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Is NASA Launching A New UFO Disinformation Program?

There is a lot of talk about UFOs again, but this time NASA seems to have assigned an engineer to debunk the sightings. This sort of reminds me of Project Blue Book when J. Allen Hynek an astronomer was assigned to the project. His duty was not to investigate the UFO sightings, but to debunk them. He carried this duty out for a while, but there came a point when he started to believe UFO sightings were real and many of what was being reported were extraterrestrial vehicles. He became so convinced of this, when he finished with Blue Book he founded the Center for UFO Studies also known as CUFOS. Today we are hearing a NASA engineer take the most mundane reports and tell us they are nothing more than space oddities not UFOs. He doesn’t seem to try and explain the tougher stuff like the video taken from a space shuttle flight in which one can clearly see a UFO floating above the earth then rapidly moving, before something is shot at it from earth. It seems NASA thinks it can make us forget about this stuff and pick much easier sightings to explain and say this proves no sightings of UFOs are sightings of alien craft.

I am disappointed by NASA’s action. One would think that by now they would finally stop trying to discredit all UFO sightings, but instead it seems they have doubled their efforts. Most of the explanations given for UFO sightings have to do with natural phenomena, according to NASA. How does this explain some of the more chilling sightings by pilots? Take for example the sighting by Captain Ray Bowyer who was flying a passenger plane. He was flying from Southampton to Alderney, over the Channel Islands. As the plane flew he noticed one UFO then another. The views of the UFOs got clearer for about 15 minutes as they got closer to his plane. The pilot had 18 years of piloting under his belt. The passengers also saw the UFOs and the pilot of a second plane which was about 25 miles away reported seeing them. Ten weeks before about 25 unexplained lights appeared in the sky in the same area. Bowyer had taken out his 10X magnification binoculars and could see the objects were not planes. He then removed his glasses and looked again so there would be no possibility of glare projecting an image from behind. The objects were very large and Bowyer estimated their size at about one mile across.  Why isn’t the NASA engineer saying anything about this sighting? The reason is it is easier to ignore it since no explanation other than the truth would seem reasonable. By the way we are told the engineer is a “Former” NASA engineer. Even if this is true it seems he is still doing their bidding.

The government talks a good game when the president and his advisors along with presidential candidates keep telling us they are going to get to the bottom of the UFO problem and yet it is the same old song. On one hand we are being told they will get to the bottom of what is going on with UFOs and on the other hand everything is being blocked and disinformation is flowing at a faster rate than ever. Why doesn’t NASA try and explain what was going on when a UFO landed in Flushing Meadow Park, New York as a bus load of senior citizens watched in amazement? The park had a history of strange lights appearing above it from time to time. Witnesses at the time reported the lights looked like the objects reported above Michigan a week before. Triangular UFOs had also been seen flying over the park in formations a few times. In 1987 UFOs have been seen in the sky the night before the zoo opened and when the people in charge of the zoo went to open it up the next day, they were horrified to find every animal in the zoo was dead. The animals had been mutilated. The caretaker said the animals looked like that had an autopsy performed on them. Why doesn’t NASA talk about these events?

When we read about UFO sightings we have to wonder how many we are not told about. It is reasonable to believe there must be many. One can base this on the fact many witnesses have come forward and told us they were threatened with harm if they spoke about what they saw. They say they do not know who was threatening them only that men in black suits and sometimes men in uniform have told them to keep quiet or else. Then there are the times the military has had sightings or went to crashes and we know nothing about this except what the occasional whistleblower tells us. Could it be the sightings we hear about are only the tip of the iceberg? Could there be 3 or 4 times more sighting than we are led to believe?

There are plenty of very tough UFO sightings to try and cover up and the former NASA engineer has been busy going through the internet and cherry picking the ones he want to disprove. I am a reasonable person and the first to admit there are a lot of false claims being made about UFO sightings and what is seen. Some are due to just innocent misidentification, while others are hoaxes and frauds, but how someone can make a claim which states all UFO sightings do not show alien craft is beyond me. Someone once said if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck and this seems to fit some of the UFO sightings. When one sees a UFO which clearly can perform maneuvers no plane could perform without killing the pilot and then streaks away at speeds far beyond anything we are capable of, then one has to assume it is an alien craft. This is especially true when trained military pilots report these things.

It is beyond the time to stop trying to cover up UFO sighting and take them for what they are. They are either misidentification or alien craft, depending on the sighting. If one takes the time to try and read about every UFO sighting as they happen, they would be overwhelmed by the amount of sightings around the world. Please don’t try and tell me everything is a trick of light, swamp gas or some other ridiculous thing. Astronauts and cosmonauts have reported seeing UFOs and even alien beings. There has to be a reason for all this, these people are not making things up.