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Extraterrestrial Visitations

There are just so many things happening which will have a tremendous impact on the human race. When I was young it was a big deal when a new car came out and a defroster was standard equipment. Today you have devices coming out which you will be able to hook up to peoples brains and control them with your brain. Google is petitioning the government to let it make self-driving cars which won’t have a steering wheel, brake or gas pedal. They claim the only accident they had was the fault of a human driver and their cars have driven hundreds of thousands of miles. I don’t know how anyone else feels about it, but I am very uneasy thinking about getting into a car which is driving itself and has no emergency system for a human to take over in an emergency. I don’t like the idea of someone else getting into my head and controlling me even if it is used to direct the military in some way. Taking away our free choice of motion is taking away our humanity.

Sometime life feels like a science fiction movie which has come true, but in some ways we seem to be into areas most of those movies couldn’t predict. We always think of ourselves as being dumber than any extraterrestrial which could come here, because they would have been able to travel light years and we can’t get anywhere near that speed yet. We hear stories our government officials have met with them and are allowing them to do things in turn for their technology. What if we are somewhat wrong in what we think? Yes perhaps extraterrestrials are ahead of us in space travel, but perhaps not. How many times have I heard we have the ability to travel anywhere in the universe, but we haven’t been told about it, because the technology is locked up in black projects.

Let’s say just for the moment this isn’t true, but there could be other areas we are ahead even of extraterrestrials if they exist and maybe they might come here to try and get our technology. All we know about is what the news media tells us about and even though some of the technology seems amazing it could be it is nothing compared to what we are hiding. We could be ahead of many other races in some of our technology and yet we are being fed the line we are primitive compared to other races if they can travel here. Another point I would like to make is we are told older races will be more advanced than us. If we look at human history, assuming some incredible thing isn’t being hidden from us like a race which was far more advanced than we are now which was wiped out, we as a race wasted a lot of time to get where we are now.

We have had long periods of time where almost no progress was made in technology at all. From the first time humans were discovered on earth until just several thousand years ago, humans were using rocks as tools. When we discovered minerals and metal work it still took us thousands of years until we created simple machines and then we plunged into the Dark Ages where there was no progress and advanced medicine and machines were all considered to be Roman a thousand years after they were gone. Now we seem to be advancing at an incredible pace in all areas of technology. We are learning how to do things which just a few years ago were considered the realm of God such as gene manipulation. We are getting very close to producing humans in the laboratory and the truth is we may have already secretly accomplished this.

Could it be possible our progress has been noted by extraterrestrials and perhaps they have a problem where they need help, but cannot solve it and are waiting for us to advance enough where we can solve it for them? Sounds crazy doesn’t it, but perhaps some races have a limit to how far they can advance and maybe the ones visiting here, if they are here, are in that boat and have recognized the fact we are progressing so quickly we will soon have the answers to many different scientific questions. Maybe it is only in one area or maybe in many, but as crazy as this sounds one never knows. The universe is a strange place and we are finding out more strange things about it every day.

When we think we have inferior science due to our perceived lack of space travel ability, we could be completely wrong. Maybe we have hit upon something in our experiments which either worries space civilizations or gives them hope we will find something else, something they need very badly. Could it be some alien races were just like us, but somehow changed over many thousands of years and are studying us to see exactly how this is coming about? We are told we are mutating ever faster. It really can’t been seen yet, but scientists assure us it is happening. Supposedly we are evolving and people today are evolving much faster than just a few thousand years ago.

I have to ask this question, why would advanced alien races want to observe a culture on a planet in the backwater of its galaxy which was full of people who were thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years behind them in technology? Maybe I am entirely wrong about what I said and they came here to see what is taking us so long to evolve. Perhaps they felt they had to give us a boost by sneaking thoughts into our heads which allow us to create advanced devices.

We have a few choices here if we believe extraterrestrials have come here and that is they are here to help us, make contact, hinder us, study us or get something from us they need.


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