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Telekinesis And The US Military

Telekinesis, most people say it is bunk. There are more than enough critics of the ideas around and some even offer rewards if they can’t duplicate what someone does, who claims to have it. I have always said while it is hard to believe in telekinesis, just because someone can do a trick which accomplishes what looks like telekinesis doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If I had some power which allowed me to do something and someone else was able to seem to do the same thing using trickery, would that mean I was powerless? It would not. Let’s take this a step further. If you believe in miracles and someone was able to accomplish the same thing using a trick would this mean the original miracle was a trick? Trickery doesn’t prove anything, contrary to what some magicians will tell you. This leads me to a report which I think you might be interested in from the US Air Force who commissioned and it has to do with telekinesis.

First let me define telekinesis for you just in case you are unfamiliar with the term. Here is the defination as it appears in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. “The production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means.” Telekinetic is the adjective and telekinetically is the adverb. The report came out in 2004, but drew little attention. It is in PDF form at you can copy and paste the address for it into your browser which is http://www.fas.org/sgp/eprint/teleport.pdf. Sorry, About Facts doesn’t use live links. First of all the report was sponsored and possibly monitored by the Air Force Research Laboratory known as the AFMC. The subjects of the study were teleportation; physics, quantum teleportation; teleportation phenomena; anomalous teleportation; teleportation theories; teleportation experiments, teleportation bibliography.Β  The bottom line of the report was it showed telekinesis was possible and asked for further study. Here is the conclusion from the report. “We will need a physics theory of consciousness and psychotronics, along with more experimental data, in order to test the hypothesis in Section 5.1.1 and discover the physical mechanisms that lay behind the psychotronic manipulation of matter. P-Teleportation, if verified, would represent a phenomenon that could offer potential high-payoff military, intelligence and commercial applications. This phenomenon could generate a dramatic revolution in technology, which would result from a dramatic paradigm shift in science. Anomalies are the key to all paradigm shifts!”

Many of us know who Uri Geller is. He became famous for bending spoons and claimed he did it by telekinesis. Many others called him a trickster, because quite a few magicians could trick you into thinking they used telekinesis to do the same thing. Geller insisted what he did was not a trick. The U.S. was aware of other countries experimenting with telekinesis such as the old Soviet Union and China among others. Many in our military believed there was merit to these studies and that is why we began the Remote Viewing Program. Remote Viewing was a program where people were taught to use a form of telekinesis to view what was happening anywhere else in the world without going there. It is said both the US and USSR had strong Remote Viewing programs and they worked so well the US was able to locate hostages taken by Iran using remote viewers who were in a room in the US.

This brings me to all those stories where people claim they somehow went back into time and actually walked around and even spoke to people and then were transported back and had no idea how this happened. This would sound silly except for the fact some reliable and seemingly honest people claimed this. It is now believed by some to be part of telekinesis as you can see by the definition of the word. The report listed it and far from ridiculing it, asked for further study. Could it be that some of us have a hidden power we are not aware of and it can be set off under a specific set of circumstances? Some have said no this can’t be, because there were a few times more than one person has said they were transported in time at once. Well the only way this can be answered is they were lying, they were transported by some other method or just being next to a person with this power was enough for them to be transported also.

If people could be transported in time without realizing how they did it, might not some of them be stuck in the past? Millions of people go missing on this planet every year and it makes one wonder how many of them this could have happened to. How do we know some of the great figures in history were not from this time or even from our future? Could Hero, the great inventor from Alexandria been inspired to create his inventions, because he had already come from a place where these things were common place?

There are others who claim to have the ability to bend spoons with their mind and one is a child who is only six years old. If you paste the following addresses into your browser you can watch her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b_ic1mTv5U. I wouldn’t put too much faith in this particular video since the original fork goes out of view for a while and is probably substituted with a different one. The skeptics have a video on spoon bending, here is the address for your browser, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxSNuIx4m5k. What I have shown you doesn’t mean telekinesis is not possible and it certainly means more than just bending spoons. Another thing it means is moving objects with your mind. This has been recorded many times.

The human mind is far more complex than we are yet aware and we may have powers that are being wasted. These powers may now be in all of us or only a small minority or they may be in every human on this earth but not accessible to all, who knows?


