Truth Facts
Weapons And War |
Deceit and Lies
The things I believe most of us hate is deceit and lies. How long have we been led to believe Iran wanted nukes to use against us? Never was one word mentioned that we allowed their mortal Arab enemy Saudi Arabia to have them and didn’t say a word. Recently Saudi Arabia came out and said they already have nuclear weapons and after that statement the CIA confirmed it. Now it is thought Saudi Arabia has seven nuclear weapons and this could very well be the reason Iran wanted them, because they felt threatened by the Saudis. We allowed the country which seems to have the most terrorists to have these and the Bushes were so close with the ruling family there is pictures of them kissing them and holding their hands and allowing the only plane in the air on 9/11 after the attack to be the bin Laden family’s jet taking them home. This disclosure has changed the way I think about things in the Middle East. Now I have to believe much more has been kept from us and if we knew about it we just might be very angry. This just goes to show we can’t believe anything we are told. So chalk up at least 7 nukes for Saudi Arabia which we never knew existed. I wonder what other Middle Eastern countries we allowed to have nukes? This means our entire nuclear prevention program is a sham.
Why is this information being released, one would think it has been secret so long, because the US government didn’t want anyone to know we didn’t stop Saudi Arabia from acquiring nuclear weapons? Recently an analyst came out with a statement about this. He said the only way this information would have been released by the CIA is if the President wanted it released. It said this was because it is a felony to release classified secret information and normally the person releasing it would have gone to jail. The information was released in a television interview. The analyst said the reason we wanted it released had nothing to do with Iran, it was letting Russia know if they use tactical nukes in Syria, the Saudis were capable of striking them with nuclear missiles and bombs. While the nukes fit on missiles which have a certain range, they can also be carried by the F-15 fighters the Saudis have and dropped as bombs. There we go again inserting Russia into it. If it isn’t Russia it is China. The arms manufacturers must be very happy these two countries exist so they can use them as an excuse for the ever increasing more expensive weapons production.
I mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. We keep talking about our missile defense which requires missiles to shoot down incoming missiles, but we never talk about out electronic missile defense. If the military could stop incoming missiles with an electronic shield of some sort or an electronic weapon which would not have to hit the missile to knock it down, it would be an incredible defense. We have been working on such a system for years and some are saying we have it, but it is top secret. They say the systems are so secret most of the military is left out of the loop and doesn’t even know of their existence. Supposedly the system is not a shield, but something you aim in the area of the incoming missiles and is equivalent to any other signal as far as how it works. It seems to be able to be sent to an area such as a Wi-Fi signal is and anything in range is rendered useless as the electronic components of the missiles fail.
The British have been using their new Brimstone missile in Syria and it has gained a reputation for precision. It is said to be the most accurate precision strike product on the market. It weighs a little over 100 pounds, is 71 inches long and costs a little over £100,000. It has a range of about 7 miles and can be fired from Tornado GR4 jets from an altitude of up to 20,000 feet. It is being said Britain has the only missile capable of being launched this way from a jet and the other countries have to launch from helicopters or unmanned vehicles. The editor of Jane’s Defence Weekly stated using jets allows for more missiles to be carried. The Tornado can carry 12 of them, but there is one other country which has Brimstone missiles and it is Saudi Arabia. The manufacturer of the missile, MBDA has said the missile provides low risk of collateral damage due to its superior guidance system.
We are getting ready to add the biggest rip-off ship to its fleet. It is the Gerald Ford aircraft carrier which we were fleeced out of 13 billion dollars for. It is one of the largest aircraft carriers making it even a bigger target. The new British carrier still uses steam catapults, but we opted for the extremely expensive electronic ones. The ship does have about three times the electrical capability of other carriers however. It is claimed the electronic catapults will allow 25% more launches per day. Many experts, including naval officers, believe the day of the carrier is over due to the accuracy of missiles and high speed torpedoes. I have mentioned the fact we would be better off with small carriers we could send out in groups so all our eggs wouldn’t be in one basket. Think of it this way, we build 5 smaller carriers for the same price total or less and each has 15 planes which equals the total of 75 planes on the Gerald Ford. We put less sailors at risk on each carrier and we can spread out the carriers so they are not as big a target. Actually the best thing we could do would be build submarine type carriers, but I am sure we would have to pay even more than what we paid for the Gerald Ford, the Japanese had them in World War II, but they only held up to 5 planes each. On top of that the Gerald Ford is going to be equipped with F-35s, the worst plane we have ever produced and at a high cost. There have been quite a few stories about the shortcomings of the carrier and that it has a lot wrong with it which has to be fixed and so does the plane.
It is being said that when we sent our troops to the first Gulf War more than 200,000 of them were hit by nerve gas and chemical agents. The worst part of this is we are denying it and now according to different articles where reporters have followed the lives of a few of these troops, it is being said the brain cancer rate among them is two to three times the normal rate. Others are said to have a high rate of lung cancer and other chronic debilitating diseases and pain. To make matters even worse there are claims the nerve gas was manufactured in the United States.