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Nuclear Attacks On Mars

Mars has always fascinated humans. This fascination goes back many thousands of years. The planet was named after the God of war and it may turn out this was for a very good reason. Over the years there has been some talk that Mars shows the results of a terrible nuclear war. Before I get into this I would also like to mention the fact our moon also shows what could be the results of a war. Is this just a coincidence? Why are we finding so many areas even on the earth which seem to have been attacked in ancient times by nuclear weapons? Was there advanced humans living on this planet whose history has been erased and that evidence of an ancient nuclear war means they all died, or could it mean they left the planet, because it was uninhabitable? For all we know even if there was an ancient nuclear war, advanced humans might have eventually won the battle. We just do not have enough information to know what really happened and it just as easily could have been a war between different alien races one of which used earth as a base along with the moon, Mars, other planets and even asteroids.

A paper is said to be coming out from a respected plasma physicist and he will not be the only one contributing to it. Along with the scientist will be some NASA managers and astronauts and officials from Boeing, Northrup Grumman and other companies which cite the data which has been accumulating, which points to a theory which seems to be getting very popular. The data seems to reinforce the theory that Mars was the victim of a nuclear attack. It is also being said not only was there life on Mars, but it was intelligent life, life that built monuments and the monuments we have been told do not exist such as the pyramid on Mars and the great face, actually do exist along with other monuments. If we believe what all this evidence is pointing to, we have to face the fact a civilization was destroyed and it seems to have been done from outer space. Another fact we have to face is was it done because the race that existed on Mars became a threat to other races nearby? If that turns out to be true, are we headed for the same eventual destruction?

Why is it that all of a sudden so many respected people would dare to put out a paper on such a controversial subject? It seems to me this could be considered a rebellion against the status quo and all the secrets which our government has been keeping. Perhaps we have been keeping the fact that UFOs have been visiting this planet secret for so long because the government doesn’t want to panic the general public by letting them know in the past these same aliens have destroyed other planets and even might have destroyed some cities on our own and there is nothing we can do about it. Even as cryptic as this is, I think we should have a right to know what the true history of our planet is. I know many may not agree with what I have said, but I don’t think hiding our heads under a rock does any good either.

Evidence has been found on Mars which points to the fact there were two huge nuclear explosions at two sites. One of the sites is near Cydonia Mensae and the other is near Galaxias Chaos. These seem to be the targeted areas. To give you a better reference, the first site I mentioned is where the huge face on Mars was seen. The pyramid on Mars is also near that site and it seems it may have been some sort of hub. I find the fact this site seems to have some sort of relationship to what we find in ancient Egypt fascinating. It is very hard to explain how this relationship occurs, unless we somehow believe the same people who lived in this area on Mars came to earth. The second site is said to contain remnants from the bomb such as trinitite, xenon-129, Argon 40 and krypton. It seems almost impossible for anyone to be able to deny a nuclear explosion took place in this area, because of the elements which were left behind. It does make me wonder if somehow this paper will ever see the light of day. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time people were intimidated to stop them from coming out with evidence relating to UFOs or aliens. There is another scenario which I haven’t spoken about yet. This one involves humans on both the planet Mars and the Earth. Perhaps the two planets fought each other and Mars was wiped out and the earth was bombed back to the Stone Age.

On earth there have been over 2000 nuclear explosions and the same elements that were found on Mars from nuclear explosions exist here, but on Mars they are 2 ½ times more abundant even though these explosions on Mars seemed to have occurred millions of years ago and the ones on earth only happened since 1945. The explosions on Mars had to have been massive, so large in fact we probably could not create a nuclear device that big, capable of being carried by either a rocket or airplane. It may be that whoever or whatever set off these explosions could have used even more powerful devices which were capable of shattering a planet. At first it was thought the radioactive materials might have been produced by meteors crashing into Mars, but this was disproved because these types of explosions did not produce enough of this material.

If one examines all the evidence we have found it is hard to deny the fact there is something very strange going on. If we look at the moon we find many investigators who swear they can see evidence of the remnants of glass domes over some of the craters in photos from NASA. There are also what look undeniably like ruins of buildings on the moon. There are ancient cities on earth which bear the marks of nuclear war. Mars has more than its share of what seemed to be ruins and debris which looks like statues, building materials and other familiar things. There are even strange things which have been spotted on asteroids which seem to have been created by intelligent life. Are all these things just a coincidence?

Someday we are bound to get the true story. I hope the way we get it is not by an attack by extraterrestrials thinking we are just too dangerous a race to be allowed to venture into space.