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Revisiting UFOs and Aliens

I’d like to talk today about something which is right in front of us yet never admitted to no matter how many others say they have seen it. You guessed it, I am talking about UFOs again. The evidence is overwhelming that there are vehicles in our skies which were never ours. Many people are seeing them today and have seen them for many hundreds and thousands of years and these sightings can only be accounted for as alien vehicles. What amazes me more than alien UFOs, is the control the government has exerted over these sightings by making people keep quiet. Along with the sightings there are also hundreds and maybe thousands of instances where people who saw these things were told they better not talk about them or else. It was easier to keep military people from talking, since they were made to sign non-disclosure agreements in many cases, but be that as it may there are still people who truly don’t believe at least some UFOs are alien craft and still ridicule those who say they saw one or more of these machines.

When one sees almost perfect depictions of UFOs on the walls of caves which date back more than 25,000 years and these UFOs are disc shaped with portholes all around and one even depicts a UFO from the bottom and shows creatures inside, how can this be explained? It seems to me there is only one way and that is our very ancient ancestors saw alien UFOs and even aliens and since they had no photography available at the time and they were mostly limited to stones and sticks, they were so shocked they had to draw what they saw so others would know about it and what better place to do this in to preserve these drawings than a cave? There are also unexplainable objects depicted, one which would very normal to us today, it is the black and white drawing which was also found and a copy is below:

One can plainly see what looks very much like a modern rocket. Here is the rub, the drawing was created somewhere around 5,000 B.C. We know aliens certainly wouldn’t have been using rockets or they never would have made it to the earth since they are far too slow, but could it be some of us were much more advanced than we think at that time? Some believe aliens met with us and gave us some of their primitive technology, which to us would have been very advanced, but if they did, why aren’t we further ahead in technology today? I guess there is always the chance what looks like a rocket could have been a spaceship with some other type of power source which allowed it to reach incredible speeds. The point of all this is to show we have been seeing UFOs for at least 27,000 plus years.

There have also been many artifacts found which seem to have either been created to mimic the look of aliens or could have been created by aliens themselves. There are plenty of mysteries in this area to keep investigators busy for many years and as new technology is discovered it makes the jobs of deciding the answer to this question easier. One of the areas where many UFOs are seen from is the International Space Station. Truth be told, it seems to be one of the best UFO watching platforms around, after all it does give the residents a great view of space and recently they saw something which is hard to explain. It was a huge spaceship heading this way. I don’t use the word huge lightly. The ship was estimated to be about the size of the earth. Can you imagine watching it approach? It had very bright lights and those in the ISS must have been mesmerized by the sight of this thing. As it got closer it must have been very frightening, but then a strange thing happened, it disappeared.

NASA has a habit of cutting off the feed to their cameras if they catch a UFO and this happens relatively often. Another tactic they use is to move the camera so it no longer has the object in view. For those non-believers I have to ask the question, if there is really nothing out there but us, why do this? The government has made many stupid and troubling decisions in my lifetime and I have to wonder why they keep insisting on keeping UFOs secret? I know all about the Brookings Report and how it recommended keeping alien life secret, but this is a different time and I believe most of us are ready to be told there are others out there. I believe the reason we are not being told has nothing to do with the report, but more to do with the fact there are more powerful beings than us and the government doesn’t want us to know this. The report came out in 1960 and was submitted to congress on April 18, 1961. As you can see that was 55 years ago which was a much more innocent time. Today more than half of Americans believe we are not alone just based on the size of the universe.

There are just too many things which don’t add up to believe we haven’t had alien visitation in the past. I like to refer to Nazca in Peru when I talk about this stuff. I am not talking about the huge drawings there, but the fact mountains had their tops sheared off to make what looks like a landing strip and yet there is no debris to be found anywhere. Some say why would aliens come to such a remote spot? I can understand this question. It turns out Nazca has almost every type of element and might make a great spot to study the earth from. It might be the locals at the time watched as the UFOs created the strip and drew the animals in the desert as homage for who they believed were gods.

There is just too much strangeness on this earth which can’t be explained any other way than by saying extraterrestrials have come here and are still doing it.