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Humans Under Scrutiny

Many people tell us UFOs really don’t exist and there are a growing number who say they were a plot by the U.S. government to take our minds off what was really going on secretly in our space program. So what do we know about all this? We know UFOs exist according to their definition, which is an unidentified flying object. The reason we know this is true is there are just too many witnesses to UFO events. Even if they are not alien craft, they are unknown flying craft, unknown to us at least. We do know over the years the United States did have some saucer shaped craft. I am not talking about the Canadian saucer shaped vehicle which could hardly get off the ground named the Avrocar. I think there are so many UFO sightings throughout history we can put our money on the fact there are alien UFOs verses there are not. Some have said if UFOs are piloted by technically advanced beings why would they crash so much. I will repeat my answer to this. We have many indications from history such as the ancient Indian scripts and the wood carving from the Middle Ages which show UFOs at war with each other. I believe this war is still going on.

In Siberia the natives have reported finding large metal shells and when they got too near them everyone became sick and died. Some UFO investigators went there and they got sick when they found the shells had sunk into small water covered areas and they stood on them, but at least they recovered. They postulate the shells are weapons and are used to protect the earth. They think they come to the surface when there is a threat and are capable of shooting down the threat. They also think the weapons shot down the asteroid which blew up above Tunguska, Siberia in 1908. It is well know this was an explosion which took place above the ground. This means some if not all threats to the earth by large bodies will be taken care of by alien weapons and if there are these types of weapons in Siberia, do they exist in other desolate parts of the earth? It is interesting to me these metal shells sunk beneath the surface now that we have satellites capable of seeing everything on the surface of the earth.

I don’t have a lot of information on this event, but a man called in a sighting of a UFO crash. He said he saw a UFO crash into a lake in Manitoba, Canada on the Jackhead Reservation. The lake was Lake Winnipeg. This brings up a question which has been asked a lot lately. If this happened was it really a crash? I have to ask this, because UFOs are known to drop into bodies of water and travel under them. Sometimes these lakes have connections to larger bodies of water and UFOs can travel for quite a distance underwater. The man went on to say the military moved onto the reservation and told residents no one is allowed to leave or enter the reservation, because they are conducting a training exercise. He went on to say the military has moved in large equipment and the view of what they are doing has been blocked. One of the problems with stories like this is there will always be those who say it is a hoax. We know hoaxes exist and this could be one, but when you look at the record you will find many UFO crashes are labeled that way to discredit them. So it is up to us to look over the facts very carefully, before deciding if these reports are true. Remember even when we get these things on NASA video they are denied.

If we look at the Roswell crash, which some still deny happening, we can see exactly how a cover up works. If the United States government thought a weather balloon really crashed at that site would they have sent out the U.S. Army to pick up every single scrap off the ground? Were they worried someone might discover our balloon secrets? Give me a break, it was obvious they were hiding something they didn’t want us to know and I am sure it had nothing to do with weather balloons. Witnesses were threatened not to talk and tiny coffins ordered from the local undertaker. There were so many witnesses to this event it boggles the mind and yet some have been saying this is nothing but a hoax. If it is a hoax one has to wonder why the U.S. military has given several different excuses for what the event really was?  Every explanation has been proven wrong. When one sees how hard the government tries to cover these things up, it makes it very hard to believe anything we are told by them. It is said they actually have a crew of people whose only job is to put out disinformation on UFO sightings and crashes and I would have to say they are doing a good job.

If we knew all the facts about what was really going on and why extraterrestrials are really here, it would probably surprise us. First of all if we believe everything which has been said by abductees there is only one conclusion we can come to. Many male abductees claim sex was forced upon them by females who looked part human. The conclusion seems to indicate the development of a hybrid race for reasons unknown, but also makes one wonder why artificial insemination wasn’t used instead. While this seems to indicate what I have said, will these hybrids be brought up as slaves, used as soldiers in some never-ending war, or be used to repopulate a planet, which could even be the earth? Do the aliens know something we don’t as far as our future? Are they breeding replacements for us? I don’t think so because several of the men have indicated the females rubbed their stomachs and pointed to space which would seem to indicate the children will be either on other planets or live somewhere else in the universe.

The really big question to me is why are we so interesting to aliens? I have seen a few different opinions on this question. One opinion was we are of historical importance, because it gives the aliens a look at a race which is developing into an advanced race and shows how this is happening, but there are other opinions. Another opinion is we are a dying race and the aliens are studying all the things we are doing wrong to make sure other beings do not do the same things. I guess we are a good candidate for this. There are some who believe we are a spiritual people and can be separated from spirit and body and our spirits still live and this is why we are under the microscope so to speak.  There are those who think our cruelness to each other make us fascinating to watch. Some believe we are on the verge of a very big discovery and the aliens know this and are here to make sure we don’t misuse it, because it could affect them. Maybe they are talking about time travel? Whatever the reason, it certainly seems we are being watched, but to what end?