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Sightings And Confessions

People are seeing UFOs all over the world and as I have been prone to say, it seems like there are more sightings than ever before. It resembles an advertising campaign where we are shown commercials which hammer the company’s name into our heads over and over until we are so brainwashed we buy the items without thinking twice about them. In this case of course it is for a different reason. Many believe this reason is to get us used to the idea there are extraterrestrials out there and they want to be able to make contact with the average person and let them know they exist. In 2013 a huge UFO was seen by four people in a truck in Canada. It got as close as 150 feet. One of the witnesses worked for the Department of Defense and has worked on advanced technologies. He kept the story secret until recently, but then felt it was important to come out with the sighting. The witnesses were in a truck on a road off of the main highway. This witness noticed lights flashing behind the truck. The object turned out to be a huge UFO which looked like two disks connected with a wide hallway between them. It is interesting to note UFOs seem to come in many different shapes and do not depend on shapes which would lift them such as planes.

The extraterrestrial vehicle was in sight for over 7 minutes. The witness said he grabbed his phone to take a photo, but the camera was constantly going through a boot process and when he went for his Sony camera it was doing the same thing. At that point the witness grabbed his rifle, because he wanted to use the scope to get the closest possible view. The witness said the vehicle was about 175 feet in length. It had no lines and looked like one solid piece of shiny metal. He said he could not find a propulsion system and said it used some sort of high voltage electrical field. He could see blue plasma which was around 12 inches deep surrounding the vehicle. He estimated the craft needed 150 to 160 megawatts to generate this much plasma. A second and third UFO also came into view. Two flew away at fast speeds, but the original vehicle remained for the rest of the seven minutes. I have to ask what reason a person working for the Department of Defense would have to make up such a story. The answer is he didn’t have a reason and the sighting which was viewed by himself and several others was legitimate.

Dean Garner passed away in March of 2015. Before he died he gave an interview. He was able to get hold of some secret documents and forwarded them to Bob Wood. He wanted others to know what was really going on and said he was able to talk to people in the secret government and they would be recognizable to many of us. He claims his first wife was from another planet. He said he met with a very low level employee of Area 51. The guy was a welder or something and told him he used to pass a room every day and noticed a strange looking person in it who was all messed up and had on a brown shoe on one foot and a black one on the other. Finally one day he decided to go into the room which was also a total mess and asked the person why doesn’t he clean up the place and the person told him, hey listen I have to put on this body everyday so leave me alone. I know this all sounds insane, but I am only relating what he said. Mr. Garner went on to confirm many of the things UFO investigators suspect, such as the existence of MJ12. Garner was a UFO investigator almost all his life and claimed to have come across proof of the existence of many different things, such as the secret government I mentioned, S4 at Area 51 where the secret objects were kept and aliens. He said aliens were involved in every aspect of human life.

Poor Bob Lazar. Mr. Lazar was an engineer at Area 51 who spilled the beans on how the government was trying to back engineer alien UFOs. He was ridiculed and the government said he never worked for them and he didn’t have an engineering degree and he did not go to the schools he said he did. At this point an investigative reporter named George Knapp entered the scene and noticed there were no school records or employment records to back up his story so he went to an area where some of the engineers and scientists went to that worked at area 51 and asked them if they knew a fellow engineer named Bob Lazar. Some said yes they knew him or knew of him. Knapp even found Lazar’s name in the phone book as working at Area 51. Apparently the government had not done a very good job of trying to discredit Lazar. Today Lazar says he wishes he had never come forth with the information and that it ruined his life. People wonder why there aren’t more whistleblowers and this is why.

Derrel Sims claims to be an ex CIA Operative and has a lot to say about aliens. He says when he was about 4 years old an alien came into his room. He said it was very white and had no clothes on and he remembers thinking what was that and as he did, the alien realized he was awake and turned around and looked at him. He went on to say the alien had no sexual organs and no belly button and left by walking through the wall. Mr. Sims thinks the Greys, the larger Greys, the Mantis types, the Nordics and even Big Foot are all made from DNA from earth and not really aliens in the sense of the word. He feels they are different models of earth beings. He says their purpose is hidden, but he believes they were created to interact with mankind. This is the first time I have heard about this idea and it is interesting. If Mr. Sims is correct we haven’t seen a true alien yet and perhaps they are not capable of interacting with us for many different reasons. It could be they are from another dimension and we can’t detect them or perhaps make contact with them because it might be deadly to us or them due to organisms in our bodies.

You have to wonder who you know who has either witnessed UFOs or even alien beings. I have either met or spoke to people who were quite sincere and told me about their experiences. After I interviewed the former Dr. Leir who used to remove alien implants I was contacted by one of his patients who told me about her experience. These implants would actually try and avoid being taken out by moving under the skin. Many people have told me about their UFO sightings. The one which really impressed me was told to me by a husband and wife. A very dark shadow fell over their house in the middle of the day so they went outside to see what was going on and a huge UFO was right over their home and was so large it created a shadow which not only covered the house, but a lot of the landscape around it. Is there something out there and is it interested in us? It certainly looks that way.


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