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FBI UFO Memo Release

A memo was released which is said to come from the FBI and it has to do with UFOs and the alien presence on earth. There has been a slow trickle of information coming from governments on this subject, but the slowest trickle is from the U.S. government. Even this slow trickle shows there are some in positions of power in the government who want us to know the truth. Unfortunately this leads also to the government’s disinformation program so we are faced with the fact the memo is either genuine or not. The memo is shown below: (I cut in and enhanced the parts to make it easier to read but nothing was changed)

Top of Memo

Bottom Of Memo

(The memo is easier to read on mobile phones when turned sideways)

If the memo is genuine it would be quite a revelation. The first thing I notice is there doesn’t seem to be a classification stamp on the document. Notice the date, July 8, 1947. This date and the Roswell UFO crash seem to close if not the same, but I can’t be exact because I have yet to find the exact date of the crash which is reliable. We do know it was early in July 1947. If we look at who sent it we see notations of The Round Bolin and The Flying Roll. I am not sure if this is the sender’s nickname or a crude description of the UFO. In the memo it says the data was obtained by supernatural means. Perhaps this has been released by the FBI because it does make the sender look silly and has a way of making anything said by the sender worthless. The sender says he or she has many degrees and is the head of a department in a university. The memo does talk about what would happen if UFOs were attacked and states the planes attacking them would be destroyed. This is what has happened over the years.

The memo goes on to say things which would indicate the writer had some sort of alien contact and they told him about their mission. There are some typos. The writer indicates not all disks are crewed, only some are and the rest are controlled remotely. This is something we have suspected for a long time. It goes on to say the crews are peaceful and are thinking about settling on this planet. There are quite a few stories which have gotten out by whistleblowers who worked for the military who said they worked in areas where aliens had settled. Now we hear these aliens come from some sort of an invisible world which gets near ours. Could we refer to this today as they come from a different dimension? The memo talks about different vibrations which allow us to see them when they enter our realm. We know energy travels in waves and they have different frequencies, so maybe this is not so farfetched.

There is talk of some sort of disintegration ray or particle beam which would be used as protection if a UFO was attacked. When a few were attacked and the planes which attacked them destroyed it was found they were full of holes like buckshot hit the entire plane. It was thought some sort of beam was used on them. The writer suggests the UFOs can probably be communicated with by a system created from radar and felt radio communication was not possible. The memo also states it will probably be disregarded and indeed there is an indication in the left margin of the memo toward the bottom which states “No Action” and is signed. I don’t know who stated “No Action” as the signature is not complete.

One thing the memo doesn’t seem to tell us is how the information was obtained. Just saying it was gotten by supernatural means throws cold water on the entire document. Many people have reported thoughts being put into their heads when they were abducted and these thoughts explained where their abductees came from and what life was like there. Could this person have been abducted and given these thoughts and released or could aliens have come to that person during the night and put these thoughts in that person’s head. Lastly on this part of the memo, could the person have just read the headline about saucers and thought they were contacted? We might never know the answer to this.