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Are We Being Lied To, To Sell Weapons?

The weapons manufacturers of the world, especially the American ones are really raking in the profits as we continue to have unrest and wars in the world and are told we need to keep our weapons on the cutting edge. I laugh when I hear this, because so many weapons are just crap which has been sold as cutting edge. A lot of the weapon’s salesmen remind me of the movie Tin Men. This is where two aluminum siding salesmen sell their wares door to door using all sorts of shady deals and selling inferior products. Anyway the amount of weapons in the world which are in the hands of armies to terrorists is only rivaled by the amount of weapons no longer in use. If anyone is familiar with those photos of thousands of planes, tanks and other weapons rotting in desert holding areas, they know what I am talking about and this doesn’t even show the huge mothballed fleet of ships.

In a different article I announced the fact the first two countries with the biggest military budgets were the U.S. and then China with a much smaller budget. It was the third country which surprised me, because it was Saudi Arabia. What could possibly be the reason for such a small country with only a population of almost 29 million people creating such a huge stockpile of weapons? There are a couple of reasons this might happen. The first is the fact the royal House of Saud is afraid of being overthrown. The second reason is they might be buying all these weapons to appease us so that they are one of our very favored allies and thus protected from Israel if there is a war. The third reason might be they want to be so well armed Israel won’t attack them. The third reason is probably not valid because both countries revealed they were conducting secret diplomacy this year even though they don’t have diplomatic relations.

The Chinese are developing all sorts of new weapons and on paper they seem to be formidable, but many are untested and under closer inspection are not as good as they seem to be. The biggest threat seems to be a new type of supersonic missile. The reason this missile seems to be very dangerous is the fact it can change course in flight and is very fast. It has been said the reason for its development was to threaten U.S. aircraft carriers and if need be, destroy them. Here is where I find a big problem. We do not know when we are told things like how dangerous these missiles are, if that is just talk by the military industrial complex to get us to buy more anti-missile missiles. Every weapon is dangerous, but we do have countermeasures for at least some of them. The Chinese may indeed be developing a superfast air breathing missile which can change course, but we might already have a defense against it. It could be the idea of swarming drones is being designed to knock all the missiles out of the air, but we are not being told this. Weapons development has by its very nature to be secret, but our problem is a lot of weapons designs get stolen from this country. Is it on purpose to get us to sign up for even more sophisticated weapons? This might sound paranoid, but think about how many times we let our designs get into so called enemy hands and you too might think it is possible.

How many times are we going to hear the Russians are our enemies and how dangerous they are? It seems to be an incredibly stupid statement. If it wasn’t for their nukes, what do they really have? There military budget has just risen to about 1/6th of ours. Many of their ships lay rotting at docks. Their army is said to need to combine several units to fill out a battalion. In a non-nuclear war they wouldn’t have a chance against us, but the military industrial complex keeps painting them like this was still the Cold War, when they were much more capable. This is good business for the purveyors of weapons. Since many Americans remember the Cold War they still think Russia is a very powerful country militarily and this is just what we are supposed to think. This eliminates many of the question which would be asked about some of the weapons systems we buy, because they are said to protect us from the Russians.

I know I have spoken about ISIS before, but the Arabs should be able to crush them in a heartbeat and yet they keep going and even taking over cities. CBC World News cited the number of ISIS fighters as somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000. Does this really sound like much of a threat to any of the armed forces in the Middle East? If we look at the latest survey of the armies in the Middle East by GFP in 2015 we find the following facts, Israel has a military which has almost 3 million fit for service and about 800,000 active frontline and reserve personnel. Iran has almost 40 million fit for service and about 550,000 frontline and 1,800,000 active reserve. Saudi Arabia has almost 14 million fit for service and 233,500 frontline and 25,000 active reserve. The United Arab Emirates has over 3 million fit for service and 65,000 frontline and no active reserves. Jordan has almost 3 million fit for service and 111,000 frontline and 65,000 active reserve. Even tiny Oman has almost 1.5 million fit for service, 72,000 frontline and 20,000 active reserves. Yemen has about 8 million fit for service and almost 67,000 frontline and 71,000 active reserves. Bahrain has almost 700,000 fit for service, 13,000 frontline and almost 113,000 active reserves. If one want to count Iraq they have 13 million fit for service, 271,500 frontline and over 500,000 active reserve.

Now I have to ask the question why can’t almost any of these countries kick the butt of ISIS? I can understand Israel staying out of the fray, because they don’t want to get into a Mid-Eastern war, but it certainly looks like even if a few Arab countries joined up they could overwhelm ISIS doesn’t it? Could they have been told to stay out of things by some higher power for reasons unknown at the moment? I hate to say it, but it looks that way to me at the moment, because many of them are expressing worry about ISIS and yet doing nothing. Is ISIS just another ploy to sell weapons at the expense of the conquered areas? Are we trying to make ISIS seem like a threat it could never fill the shoes of?



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