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Mona Lisa Of The Moon

When we talk about UFOs and aliens it seems something which could be one of the greatest stories of all is being ignored. I think one of the reasons for this is the fact it is so far out many just assume it is a hoax. Sometimes incredible things which are true get passed on, because they are so incredible. In this instance I am talking about an alien ship which was found on the moon and had the body of a female alien in it. She has become known as the Mona Lisa. What makes this so incredible, aside from the fact it could prove we are not alone, is the fact you can find the ship in NASA photos if you look hard enough. The story is the stuff science fiction movies are made of. Supposedly an American astronaut and a Soviet cosmonaut made a secret landing on the moon. Apparently NASA had noticed the object in a photograph and sent a ship to investigate. I guess this was one of the secret Apollo flights which we hear about once in a while. When the outside of the huge ship was examined it was noticed it had a tremendous amount of hits by small rocks and debris impacting on the moon. When the date was set on the object by NASA scientists it came out to an incredible 1.5 million years.

Can you imagine an alien civilization which had the ability this far back in time to travel in space? The men said when they entered the ship they found many strange things. One of the objects were strange shaped rocks which were formed into a triangle shape and emitted a yellow liquid. They also said the ship itself had glass tubes throughout it and inside those tubes were creatures with very small bodies living inside the tubes. They were only about four inches tall. This must have been a very strange sight and a very puzzling one. Why would an alien pilot be flying a ship with tiny creatures in tubes inside? I guess there could be several different explanations. One might be the pilot was transporting these creatures somewhere when the ship crashed. Another reason is maybe the tiny creatures were in charge. This might be one of the things we can’t figure out but which NASA has some knowledge of which is being withhold from us or in all fairness it may not be.

As the men went further into the ship they realized there was vegetation throughout the ship. Could this have been the source of nutrition for the small creatures and even the pilot? It was believed the triangular rocks were producing some sort of medicine. The area the ship was in was called the “City” by NASA scientists, but when the American and Russian got there they noticed it was really some sort of junk yard and pieces were strewn everywhere. These pieces were of metals which even included gold. Some pieces had symbols or writing on them. There was only one structure intact which the men found. What was eventually found in the ship made the entire trip worth it. In what is believed to be a pilot’s seat was the body of a female still intact. A device was affixed to her eyes and fingers. She wore no clothes. Cables were connected to her nose. She had an oriental look to her. There was some sort of protective layer over parts of her body which preserved it. The men said she looked more alive than dead and remember this was after 1.5 million years. Here are addresses to a couple of the photos of the alien female. You can copy and paste these addresses into your browser’s address bar. Sorry doesn’t use active outside links.
Below is the address of a photo of the ship:

You will notice there are two pictures for the alien, one with the device attached and one with it off. The female was about five feet tall. A second body was found, but it was mostly disintegrated. The head from that body was said to have been returned to earth. The skin was a sort of blue gray on the head, perhaps this was due to deterioration. It seems the earth and moon were being visited way before man was on the earth, or were we here and is this one of the secrets being kept from us. Could it be this alien really came from earth and was heading to a base on the moon where there was an accident? The truth is I don’t really think so and I will tell you why. If this was true I would have thought the ancients would have at least rescued the bodies. This seems to be ship which came from somewhere else and crashed. I have to wonder what we have learned about its propulsion systems by now.

There are many detractors of this story and some are quite adamant that this is a hoax. I believe everyone has the right to their opinion and I am only presenting what I believe to be a very interesting story. If there was some way to put it on a truth scale I think it might lean a little more to the truth than not, but in no way can I say this is true or not. It would not surprise me however if it were and the disinformation machine is in full effect trying to deny the story. There was even another story where an artist says he drew the ship, but this doesn’t account for what was found on NASA photographs of the moon. It is very hard to pin anything down nowadays and be able to say with complete certainty something is a fraud or true.

There are a lot of unexplained things which have been found on the moon and this helps support this story. The moon seems to have been a base of sorts and still has the remnants of glass domes over some of the craters according to many investigators. The book “Dark Mission the Secret History of NASA” by Hogland and Bara has photos of the moon which were said to come from NASA and clearly show some incredible things including what seems to be a debris field of metal parts including what looks like the head of a robot. There are certainly plenty of photos around from NASA where investigators have found some startling things. Taking all this into consideration I think it strengthens the case for the story of a female alien found on the moon to be true.