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Multiple UFO Witnesses To One Event  And/Or Mass UFOs Events

It is easy to deny UFO sightings. You can say they were something else mistaken for a UFO, they were unusual objects but they were secret aircraft or the entire sighting was nothing more than a hoax. When Project Blue Book was started by the U.S. Air Force it had only one mission and that mission was to supply excuses for what was seen and they came up with some beauties. It got so bad that even the astronomer who was assigned to Project Blue Book, J. Allen Hynek a confirmed disbeliever in UFOs, began to realize many of the reported sightings could be nothing else but true alien craft. He later founded the Center for UFO Studies. The truth is if one interviews enough witnesses to UFO sightings they will realize UFOs are not from this planet and there are plenty of credible witnesses to these sightings. I think when Hynek joined Project Blue Book it never occurred to him UFOs in the alien sense could exist and he got quite an awakening when he began to realize this planet was under observation by extraterrestrials.

One of the things which is not talked about as much as someone seeing a UFO is the fact some people have seen many of them in the sky at once. There is also the fact sometimes multiple witnesses see a single UFO. I guess if too many of these stories make it to the general news it would destroy the credibility of the disinformation machine. There are many of these types of both kinds of sightings all over the world so it is no surprise I am able to tell you about some of them.

A sighting was made by a witness in February of this year, 2016. It took place in Las Vegas and was near Nellis Air Force Base and Area 51. This sighting had only one witness, but there is video of it on the Internet. It shows what seems like 4 UFOs. What is even more unusual it seems each of 2 UFOs has another UFO next to it. When one sees something like this it is hard to tell if there are 4 craft or only 2 with lights spread out. It was nighttime. This location was known as an area where sometimes hundreds of lights appear in the sky and then vanish.

Last year multiple UFO sightings were reported taking place over Siberia. Residents of the Russian Republic of Buryatia have consistently reported seeing multiple UFOs overhead. Some now believe there may be a UFO underground base in the area. The capital city of Buryatia is Ulan-Ude, bet you never heard of it, this could be a Jeopardy question. A resident there reported a glowing UFO in the night sky which had a lot of green lights, some red and blue. The woman who saw the UFO was standing outside with her son when the UFO appeared and then disappeared a few seconds later. A second UFO came along just as two men were walking by. It made a loud noise and the men ran for cover in a nearby building. The woman told the Siberian Times, “When it stopped right above us, I could not say a word and saw the two men running to hide in a building. It was a very large saucer with bright green lights in the middle. My son got scared, grabbed my hand and we ran away. I never believed that something like that could exist.” Several other residents of the city also reported seeing strange lights in the sky. This is not the first time people living in this area have seen UFOs.

A very interesting video of UFOs seen all over the world is posted on YouTube. It also contains an interview with Edgar Mitchell.  I am listing the address so you can copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar. Sorry Truthfacts does not use active outside links.
Not everything is a UFO, but the video is worth looking at.

In 2015 a multiple UFO sighting took place at night in the sky above Los Angeles and there were multiple witnesses. Many different witnesses captured the event from different parts of the city. Two UFOs sat in the sky for a while and then seemed to slowly land out of sight. It looked like one of the original two went out of sight just as another seemed to separate from the UFO which was still there.

Multiple sightings have been going on for many years. A lot have happened in Mexico, but there have also been some right here. In 1982 and 1986 over 5,000 people saw multiple UFOs in the sky in the Hudson Valley in New York. One UFO was traveling very slow and very low. It made no sound and one policeman said at first he thought it was an airplane then when he saw how low and slow it was he knew we had nothing like this. This UFO slowly made its way to the Indian Point Nuclear Plant and hovered over it for quite some time. It is never talked about, but the plant security people were said to be considering trying to shoot it down. I think that would have been the biggest waste of time, since they would have been using pistols and possibly rifles against a spacecraft which is almost impossible for planes to shoot down. There is a story I would like to mention about when we were said to have shot down a UFO and were shooting at others. It states that year saw the most crashes of civilian airliners, because UFOs took some out as a lesson to us. Why civilian airliners? I think there was a message there which was we were shooting at peaceful vehicles which were not war machines.

One UFO which was observed by many people including pilots was the one which brazenly appeared over O’Hare airport in Chicago in 2006. It sat above the airport for about two minutes and was in plain sight of hundreds of people. It left by accelerating through a cloud which was above it and left a hole in the cloud which lasted for some time. Hundreds of people must have seen this machine, but many airline employees were told not to talk about it, but some did so anonymously. This UFO wanted to be seen, there is certainly no doubt about this and where there are multiple UFOs in plain view such as hundreds that have appeared in the Mexican skies during parades and such, it has to be a message which is being sent. It is not very subtle, they ARE telling us they are here even though our governments are hiding the fact.