Truth Facts



The Russian Attack On The Ukraine

I was thinking about what to write about today, and everything pales in comparison to what is going on in the Ukraine where brave people are defending their country against overwhelming odds. It seems the Russian army, at least up to today, doesn’t want to completely destroy that country. I think Hitler, I mean Putin, thinks it will bring down so much hate upon him and his country, even from most countries which were getting closer to Russia that it may not be worth it. He does seem to be more irrational than usual however and putting his nuclear forces on alert is a dangerous move.

I remember when the old Soviet Union thought we had launched a nuclear ICBM against them. The order was given to a commander of their nuclear forces to launch at the United States but the commander refused saying why would the United States only launch one missile if they were launching a nuclear attack? It turned out thanks to this commander there was no launch and a short time later it was discovered there was a glitch in the Russian tracking system. Nuclear war is just too dangerous to even contemplate.

One of the problems the world has is with the news media. It is hard to believe anything they tell us. There is no doubt however Russia has attacked Ukraine and has killed at least hundreds of it citizens. According to the news media the Ukranians have killed or wounded over 3,500 Russian soldiers. I have a problem with this and none of the numbers quoted can be verified. Are the news media trying to create figures to enhance the story of the battle?

What is going on is terrible. I know we have all seen the apartment building a missile went into. The Russians had said they were only attacking military targets, but if you put a couple of hundred thousand troops into an area and start a war, unexpected things happen. The missile was probably some sort of mistake and hit the wrong target, but this does not excuse the Russians for the murders which are taking place in that country.

One of the things which is truly ironic is Putin calling the leader of Ukraine a Nazi. Zelinski is Jewish, also calling them a bunch of drug addicts was a bizarre call. Could it be Putin was thinking about himself and maybe that is why he is acting so strange? While all this is going on we are the ones helping to finance his war by continuing to buy his oil. This is total madness. The money we are paying for the oil is becoming blood money.

I am not a political writer, and this type of article is far from what I usually write about, but how can one ignore the carnage that is taking place on innocent people? The president of the Ukraine, Zelinski is an extremely brave man. He is being compared to Winston Churchill and rightfully so. We just keep mistake after mistake when trying to prevent and then handle the situation. We should have given the Ukranians weapons when Putin first starting his troop buildup, but we didn’t. We should have put some sanctions in place against Putin at that time with the promise of more severe sanctions if he didn’t stop the buildup, but we didn’t. Today an announcement was made on the news and we have to decide if it was true. It stated Biden told the president of China, Xi Jinping our plans for what we are going to do next and he called Putin and told him. I hope this isn’t true but if it was, it is a heinous act and one of the most stupid things anyone could do.

Everyone knows we have a way to stop the Russians, but we just won’t do it. The way is cutting off their oil and bringing us back to total oil sufficiency. The world is getting more dangerous and we have to think about stopping the spread of nuclear weapons which could be the way the world ends. If that happens what good will worrying about climate change at the moment do for us? I always say, first things first. We can worry about climate change after we settle this problem.

The situation we are getting into reminds me of World War II when the Axis powers formed. Germany, Italy and Japan. Today we have Russia, China and Iran. Russia wants to take back all the countries of the former Soviet Union. China wants to dominate the world and Iran wants to drop nuclear bombs on Israel and the United States. This kind of stuff never goes away but the weapons just keep getting deadlier.

A diplomatic meeting between Russia and the Ukraine as just been agreed to. Maybe the Russians would be satisfied with a clear path to their naval base which is in the Ukraine. They will probably ask for much more and one of the things will probably be for the president of Ukraine and his cabinet to step down so they can install a puppet government. I am sure this would not go well with the Ukrainian people. They might also ask for the two regions where they have many supporters to become part of Russia. The rebels there are attacking the rest of Ukraine. You have to wonder if the Ukranians hadn’t given back all the nuclear weapons to Russia, would they still have been attacked?

The Russians still have half their troops outside the Ukraine. This is what makes me think things are not going well for the Russians or at least not going according to plan. The last time they invaded the Ukraine, their tanks and planes were hard to stop. This time the Javelin anti-tank weapons are said to be killers and the anti-aircraft missiles are taking out Russian planes. The Irony is they are Russian missiles. Since the administration didn’t resupply the Ukranians before the invasion any resupply will have to be through countries like Poland and who knows what might happen since they are a NATO country and if attacked it could trigger a world war. Russia has threatened Sweden and Finland. They were told not to join NATO or else. The former head of NATO said Russia wanted to join NATO in the past. There are two different stories about this. The first one said Russia was denied, the second version states Putin didn’t want to have to go through all the formalities. I seem to remember he was denied.

It is time for common sense to take over and end what could be the start of the last war.

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