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UFO Reporting And The Media

I know it looks like I have been writing a lot of UFO and alien articles lately and I guess I have, but it is a very interesting topic. There are aspects of it which seem to be slowly leaking out. It sort of reminds me of molasses leaking out of a barrel. It takes a long time for the barrel to empty out, but eventually it will. The same is true with UFO information, someday we are going to find out the truth. It is just incredible to me how easy it is to keep the information we have from reaching the general public. It is as easy as the media not covering any of the disclosure events or putting any of the big UFO stories into the news. Even the fact some other countries are reporting major UFO activity in their news media still doesn’t get the news to the United States.

The Chinese seems to be much more forthright when it comes to UFO sightings. They have reported quite a few major events in their news media. Several times over the last few years the Chinese have had UFO incidents over some of their major airports and they all seem to have made it into their major news media. A couple of UFO events caused airports to close. Reporting this was surprising when you consider China is thought to be more of a censored society and yet this doesn’t seem to affect the reporting of UFOs in certain cases. It is not to say the Chinese think all UFOs are alien craft, because sometimes they have suspected the UFOs were new American aircraft, but not all the time. I remember reading an article which had appeared in a major Chinese newspaper. No I don’t read Chinese, the article had been translated into English. The main theme of the article was the Chinese believed there was an alien underground base somewhere near the Chinese Indian Border. This was based on the unusual amount of UFO sightings which were taking place in that area and the fact some witnesses had reported seeing UFOs going underground through openings which then closed.

The Mexican press is one of the freest when it comes to reporting UFO sightings. One of their biggest UFO sighting stories had to do with an eclipse of the sun. Thousands came out into the streets with their telescopes, binoculars and other devices to see the event. As the eclipse started, something very unexpected and strange happened. UFOs became visible and filled the skies and all these people saw them. It was as if the eclipse somehow made UFOs, which were shielded from our vision visible. Needless to say it was a major news event and never made the news in this country. This wasn’t the first time something like this happened in Mexico. During a military parade celebrating a holiday the Mexican Army was marching and the Air Force was flying some planes overhead, when all of a sudden UFOs became visible and were flying above the celebration. Again not one word about this appeared in our newspapers or television news. Then there was the strange creature which the Mexicans caught and killed, it looked similar to a tiny Grey alien being. No mention again in the U.S. new media.

It was not always this way in this country. We seemed to have gotten to this point somehow. The crash at Roswell, New Mexico made all the main newspapers at the time, but as we know there was a retraction the next day. There was really only one more major UFO event which made the news media here at that was the UFO which appeared over O’Hare airport in Chicago. The only reason that made the news was the event was already being spoken about by millions of people due to the fact it was all over the Internet. Every once in a while something ridiculous comes out from NASA which is picked up by the main media. It is designed to make the idea of UFOs being alien and life on other planets like Mars look stupid. Let me give you an example. I just saw a release by NASA the other day which pictured a rock with a couple of shadows and scrapes on it which looked remotely like a skull. The article from NASA asked the question, “was this a skull?” It was obvious if a lot of people would have thought so they (NASA) were then going to debunk it. Let me say this, there happens to be some things on Mars which do look like skulls, but this was not one of them.

The Russia press seems to be a lot more willing to print UFO events than we are. Just a little while ago their major newspapers and news outlets ran a story about a large UFO which appeared over one of their major cities. They even went so far as to describe it as being huge which indicated it was not from this world. Observations about it from witnesses all over the city were printed. Then there was the UFO which appeared over Siberia and was seen by many in a Siberian town. The article was not only carried by the local newspapers, but made its way into the bigger ones as well. This is ironic in a way since the old Soviet Union forbade any of this stuff from reaching the news. They were afraid some of their secret rocket launches would be picked up and didn’t want them to appear in articles even if they were called UFOs at the time.

We have the strongest censorship on UFO articles, but you will never see anything which says do not print or talk about them. It is sort of an unspoken rule. This is true not only for UFO sightings, but other things as well. While news censorship exists for certain subjects in this country, it is done covertly, but something else has happened, it is a phenomenon which only started to exist after the Internet became popular. It is the alternate media. These media outlets are more apt to carry news the main media won’t and some of that news has to do with UFO sightings and events. If it wasn’t for these outlets how else would we have found out about UFOs appearing over so many nuclear facilities or UFOs shutting down our nuclear missiles? It true in some cases whistleblowers told us, but if the story wasn’t carried by these outlets would we have ever known? The problem is there are plenty of false stories out there. Most, but not all, are part of a disinformation programs, because the U.S. government just doesn’t want us to know too much about UFOs and aliens for some reason.

Some say these stories are kept out of the major media to protect us and if society really knew what was going on it would collapse. I think one of the problems with society is the government interfering with what we are allowed to know and what we are not. There may have to be some secrets to protect our military weapons and such, but things have just gotten out of hand. President Kennedy said, “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” I agree with him on this point.