about UFOs The KGB were also present.

Bob Lazar - A person who claims to have been an engineer at Area 51 who said he saw a UFO there and was employed to reverse engineer them.

Shag Harbor - A UFO incident that occurred in Canada in 1967 where a UFO was said to have crashed into the water only to be followed by a second one.

Gary McKinnon - A famous British hacker that hacked into NASA and the US military. He was caught and claimed that he found important secret UFO data.

Remote Viewing - A technique that was used during the cold war by the US, Britain and the Soviet Union to see into places while remaining at a location. It was said to have no limit as far as distance was concerned.

Jamie Maussan - A famous Mexican tv news reporter that specializes in UFO reporting.

Area 51 - A secret US Air Force Base.

Nick Pope Website

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