Truth Facts




Modifying the Weather

Man has tried to control the weather and alter his environment for thousands of years. He may have begun by praying to the gods for rain to water his crops or to stop the rain from flooding his fields and ruining his crops. Maybe early man wanted better weather for hunting or simply warmer weather, after all it can get cold in the winter in those caves. I think it is safe to say that these early attempts at weather control were failures, even though if you pray enough times the weather might change eventually. If by coincidence the weather did get better after a prayer than the requester must have been thought to have been very powerful and a favorite of the gods. He or she might have been made the priest or priestess for the tribe.

As modern man looks deeper and deeper into the causes of different types of weather, he is beginning to find out some bizarre things. He has found out even to predict the weather with one hundred percent accuracy, a computer system far more powerful than anything currently in use today will be needed. The number of events that affect the weather is staggering. We may even need the capabilities of a quantum computer to get predictions right. Then there are the bugs. British scientists suspect some bugs may be able to manipulate weather, thus insuring their survival. Currently under study is the role microbes play in weather formation. When water was examined from some clouds, it contained micro-organisms and some of them were ammonia oxidizing bacteria. Algae may also figure greatly in creating clouds and thus causing rainfall. This is what we know so far, but there could be a lot more things affecting what type of weather we are going to have. In some cases, weather prediction is very important. Take rocket launches for instance, or where severe weather could cause some harm to people if they didn’t get enough notice to move out of the way.

Some people believe that Nikola Tesla, the Croatian electrical genius who worked with Thomas Edison and the founder of alternating current, invented a machine which could control the weather. Tesla himself offered a device to the US military he claimed could send huge amounts of electricity into a small area. He claimed this was more powerful than the atom bomb we were working on, and called it a death ray. When he died, all his notes disappeared from his apartment in New York City. It is claimed by some the same machine can excite the atmosphere by sending these electrical charges into it and causing changes in the weather. Can the military alter the weather? The UN didn't want to take any chances and drew up treaties banning weather warfare. Are these treaties being respected or are they just given lip service? There are other devices and mysterious projects run by the US government that smack of weather control. H.A.A. R. P. stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This program is billed as a study tool for studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere for the particular purpose of better communications. But what is really going on? Isn't it dangerous to shoot holes in the ionosphere? Is this some sort of weather control device, or super weapon. Who knows for sure? Every time a hole is made in the ionosphere there is a danger it could stay open allowing cosmic rays to enter onto the earth. This sort of reminds you of the hole in the Ozone layer, doesn't it? I hope we were not somehow responsible for that. The good news about that hole is it seems to be closing up.

We all know that seeding clouds with dry ice was very popular and thought to create rain. Some claim that it was effective much of the time and others thought of it as not too effective. I think we can eliminate this method as a reliable method for controlling the weather. It was only meant to produce rain anyway.

Is the US the only country that may be able to control the weather? Not at all. The Russians have been very active in this area. For over twenty five years there have been rumors and articles stating the Russians are capable of creating cyclones. An article appeared in the Washington Post on 11/14/97 that talked about using a Russian created cyclone to clear haze created by fires. Malaysian officials wouldn't talk about the methods, but stated it could change whole weather systems. What a weapon a tornado would make. You could clear a battlefield in no time, and depending on the strength of the storm maybe even destroy tanks and heavy equipment. In the 1930s an order was issued by Joseph Stalin to find ways to influence the weather. "There were quite a number of areas in which those technologies were in high demand," said Viktor Petrov, deputy head of Atmosphere Technologies Agency ATTECH in Moscow, naming "agriculture, aviation, traffic, hydro-electric power, forestry and city life." A fact that is not generally known is weather control was used to prevent rain over the Chernobyl reactor after the disaster. The Russians claim cloud busting almost never fails anymore. An unconfirmed report states the Russians conducted a "cold explosion" in which an electronic device was used to rapidly lower temperatures. It is said the device sucked water up from the ocean to a height of 60,000 feet where a glowing sphere of light appeared and spread the water into a cloud. How would we ever know if weather modification was taking place and was not natural? It would be almost impossible to tell.

Persistent reports indicate the US is now capable of steering the jet stream by producing high and low pressure fronts along with heating selected areas of the atmosphere. Sounds like H.A.A. R. P. doesn't it?

Well I don't know much about what is really going on in the field of using weather for military use, but I do know weather could become a weapon more fearsome than almost anything in any arsenal now. It would have great advantages over nuclear weapons in that the area would not be contaminated after the weather weapon was used. Let’s hope someday humans will stop thinking of using new technologies for war and think about their advantages in peace time use. There are plenty of places on this planet where more rain would be a very welcome event and could be used to turn a desert into a lush piece of land. In a small way it has already been proved what irrigation can do, imagine how much better it would be for very large areas to be converted by rain.

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