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Aliens And The Disinformation Machine

We have a way of ignoring some of the most unusual things which happen to us. I saw a program on television the other day which highlighted the fact there were green orbs appearing in the skies over Roswell New Mexico just a couple of years after the famous crash at Roswell. The sightings went on for quite a long time and no one was able to explain what the green orbs were. To this day we still don’t understand what we were looking at. How can we just ignore this fact and hope people will forget about it? This seems to be the view of the government, which is if you ignore something long enough the people that saw it will all die and the rest of the population will forget about it or have never heard of the event. The same is true of the event which occurred in the early 1950s in Washington DC. A fleet of UFOs appeared over the White House and every time we sent planes up to intercept them they would leave then come back when the planes were gone. This event became mainline news and was a headline story with photos at all the big newspapers of the time and yet if you speak to the average person on the street today they will know nothing about this.

When you are involved in UFO research and have to witness these things happening time after time it is very frustrating. The playbook has not seemed to have changed one wit since the Roswell crash. The theme is keep people away, deny what happened and blame it on some natural event and make the people who said they saw it look foolish. Besides that, create a disinformation machine and get some big name scientists to play along. I’ve talked about this kind of thing before and there is only one conclusion I can come to and that is we are hiding something for some unknown reason. The view of the population pertaining to the existence of aliens has changed over the years and now about half of the general population and a good portion of the scientific one believe alien life is possible. In our search for exoplanets we have certainly found some would seem to indicate life could exist on them using the standard of our own world and the development of life. This standard doesn’t even consider the fact there could be alien types of life which do not need an environment conducive to supporting human life.

It seems to me sometimes the denials for something we have seen or found which is related to an alien presence are far too strong for just denying the fact something might be a hoax or mistaken observation. I have a small theory of my own and it is if we constantly see something being denied which shouldn’t have amounted to much then we should pay particular attention to it and investigate it as fully as we can. In fairness I do have to admit there are plenty of people who look at certain things on other worlds and ascribed to them artificial shapes and even alien life without a smattering of reasonable proof. So I guess we have to say we sort of have a two edged sword here. I know I’ve seen things that a lot of people said was some type of alien life which I have analyzed and it turned out to be nothing more than rocks and shadows. When I think about this I immediately have to think about the planet Mars. It is very rocky and resembles some of the areas on the earth and when we look at the earthly areas we can find the same sort of rocks and shadows. This is not to say there may not be alien life on Mars. There certainly does seem to be ruins and I think we can dispute this with almost anybody who says there aren’t.

Lately the moon has come under a lot of scrutiny. This is not to say there wasn’t plenty before, but it seems there is even more interest now. Perhaps one of the reasons is the release of long-held Apollo tapes. It is interesting to note that many Apollo astronauts saw strange things on the moon and some even talked about them to each other. One of the things which keeps being brought up is the fact that strange lights seem to appear and there is no explanation for them. At first scientists believe these were caused by meteors striking the moon. Since it has no atmosphere, or at least that is what we are told, the debris does not burn up, but hits the moon and causes a sort of explosion with a lot of light. I think we can rule this out as the major cause however since light has been seen coming out of craters. Even tall columns of light have been seen. We know UFOs have been seen and there is even a broadcast by the Apollo 11 astronauts saying UFOs were all lined up on a crater and watching them as they landed on the moon.

One of the really strange stories about the moon has to do with something else I have spoken about before, which is what many believe to be a crashed million year old spaceship on the moon which had an alien body of a female in the pilot’s seat. This is one of the most denied stories and as I said before, because of that it has to be examined more closely. Some have examined it and found the ship seems to exist on the surface of the moon. The disinformation machine mounted a huge campaign against the ship being real. One has to wonder why they cared so much about this. Most of the times when something is said to be discovered like this, it gets joked about and then forgotten by the powers that be, but this case was different. An artist was even brought forward to say he faked the photos and yet this certainly didn’t explain how come the ship appeared in NASA photos. The pressure seem to be on for this to be rebuked which makes me think there has to be at least some truth to this.

This seems to be more cover-ups of UFO related sightings going on than ever before. Could it be we are getting closer to a time when aliens will reveal their presence? Unfortunately I’ve been hearing this for at least 20 years and if there are aliens out there, there is no way of knowing what their plans might be. There have been some rumors which claim the officials running the country were asked to reveal their presence, but requested not to. We don’t even know for sure if there is more than one race or if this whole entire UFO scene is just one big scam for reasons unknown. I don’t think so, what do you think?