Ukraine Forces vs. Russian Forces
As I start to write my article for today, I can’t help but think about the Ukraine. Nothing I could write would be more important than writing about the Ukraine, so I have decided to write about what is going on in my view. There has been plenty of reporting on the war and we can see some of the things reported on, are absolutely true and others are unverified. For example, we really don’t know the amount of killed and wounded on each side. One thing which surprised me was the fact Putin has allowed dead Russian soldiers to be sent home for funerals. This has to alert the population there is a war going on. This leads me to a thought I had which is maybe not all the dead Russian soldiers are being sent home. I know this sounds bizarre, but I am trying to think like Putin.
I was also very surprised by an article which stated the head of the Russian Orthodox church was reported to have justified the attack on Ukraine. Is the article truthful, or was it designed to try and influence the Russian population that the war on Ukraine was started by Ukraine? I hope the article was propaganda and not truthful. I just can’t believe how spineless the administration is. I wouldn’t expect American military people to be sent to the Ukraine, but most everything else should be on the table. If Putin isn’t stopped here and made to pay the price, the next attack will be on another country and it might be a NATO country and then what will the administration do, run for their lives?
The very least we can do is stop talking about Ukraine and begin doing something about it. The 29 Mig jets in Poland should have already been given to the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are trying to use their air force very sparingly. The total number of all the different types of aircraft they have is about 225. This also includes those in the defense force. The size of the Ukraine military at the time of the invasion was 245,000 with the reserves being another 220,000. The Ukrainians have a tiny navy of 38 mostly small boats and are rated at 53rd in naval size.
The Russians are said to have a force of 150,000 soldiers invading Ukraine. Total military personnel is said to be 1,350,000. That includes active personnel, Reserves and Paramilitary. They have 4,173 aircraft of all kinds, and have 605 ships in their navy. This includes 70 submarines, an aircraft carrier and other ships and boats. I think you can see what a mismatch this war is.
I wanted to show the military strength for both Russia and Ukraine so you could get a sense of how defenseless Putin thought the Ukraine would be if he invaded. He planned it for some time and when he saw how weak our administration was, he decided this was the time to strike. What he didn’t figure on was the world would rise up in condemnation and begin to cut Russia off. Many businesses from this country and others have stopped doing business in Russia. Putin has created new laws which punish Russians for speaking out about the war and a Russian could be sent to prison for 15 years for this so called offense. The news in Russia can’t report on what is happening but as the bodies of Russians come home and the people see many of the American businesses closing along with those of the Europeans, they have to know what is going on.
Some companies have shown more guts than the government. A Canadian satellite company is allowing their satellites to be used for reconnaissance by the Ukrainians They can see all the Russian troop movements thanks to this company. The Russians have been meeting with the Ukrainians trying to get them to give away parts of their country and create an amendment that they can never join NATO. So far, they have refused. The Russians want two areas of the Ukraine to be declared independent and they want the Crimea. They are hoping the Ukrainians want peace so bad they will go for this deal. Well, they have said no.
As the war goes on, it is making Putin look weaker than we thought. For its size, his army hasn’t done very well. It has a 40 mile convoy of trucks and tanks which has either been stalled or crept slowly along. If it wasn’t for the fact Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, this could have made other countries think they were a paper tiger. Putin also showed his word was not worth anything by declaring cease fires where he said civilians would have time to leave besieged cities, only to open fire on them when they tried. The act was so despicable it goes beyond any possible defense. Putin has shown he cares nothing not only for the lives of Ukrainians, but also Russian soldiers.
What the world has to worry about now is will he get so depressed with is failing invasion, he will use tactical nukes? Through all this we have Russia negotiating for us with Iran, the worst terrorist nation on earth and making it possible for them to get a nuclear weapon in exchange for their oil. Speaking about oil there is something I do not understand. Supposedly the administration is worrying about global warming over everything else that is why we are begging all our enemies to supply us with oil. We will still be using the same amount of oil but paying a lot more and if we are worried about climate change, what difference does it make if the oil we use comes from Alaska or Texas, or from Iran and Venezuela? This policy is so stupid and hurtful to Americans it is almost impossible to believe this is going on. It seems to me the only reason could be the administration wants us to turn off all our fossil fuel without having a replacement and yet doesn’t care if other countries pump their oil.
It was very embarrassing when the President called Saudi Arabia today and they wouldn’t answer his call. It is said he called the head of OPEC which wouldn’t answer and then the Prince who wouldn’t answer the call. How embarrassing is that? Why would the Saudis pump more oil when they are making more money by keeping the price incredibly high? What is the president thinking of? The private oil companies have taken it upon themselves to start drilling on their oil leased land. They have the drilling up to two thirds of the leases and hope by 2023 things will get a lot better, no thanks to the government.