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UFOs and Aliens

Alien Ship

Alien Ship

There has been even more talk of aliens and UFOs since I posted my last update. We are being overwhelmed with sightings and it is getting very hard for NASA to deny some of the objects which are being found on the surface of Mars. A photo was released from the rovers we have on that planet and it came from NASA and there was something very strange about it beside its content. It had two arrows drawn on it and when the photo was enlarged it was clear they were pointing to the heads of statues. It seems somehow someone was able to slip this photo out. When the officials at NASA were asked about it they denied these were heads and said, "The red arrows point to rounded boulders and rocks, thought to have been shaped by the forces of water in flood ... The blue arrows indicate rocks with sharp edges and points, most probably ejected from nearby impact craters and/or ancient volcanic activity. The white areas (of which Scooby Doo is one) are believed to be deposits left behind by evaporating water, or aggregates of materials fused together by the action of water." They always have something to say. This reminds me of the explanation of swamp gas accounting for UFO sightings.

Are we visiting Mars? Two people who say we are, are Andrew Basiago and Laura Eisenhower the grand-daughter of President Eisenhower and someone who I have interviewed in the past and have respect for. Basiago an American says he has been to Mars on secret missions at least forty times and we are there and working with Martians. A Mexican astronomer named Ternando Correa said, "There is evidence that we are already on the Red Planet, such as a Google Mars site that shows a human base there." I think we might already be on Mars but this is a controversial statement right now without enough proof to be absolutely certain, but there is no doubt, in at least my mind, there was a civilization there once. We have found too many objects which point to this. I am talking about the ones which made it to the Internet which are statues, parts of statues, parts of buildings and all sorts of other things. Is there a civilization on Mars now? There is no way of knowing from what we have been shown, but there could be. Chances are the civilization which was on Mars either died out or moved.

Will these bogus videos of UFOs ever stop? NO they won’t and they are making it very hard to distinguish the real from the fake. The software to create these videos just keeps getting better making it harder to detect the frauds. I imagine in the near future it may become impossible. The latest is the absurd video which just made the rounds. It supposedly shows a car in North Dakota being abducted. The video is one of the simplest to make by just removing the car from future frames and inserting a flash before you do it. It just shows how some people will get excited over nothing. Even videos which look extremely real should be taken with a grain of salt unless corroborating witness testimony is found and the more witnesses the better. We should also consider where the video is from. The best ones come from NASA itself.

Something strange was near the sun and picked up by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory known as SOHO. It has been described as either a shielded object which was deflecting or absorbing solar activity, or a giant shield created by a UFO to protect itself from the sun’s energy. This is not the first time UFOs have been seen near the sun doing something. One comes to mind which was said to have traveled through the sun and had come out the other side. UFOs have also been seen collecting something in the rings around Saturn. Most of these times the UFO are huge. The one near the sun was said to be about the size of the moon. It is said that a Type II civilization would have the ability to build a device which could absorb the sun’s energy. To give you an idea of what this classification means, it has been suggested it will take us another 200 years to attain a Type I civilization. A Type III civilization would have an amount of energy at its disposal equal to that of its entire galaxy. The explanation of these types is more complicated but I think you get the idea.

If anyone out there watches “Ancient Aliens”, the television series they would know the point of the show is that the gods worshipped by ancient races such as the Egyptians and others really existed and were aliens. There are those who definitely believe this and think these ancient gods are coming back and it is only a matter of time. It does seem to be a big coincidence these gods had the heads of earthly animals and not something else. This is one of the reasons I do not believe if there were aliens on earth in those days they look like the Egyptian gods. People used what they were familiar with to depict their gods and in this case I think it was animals and humans combined. Who can really say why the heads of animals were put onto the bodies of humans and worshipped? I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for this. I think it might have been because animals have certain traits and these depictions were made to illustrate these traits among humans.

One thing which isn’t talked about much is secret missions. An amateur picked up an object in orbit around the earth even though at first glance it looks like it is going around the moon, it is firing rocket engines. Since it seems like rockets firing the object is probably some secret space project. http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-intelligently-controlled-spacecraft-fires-thrusters-front-of-moon-video. You can copy and paste the address into your browser to view the video. Sorry I do not post live links.

Many of us have heard stories about UFOs interfering with our nuclear arsenal. We don’t hear much about this anymore, but it is still happening and it seems to be blocked from being reported. Many who are interested in the UFO phenomena believe the reason it is being kept out of the news is it shows the United States is helpless against these UFOs. There is a story which is hard to validate, but I would like to tell you about it. It states we did go to war with the UFOs over this already and even shot down a couple of UFOs when we found out some of them were vulnerable to cannon fire. The UFOs retaliated by shooting down some of our passenger airliners which killed all the passengers on the planes so we had to stop shooting at them. Currently the problem of UFOs toying with our nuclear missiles and sometimes turning them off still exists. Are the aliens trying to tell us something? Could they be saying you don’t need nukes and should get rid of them? There are even those who believe the aliens don’t want us to have nukes, because there is an unknown next step which would allow us to create a bomb so powerful one of them could blow up a planet.

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