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Human Alien Hybrids

We know certain things are being kept from us. Many believe the current UFO wave is being covered up, because the government doesn’t want us to know aliens are more powerful than we are. The other side of the coin is a group who believe the UFO wave is really related to our secret space program. Either way we are being kept in the dark, there is no doubt about that. There are stories that turn up once in a while which seem to indicate humans are not alone on this planet. One of the problems is it is hard to prove any of these stories are true. We have faced this quandary since the Second World War when many reports came out of unknown lights following our planes which were nicknamed Foo Fighters. From that point on we began to hear about all sorts of strange things which seemed to be related to either UFOs or aliens.

One of the problem areas for us is human hybrid beings. Over the years there have been many reports of the existence of these hybrids. Sometimes we have even been shown photos. Photos were never the best evidence of anything, but today they are even less useful, because of all the software which is available to alter them. Some of the software is so good it is hard to detect when a photo has been altered and if we keep advancing the way we are, it might eventually get impossible to detect these changes. Another problem area has to do with human mutation. Sometimes human mutations can look very alien to us, but they are no more alien than we are. There are quite a few people who might see one of these really weird mutations and immediately yell alien! This is just human nature. I can see how this could happen since seeing someone with one eye in the middle of their forehead can seem downright inhuman. These people should remember years ago freak shows were quite common and full of human mutations.

Alien abduction reports have also contributed to the idea human alien hybrids exist. There are many stories which claim a person was abducted, subject to a physical and then forced to have sex with an alien being and stories do not end there. Many of these people claim sometime later they are abducted again and shown a baby which is said to be theirs and is clearly a hybrid. If the aliens are interested in creating a hybrid race, what could possibly be the reason? Some say humans are doomed and these alien hybrids are our replacements, but these are not the only theories out there. Another theory says these hybrids are being created to colonize another planet and the reason they are not using humans but hybrids is the hybrids will be better suited to their new environment and will be able to survive easier. Then there is the theory the aliens are creating soldiers to fight in their wars and alien hybrid soldiers are smarter and harder to kill.

One investigator claims he has evidence which proves hybrids exist and that there is a growing hybrid community on this planet. He states the reason hybrids were created was to allow us to evolve into higher beings. The scientist claims to have been in contact with hybrid beings and states he has a neurological disease and it makes him feel better when he is in contact with these hybrids. He has written a book “Meet The Hybrids: The Lives And Missions of ET Ambassadors On Earth”. The investigator claims when he began the project to investigate hybrids he tried to keep an open mind, but after finishing his research he now believes there are hybrids on the earth and after interviewing some of whom he believes are hybrids, he believes they are telling the truth. So what are they telling him? They told the investigator they have been growing up with alien DNA in their bodies, because there was a mission to improve mankind. You can read the entire story in Express located at Just copy and paste this address into your web browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links. As with all articles posted on the Internet and in other media you will have to use your own judgment to decide whether the statements in the article are accurate.

Many people who hear the words human alien hybrid think of humans who have made it with either Greys or Nordics. As most of you know by now the grays are small skinny beings who don’t seem to exhibit any sexual organs and are believed to be clones, which would dismiss the fact any human could mate with them. It is different when we think about the Nordics since they are described as extremely human looking beings who could pass for human in our society, but there is more to think about. One of the things which is not mentioned very much is the fact humans may have been forced to mate with reptilians and could have mated with other species which we might find extremely repulsive. There are a lot of these stories around and one has to believe where there is so much smoke there could be some fire.

Is it possible there are human alien hybrids living on our planet? There certainly is a lot of talk about it. How would we know if who we were seeing was a hybrid if we met an alien and how do we know for sure we are not alien hybrids? If aliens have been tinkering with the human race for thousands and thousands of years we may all be alien hybrids. What we are talking about now when we talk about alien hybrids may well be just the next step in hybridization. There have been quite a few theories about aliens directing our future by redesigning our DNA. Many would laugh at the suggestion, but many have laughed at other ideas which turned out to be true. Is it possible we are the result of aliens designing a better race, but are only some intermediate step? Well we certainly know we are an imperfect race, one has only to look at all the wars we have caused all over the planet so maybe a little redesigning is in order.