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UFO Crashes Before Roswell

Today I would like to talk about UFO crashes again. We have been led to believe nothing happened at Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Ufologists have been saying this was the first UFO crash known in modern times, but was it? All indications seem to point to the fact it was not. There were quite a few UFO crashes before it. We don’t know how many UFOs have crashed in ancient times or for that matter even in modern times, but we know there were some. Let me start with Nuremberg, Germany. A great battle took place over this city in 1561 and many UFOs were shot down and crashed. The event was immortalized not only by witnesses, but by a wood carving made of the event at the time. Unfortunately finding a downed UFO in those days did nothing to advance our technology. It would have been better if the locals hid one for us to find when we were more advanced. This event might have accounted for the most downed UFOs at once, but there is no way to know for sure.

Remember hearing about the Battle of Los Angeles during World War II? A UFO appeared over Los Angeles and the US Army opened up with anti-aircraft guns and fired thousands of shells at it. We were told all the firing did no good and eventually the UFO decided to leave. It has been said photo analysis of the negative has shown there were more orbs in the photo. One of the most interesting things I heard was we were not told the entire story. Surprise, surprise. It has been said we actually did shoot down two UFOs and they crashed into the earth. It is very hard to find information about these two crashes and no one can be absolutely sure this happened, but this fact is featured in a documentary and I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true and the truth hidden from us.

The Second World War was raging in England which something strange happed. A UFO crashed onto their soil. British authorities retrieved the UFO and studied it. The Los Angeles Examiner published an article about this written by Dorothy Kilgallen. Here is a paragraph from the article, “I can report today on a story which is positively spooky, not to mention chilling. British scientists and airmen, after examining the wreckage of one mysterious flying ship, are convinced these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions, but are flying saucers which originate on another planet.” Can you imagine an article talking about something like this appearing in a major newspaper? Miss Kilgallen was a very famous reporter in her day. She can be seen on old reruns of the television show “What’s My Line?” She went on to say she got her information from a British official of cabinet rank who didn’t want to be identified.

A UFO crash took place on May 2, 1897. A Dutch sailor had been one of the crew of the ship Christine. The ship had been wrecked in a storm and a few of the crew were lucky enough to make their way to a small deserted island which had no life on it. As they were on the island they were startled to see a huge UFO crash into one of the cliffs on the island. They went toward the crash and found several bodies of 12 foot tall men wearing strange clothing. The men had bronze colored silky beards. Only a few of the sailors survived when a Russian trawler found them. Again there is no way to prove if the crash happened or not, but I choose to believe the survivors, because they would have no reason to lie.

There was a report of another UFO crash in this country in 1941. It was said to have happened in the Carolinas. The object was said to be round, metallic and had little dead bodies inside. The army had been conducting maneuvers near where the UFO crashed and took the craft to an army post. The craft was said to be about 15 feet in diameter and about 10 feet high. It had language on it which could not be deciphered. Four bodies were inside. The beings were described as small with large insect-like eyes.

A writer described a UFO crash which occurred in the Black Forest of Germany in 1936. According to his story a group known as the Vril Society had attempted to back engineer the craft. It was said to be smaller than the Nazi UFOs we have all seen photos and had a dome on the top and bottom. One writer claims the Nazi were well on their way to perfect a saucer like craft and if the war hadn’t started and they could have put their full resources into the problem they might have succeeded.

A UFO crash occurred in the Soviet Union in 1941 near Rostov-on-Don. The security police at the time rushed to the site and cleared the area. Next they sent for trucks and equipment. It is said the remains of the craft were sent to Kapustin Yar, which is now a Russian ICBM testing area. The wreckage has vanished from that site.

There have been other cases of crashed UFOs before the Roswell crash and these are either ones we know about or suspect. We have no way of knowing how many UFO crashes have taken place over the ocean or in isolated areas of land. No Roswell wasn’t the first UFO crash or even near that number.