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The Case For Crop Circles

There is something very strange going on in the world and the powers that be are doing their best to hide the fact. If you think I am referring to UFOs you are close, but you wouldn’t win the cigar. What I am talking about is no doubt related to UFOs, but it seems to be a message system of some sort, at least that is what we thought it was until several years ago when investigators changed their minds and said it was not only a message system, it was something more. I am talking about crop circles. It is said the first modern crop circle being created was witnessed on August 12, 1972. It was being created at Warminister, Pennsylvania. When the governments of the world saw we were getting a lot of crop circle creations they decided to find some people who were hoaxing the circles and they found two men and immediately placed the blame for crop circles on them, but there was a problem which many people didn’t hear about and it was crop circles were being created hundreds of miles apart and they couldn’t have all been made by these people.

A second problem was the crop circle construction. These two men were using a board and a cord and tromping down on the crops which destroyed them. Genuine crop circles of the mysterious kind were not tromped down. The crops were bent and still alive, this was something which couldn’t be accomplished with that board and cord. There was also something else to be considered, the center of a crop circle often has a physical effect on those who enter it.  Sometimes people get aroused in the center of crop circles and other times many state they have reached a heightened state of awareness. There are over 500 cases reported of this heightened awareness. Some investigators believe there are certain frequencies inside genuine crop circles which can heal ailing people. Some have said the healing power at the center of some crop circles is so powerful it goes off the scale.

We really don’t know how long ago the very first crop circle was created. We know there was a lot of buzz about a crop circle in 1678. A pamphlet was printed titled  “The Mowing Devil: Or Strange News Out of Hertfordshire.” This was in England of course. It was republished in 1913 by W.B. Gerish and here is what it said, “Being a true relation of a farmer, who bargaining with a poor mower about the cutting down three half acres of oats: Upon the mower’s asking too much, the farmer swore that the devil should mow it rather than he. And so it fell out, that very night, the crop of oat shew’d as if it had been all of a flame; but the next morning appear’d so neatly mow’d by the devil or some infernal spirit, that no mortal man was able to do the like.” It seems the farmer saw a bright light in the field the night before.

 Crop circles could have been made thousands of years ago, but they also could have been mistaken for something else. There were reports where it was thought storms were causing the strange patterns in the fields. Obviously we are talking about patterns which were not as complex as they are today. Sometimes when a crop circle is formed nothing will grow in it again and at other times it seems fertility is improved. There have been quite a few instances where these circles have appeared overnight and sometimes lights were seen creating them just as in the case of “The Mowing Devil.” Could there be something about the crop circles which we are not being told? We have found that certain isotopes have appeared in a crop circle formation which weren’t there before the crop circle was formed. Are some type of intergalactic drones forming these circles or are laser type devices from a high up ship the culprit?

Some investigators and even some scientists have started to believe the formations in the circles might be some sort of message, but we are not advanced enough yet to understand them. We have actually decoded a couple. The first one happened on 21 August, 2001. Two formations appeared near the Chilbolton radio telescope in the United Kingdom. One was an alien face which resembled the face first seen on Mars. Even more important the second formation was an answer to a message which was sent into space from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. We had sent a digital message showing our location, the atomic numbers of key biological elements, formulas for sugars and bases in nucleotides of DNA, the double helix of DNA, the figure of a human and the Arecibo radio telescope dish. What was carved into the field was a similar message, but with alterations showing an alien race, their location and their genetic makeup with a representation of what looked like a small gray type alien. According to the message the aliens have a huge population of about 21.3 billion and are on the 3rd, 4th and 5th planets in their solar system. They seem to have an extra string in their DNA and the representation of their device which picked up our signal is far more complex.

In 2002 another crop circle appeared and showed a Gray alien with a disk containing data. The message on the disk was in ASCII which is the American Standard Code for information exchange. When the message was translated here is what it said, “Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing. 0x07.” 0x07 code produces the sound of a bell on a computer. You can see the message from Arecibo by copying this address and pasting it into you browsers address bar.
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There have been other messages which have been interpreted to be different things. I remember one which was said to be the location of aliens and another which was thought to be some sort of design for an efficient engine to power a spacecraft. I am not pretending to know what is really going on with crop circles, but I do know some of them are a real mystery and because of certain circumstances of their creation they could not have been made by tricksters or even humans for that matter. It seems to me there are aliens out there dying for us to know they exist and yet for some reason don’t want to do mass landings or anything like that.