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Alien Satellites And Spaceships Orbiting Planets In Our Solar System

There are a lot of objects seen in space which just can’t be explained for many different reasons. One very fascinating group has repeatedly appeared near our sun. We have nothing I know of which could get as close to the sun as these objects without melting, but there the objects are. Recently an object which was the shape of a cube was seen near old Sol. The cube was thought by most to be either one of two things. The first was it was being used to block out what was really there. This makes no sense to me at all, because it would have made more sense to just erase an object without hinting there might be something there. Another problem is this was seen from the Solar and Hellospheric Observatory and this observatory has seen several other strange objects near the sun. Then there are the other pictures which show the object orbiting the sun and sometimes the cube can be seen as a three dimensional object and other times two dimensional depending on it orientation to the satellite. There have also been other times when the cube has been seen and then it is gone.

Many believe the cube is orbiting the sun and that is why it seems to disappear. Supposedly it is an open secret alien objects are orbiting our sun and have been for some time. One day the satellite feed was shut down by NASA. One can only imagine what it came across. If we go back about 20 years a pyramid shaped objected was seen orbiting the sun. In 2012 an object was seen above the surface of the sun. Some of the objects which have been seen near the sun were huge. When one sees something which is hundreds of miles across, they have to admit it cannot be something we sent to the sun. Another tip is when one of these objects actually goes right through the sun and comes out the other side unscathed. I am not making this up, this actually happened. When these things are spotted government officials working for NASA usually use the excuse it is an artifact caused by the camera. All I can say is we have had an awful lot of these artifacts lately. The artifact excuse is the new ball lightning and swamp gas excuse.

There is something going on in space and we are being kept out of the loop. Ignorance is not bliss. Cover up after cover up is taking place to hide the fact alien races or an alien race is doing something we are familiar with, they are putting satellites around objects in our solar system. I wonder how many people know there is a mysterious satellite orbiting the earth and we didn’t put it there? Of course this could be wrong and we did put it there, but it would have had to have been launched in the past and we didn’t have the technology. The satellite is called the Black Knight Satellite. It is said Nikola Tesla was able to receive a signal from the Black Knight satellite in 1899 when he built a high voltage radio receiver. Since the 1930s scientists all over the world have expressed interest in this satellite. In 1954 a story about this satellite appeared on May 14, 1954. When Sputnik 1 was launched an object was seen shadowing it which might have been the Black Knight. The Black Knight is in polar orbit and the first satellite we put into polar orbit was in 1960. No one really knows how long the Black Knight has been orbiting us and it could be very ancient as some suspect. In the 1960s it was estimated the Black Knight satellite weighed over ten tons. Grumman Aircraft Corp. did a study on the data received from observations of the satellite, but they never made the results public. In 1963 Gordon Cooper was launched into space and on his last orbit saw a glowing green object in front of his capsule which was verified by radar and thought to be the satellite. One ham radio operator studied data from the satellite and interpreted it as a star chart which is centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star system. He went on to say the data also stated the satellite was sent here 13,000 years ago and came from the Epsilon Bootes Star system.

Mars is not immune to being watched by forces unknown. When the Russians launched Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 it was with the intention of investigating Phobos, one of the Martian moons. There was an idea this moon was hollow and serving as a satellite orbiting Mars which had a base for alien craft inside it. Phobos 1 never made it to Mars, but what is more interesting is what happened to Phobos 2. It had begun to beam back photos and data from Mars. It had arrived safely in 1989. It then entered into orbit. It had special equipment created for the exploration of Phobos. When it aligned itself with that moon things started to go wrong. It failed in its communications with earth and a photo was sent back to earth of a huge shadow on Mars which was obviously indicating a large object had gotten between the Phobos 2 and the planet. It is said the very last picture showed an object, but it has never been released. There is more to this story however and it is a Russian cosmonaut Colonel Dr. Marina Popovich showed what she said was the secret picture to a UFO conference in 1991 and it showed an alien mother ship.

Other objects have been seen in Saturn’s rings. Some of these objects seem to be huge spaceships. What I mean by huge are ships hundreds of miles in length. Why would spaceships be there in the first place? They seem to be on a mining mission gathering up the ores and minerals in the chunks of rock orbiting that planet. Pictures of these ships have been published in many different places. Unlike the American newspapers, the French newspaper L’actualite insolite publisheda photo of one of the ships which had been taken in infrared. The object was so large it boggles the mind, it was 7,000 miles in length. The picture comes from the Hubble Space Telescope. To give you an idea of how big one of these objects is, it is EARTH SIZED! No this is not a mistake. Can you imagine a race capable of building something like this? You have to wonder if they are a race of giants.

Are alien satellites and space ships orbiting planets and maybe moons in our own solar system? It certainly looks that way and it may have been going on from a period of time far before humans were on this planet.