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Aliens And Time Travelers On The Internet

Have you ever noticed how many comments and videos there are on the internet where someone, or something is telling us they are not from this planet or from this time? There are also others who tell us they have found others who are either aliens or time travelers. It is not hard to find someone like this if we do a little research. Does this really mean anything? I don’t think so, but there are those who believe it does. I think the problem is they want to believe too much. This is one of the problems with the human race. We just want to believe some things so much, we believe them even if they are outrageous. There is an old movie called Fort Apache. It has been used by some to illustrate time travel. Yeah I know this seems insane. In the movie there is a scene with Fonda holding something in his hand while sitting in a stage coach and it is claimed it is a cell phone. The movie was filmed in 1948. What he is really holding is a small book, but held at a certain angle it could look like a cell phone, but the idea of a cell phone in that move is absurd. I just don’t understand how anyone could believe a cell phone was in a 1948 movie and went undetected for almost 70 years. Even if people didn’t know what a cell phone was at the time and even if some mad scientist created one, what are the chances it would have gotten into a scene with Henry Fonda?

One thing anyone can do is create a video which shows a scientific or alien looking background and do a voice over claiming he or she is from another planet. This certainly is nothing new. I don’t understand why anyone would want to even bother unless they viewed it as a big joke. There is a message on the internet supposedly given to an abductee which states much of what we have heard already. It goes on to talk about how all races at this stage of development feel isolated and how we all want to use our free will and be happy. It also states we are on the verge of big upheavals. Supposedly the alien message also states the aliens do not have a duty to modify our future unless we choose the way we want to go. The message says basically our scientists and religious representatives don’t know about a lot of the things going on in the heavens even though we have witnessed them for thousands of years. There is a lot more to the message, but I think most of us get the idea. We would have to believe the words of one man who claims to be giving us a message from extraterrestrials.

I don’t know how many know this, but there are people who think the internet might be a conduit for alien messages. They ask the question, if an extraterrestrial civilization sends a message through the internet how would we know it was genuine? The answer seems to be we never would and we have to ask the question why they would use the internet in the first place. It seems it would be much easier to land a spaceship in central park or near the Washington Monument or maybe the Space Needle. It would be harder for the government to deny the fact we were being visited by aliens. I guess we would have to expect some exotic denials however such as a hoax performed by actors wearing costumes landing in a ship which was really a blimp made to look like a saucer. I am sure the United States government would do everything in its power to try and hide the fact we were visited by space aliens. The aliens for their part might not want to do this, because they would be risking their lives. I am sure none of them want to be taken away and locked into a cage. We hear about secret codes on the internet and some say they have broken them and they are alien in nature. Where is the proof?

If I had a nickel for every so called alien message on the internet I would be a rich man. Some of the messages are designed to strike fear in us. I am sure those who post them get a kick out of this. One such message was said to have been received by a NASA radio telescope and that it was in reply to a message we sent out which supposedly asked if other civilizations were out there since the earth was being visited by UFOs. It was said the answer was received in 2001 and it mentions messages in crop circles, but also said there was a 5.5 minute warning in the message. Someone named Gramaha sent a message telling us we had to do certain things to avoid disaster for us and the beings around us. It said the only way we could advance would be if we realize the evil forces which overshadow the judgment of our rulers. I guess if we look at the current state of our politics we might agree with that part of the so called message. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out. The message talked about the usual false prophets. It then used the old ploy of light being good and dark bad. I am afraid this was just another hoax, even if some might think it is true.

If we talk about time traveler’s on the internet leaving messages, the most famous of the so called time travelers was John Titor. A lot of people want to believe time travel is possible, I am not one of them. I don’t believe we will ever travel into the past and when scientists talk about the faster we go the less we age, I don’t believe this is true time travel, but a biological function. Until we can get on a platform somewhere and go into the past or future and return to the same moment we left, there will never be time travel. John Titor managed to convince many he was from the future and left messages on the internet for about two years. He made a lot of predictions which worried people at the time. Many today think Titor may have been more than one individual and some believe he was created by a Florida entertainment lawyer and his brother. He gave an elaborate description of his time machine and said he came from the future. One of his predictions was a civil war in the U.S. starting in 2004. That didn’t work out for him. Neither did a lot of his other predictions, but meanwhile some people got very worried, because they believed he might be telling the truth.

There is enough baloney on the internet for anyone who wants to believe in a particular subject which we consider impractical and to find articles and people talking about it or making believe they are some sort of off world beings or time travelers. I am surprised I haven’t seen any Nigerians sending emails telling us for a price they will introduce us to an extraterrestrial. We got a call today which stated it was from the IRS and they were suing us. The scams never stop. Will the next calls be from someone claiming to be an extraterrestrial who will state he will destroy our house and family if we don’t send money? There is just no end to this stuff. Most of it is harmless and is done for a lark, but there will always be those who get very upset over these things. What might seem harmless to others could cause grief to someone especially if they have a mental illness or are infirm and get very upset over some of these messages.