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The Russian UFO Files

Some interesting information has been released by the Russian government concerning USOs. A USO is the underwater version of a UFO. While a UFO is an unidentified flying object a USO is an unidentified submerged object. A UFO can enter the water and when it does it is known as a USO. When you consider the fact our planet has far more water than land, it is no surprise there would be so much alien activity in the water, since there is so much in our skies. Many of us who follow these things know at least several instances where USOs were see and even hunted by the military, but to no avail. One example of this is the Shag Harbor UFO incident which occurred in Canada, but which the American Navy also took part. A UFO crashed into Shag Harbor and Canadian and American ships were sent to the area. The UFO which, became a USO when it went into the water, was helped by another USO. Divers claimed to see aliens outside of their ship and ultimately the crashed USO was repaired and it along with the USO helping it got away by flying out of the ocean. This event occurred in October 1967.

The Soviets and then the Russians have had a lot of experience with USOs. The Russians have said there are permanent alien settlements under the sea. They are not alone here since many investigators believe there is an underwater alien base off the shore of California. Hundreds of UFOs have been seen diving into the water off Catalina Island along with many USOs coming out of the water there. Add to this the fact the government is said to be aware of the base, but is really helpless to do anything about it. This is probably the reason for much of the UFO secrecy in this country. The U.S. government doesn’t want us to realize they are helpless to do anything about the UFO problem. They have tried in the past but have failed miserably.

The Soviets reported a very strange encounter while divers were training. Some of the training was in the Kul Lake in Krgyzstan. While the training was going on in this region, General V. Demyanenko who was the commander of the Military Diver Service of the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defense paid them a visit. He told them a strange tale indeed. He said there was diving exercises going on in Trans-Balkal and in the West Siberian military regions and during the dives in Lake Baikal the divers had seen what at first they thought were human divers, but as they watched they realized they weren’t human and were all almost 10 feet tall. The creatures had no underwater apparatus on them and wore only some sort of dome over their heads. The commander at the base decided he was going to capture one of the creatures and ordered his men to carry out his orders. The Soviet divers dove down with a net and tried to throw it over the creature, but when they did they were all blown to the surface of the water without their prize. This incident is dubbed, “The Swimmers”.

It is interesting to note the Soviet navy had an incident which involved USOs in the Devil’s Triangle. This is an area opposite the Bermuda Triangle which is between Japan, Guam and the Philippines. It is a strange place and there are many stories of ships and planes disappearing in this area just as they do in the Bermuda Triangle. In the 1980s a search and rescue mission was taking place in the area by the Soviet navy. It involved the Soviet Pacific Fleet. As a Soviet officer was observing the sonar with other officers, they saw a USO speeding along and observed it or a similar one again. The object went so deep it disappeared.

A Russian UFO researcher claims 50% of Russian UFO sightings are connected with the ocean and 15% with lakes. A Russian submarine noticed they were being followed by six USOs. The submarine commander ordered evasive maneuvers, but nothing he did could shake his pursuers. Finally out of desperation he ordered the submarine to the surface. The USOs followed the submarine to the surface then accelerated and flew into the sky. Some say when USOs are detected moving at high speeds it defies the laws of physics, but this is not true and we have proved it by creating torpedoes which can travel at 300 miles per hour and have the potential of hitting 600 miles per hour. This technology is being studies for use with submarines and involves traveling in a sort of bubble.

Back in the 1950s a UFO investigator spoke with a professor from Odessa University who told him he had spoken with a Soviet Naval Officer who had served at the Sevastopol Naval Base. The officer said he watched as a UFO came from behind a Soviet battle cruiser. The officer believed the UFO had surfaced from under the Black Sea. The professor stated he had a photo of the UFO. It certainly wasn’t only the Soviet navy which had encounters like this, there were also many with fishing trawlers and commercial ships. There seems to be plenty of UFOs and USOs to go around.

 In 1986 the USS Dubuque was on patrol. At night the sailors would go on deck and exercise. One day they saw a bright star which began to move and make circles and performed figure eight pattern. When one of the crew was interviewed years later he said the object had to be moving at tens of thousands of miles per hours because it was so high up. He asked the look outs if they had seen it and they said yes. He went on to say later in the week he saw a report from the Japanese Defense Force which stated they had been chasing a UFO off the coast of Japan. The Japanese had radar conformation of the object.

It seems to me if every UFO report from the militaries all over the world was released, everyone might then realize the scope of UFO visitation. It would also point out how helpless we are to do anything to stop these things. The main question is should we even if we could? We know some of them come too close to aircraft and such, but the question is do we really have any direct evidence they have harmed us? Some say yes and cite several instances in the Vietnam War where UFOs were said to have attacked several warships and planes. Was this retaliation or overt acts of war and demonstrations of their power over us? It seems the public just don’t have enough information to answer these questions yet.