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So what is the true purpose of ISIS, does a relatively small group think they can overcome the entire Middle East? They are much more devious than that. They know they are too small with not enough support in the power centers of the Muslim world, so why do they fight and commit such terrible acts? They believe by committing these terrible acts they will turn the Western World against the Muslim one. When and if that happens they foresee every Muslim country joining forces and swelling their ranks to incredible numbers. This is why each act of murder seems to be more horrible than the last. It is very important for us not to lump all Muslims into the terrorist camp. As you may have noticed this has backfired a little. The terrible act of executing Coptic Catholics in masse angered Egypt and the fact a Jordanian pilot was murdered angered Jordan. Both heinous acts caused bombing attacks by those countries and the king of Jordan pledged he would not only kill the leader of ISIS, but kill his entire family. I don’t believe this was the result ISIS expected.

The question is why did ISIS anger Jordan and Egypt, was this just a mistake in tactics or did they think they could send a warning to these countries about interfering in the ISIS grand plan? ISIS seems to be a bull in a china shop. They have demonstrated that they believe if they cause terror by killing people in the most terrible ways everyone else will fall in line. They could have been easily crushed when they were in the desert. before they began their rampage, but this didn’t happen. Why was this? The Arab countries didn’t want to offend other Muslims and hoped they, ISIS, would leave them alone, but this was not to be. The Americans didn’t want to offend the Arabs and hoped this would just be another small regional problem, but didn’t expect ISIS to start a march across the Middle East. Many people noticed that the last masse beheadings took place right across from Italy and they believe this was a warning to the West that ISIS was coming.

We are being told ISIS has taken over from al-Qaida and is now the biggest terrorist organization in the Middle East and in the world. Why is it we must ALWAYS have an enemy? We know we have to if we want to keep the military industrial complex humming along. You can’t sell weapons in peacetime and Russia has not obliged us as hard as we tried to paint them as a deadly enemy about to strike. Could we have left ISIS alone or even fanned the fires of their movement? I hope not, but it does conveniently give us an enemy when we can’t seem to find a country to make a true threat. ISIS has marched across Iraq and carved out large portions of land for themselves. Suddenly the remnants of the Iraq military force who were one of the most feared in the region before we invaded, cannot fight. We heard we need time to train them and such, but how can this be if they already were trained and many of their former officers are still available? I can’t help but wonder about this?

ISIS is controlled and led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, also known as Abu Dua. It is now being said ISIS is far more violent than al-Qaida was. They are basically Sunni. They claim they want to form a Caliphate which is what existed in the distant past. Some if not all of the surrounding countries are getting very worried as more recruits join ISIS. There have been stories of ISIS soldiers getting disillusioned and trying to leave who were executed. There were also stories about terrible punishment being administered to those who missed one of the prayer seasons which occur several times every day. It is said those persons were whipped in public. Some reporters have said ISIS relies on surprise attacks, but I don’t see how this can be true anymore with all the satellites watching everything and the intelligence we have today. Could this indicate we are not passing along our intelligence to the governments of the threatened countries or is the idea of surprise attacks wrong and ISIS doesn’t care where it attacks, because it believes it is so strong and God is on its side that no one can resist?

It seems to me ISIS is an organization out of the time period it exists in. It would fit better into the middle ages. The more territory they occupy the harder it will be to get rid of them, because much of the fight will become urban with innocent people in the way. This seems to be the way of modern warfare. Should the United States worry about what is going on so far away? We say we should, because terrorists will surely come to this country and cause havoc and murder. This is probably true and we must help with the ISIS problem. We must also be part of a coalition which includes all the countries of the area including Russia. This feud with Russia should end and we should also get back to cooperation in space with the Russians.

It is being said that ISIS is using suicide bombers, this means if we confront an ISIS force we would have to kill all of them to avoid the threat of being blown up. It is a shame a group would think nothing of the value of human life. ISIS experienced a quick rise in power during the uprising of the Sunni in Syria in 2011. Iraq had a Shia dominated government. As they say, oil and water don’t mix. When peaceful demonstrations by the Sunni didn’t work in Iraq, the ISIS movement began to use terror tactics. ISIS can operate on both sides of the Syrian-Iraq border making it harder for them to get nailed down. If government workers are found, even if they are street cleaners they will be murdered by ISIS. It seems no person is of too low a position in a government to die at their hands and the street cleaners suffer the same fate as would the captured leaders of countries. Mercy doesn’t seem to be in their dictionary.

If they believe they are truly religious, their view of God is completely different than the rest of us. To them God is an avenging being who commits the worst kinds of atrocities on those who are not Sunni. He has no mercy and very rigid rules which if disobeyed meet with the harshest of punishments. I can’t help but think what kind of ideas are these. If one believes God is this cruel what is the point of following him. This sounds more like a view in which the devil would be God. Most of the world believes God is a kind, forgiving being and that we will be forgiven for any transgressions if we are truly sorry. It is true many terrible things have been done in the name of God, but is that the fault of God? No it is the fault of humans and for every bad person on this planet there are plenty of good ones. This is something you find out the longer we live.

As far as ISIS goes, it is time for the countries of the region to stop them with the help of US intelligence. We cannot fight everyone’s battles anymore.


