Truth Facts



Advanced and Future Weapons

There is some talk lately about a new weapon we are working on. It is described as a weapon which modifies space and time. Whatever this means in a weapon it sound scary to me. The modifying time part is especially creepy. The navy actually had something to say about this. I am sure since we are always the last to know what is going on, other governments must have found out about these experiments. The navy was talking more about using the Pais Effect, name after the scientist Salvatore Pais for energy generation and in the future for propulsion. While the navy might not mention it,  the Pais Effect could be used to create very powerful magnetic fields, that is part of the effect. High energy electromagnetic fields could be used to knock out electronics and paralyze an area and the stronger the waves the bigger the area. Supposedly the experiments were concluded in 2019 with the navy stating the Pais Effect could not be proven. Was it really stopped or just moved to a black project where work is being continued?

When we talk about planes which have been in service for many years, the B-52 bomber takes the cake. The grand-children of the original pilots could be piloting the plane since it entered into service in 1955 but made its first flight in 1952. Imagine having a car made in 1952 which was on the road, how primitive it would feel. Anyway, there is another plane, the F-15 which has been coming out with newer versions for over 50 years and the newest version was just introduced. It is the F15EX. The government has contracted for 76 planes over 5 years with the goal of acquiring a total of 144 planes. Planes have airframes which are rated in hours and as the age of the frame is reached the plane needs to be replace and this is happening to some of the older F-15 planes in service.

It is important to note, while the military need big advanced weapons with more bang, the weapons a grunt carries and the army uses are also very important. According to some, the Abrams tanks and Apache helicopters will disappear over time and be replaced by a next generation tank, and AI controlled aircraft. The army is planning to mount laser weapons on a ground vehicle to combat enemy aircraft. The army is also working on robot tanks. There is a program run by the army called optionally manned fighting vehicle. They even have a remote controlled armored personnel carrier. The Apache and even the Blackhawk helicopters are going to be replaced with new vertical lift craft and new helicopters. The army is working on a cannon which can fire a shell many hundreds of miles to counter the big Russian and Chinese cannons.

We thought we were going to have rail guns installed on ships, but there were problems such as rails wearing out. The Chinese claim to have installed them. We have decided to use a hypervelocity projectile which can be fired from an existing gun, and yet some are claiming the railgun project is not dead and rail guns will be installed on navy ships. I guess we will have to wait and see on this one. There is one big advantage with a rail gun, there is no explosives which have to be carried on a ship since it fires solid metal munitions.

The Sikorsky RaiderX is a prototype for a future helicopter. It not only has two coaxial rotors, it also has a propeller in the back pushing the aircraft. It is fast for a helicopter reaching speeds of 288 miles per hour in flight. It not only accelerates faster than other helicopters it also brakes faster. The Drone Gun Tactical is just plain weird looking. It is sort of like aiming a large triangle. It is not a weapon which fires projectiles however. It sends a powerful signal at the drone which disables it. Amazingly it does not harm the drone which either lands when hit or returns to where it came from.

The jeep in World War II was said to be our most important weapon by General Eisenhower, today the military has an advanced version of an all-terrain vehicle known as the Polaris Dagor. It can hold nine soldiers, travel over the worst terrain and is easily carried on aircraft to a location. The vehicle weighs less than 4 tons and can tow 3 tons while loaded. The Caliber MK4 and the T7 L3Harrris are two robotic machines which can enter places too dangerous for humans to enter. Both can destroy cars and lift them. They are said to be perfect for bomb disposal and are able to travel over rough terrain due to being tracked vehicles.

A new automatic pistol has been developed which can not be fired by anyone other than the person it was meant for. It has no fingerprint reader but instead works off a smart watch worn by the user. The watch also contains useful data such as how many bullets have already been fired from the clip. While this weapon is being looked at, I don’t believe it has made it to the military yet.

One of the newest things in the military is adaptive camouflage.  It shields their infrared signature. It stop thermal imaging systems from discovering a target. While it doesn’t render the vehicle, boat or aircraft invisibility, it is offering protection from heat seeking missiles. I think most of us know what a taser is. It is a device which delivers a shock, rendering a person helpless. Now there is a weapon known as the Taser Shockwave. It has a 25 foot range and is composed of many taser like devices for crowd control or some battlefield conditions.

One of the things which has been talked about for years is precision guided firearms. The rifle firing the munition uses a sort of similar system to that used in a fighter jet to guide the bullet to its target. The Phasr Rifle is a strange looking device. It looks like a rifle from out of a science fiction movie. It is a non-lethal weapon which produces temporary blindness in someone which is hit. It fires a low intensity laser beam. The Heat Ray is another device which is said to be non-lethal. It heats the skin of the target disbursing crowds or groups of enemy soldiers.

I personally would rather see more non-lethal weapons developed, but I also realize the world is developing more dangerous weapons every year and we have to stay ahead of the curve.

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