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UFOs, Religion and Credibility

Every once in a while someone comes along and says they met with extraterrestrials. When this happens people tend to snicker. There is probably not too many other statements which will result in this type of reaction. It is like waving a red flag in front of a bull, you can bet the bull will go after you, just as you can bet the person saying they met with aliens will be ridiculed. It may not happen in front of them, but will almost surely happen sometime after. Having said this I can tell you I have met some incredible stable people who had no reason to lie about this and there have been cosmonauts and astronauts, along with NASA employees who have either said they talked with aliens or who accidently saw such communications taking place. Most of them will say nothing, because they are afraid for their jobs, but occasionally one will come forward. I was told by a famous author he had met with an ET and he did this by sending out a telepathic message and eventually one contacted him. His name is not a secret since he will tell anyone who will listen about this, it is Timothy Good.

We tend to doubt people when they say they have met aliens and with good reason. There are some poor souls who have mental problems who say this and there are no shortage of them. Then there are those who do it for some reason usually connected with financial gain or religion. As far as religion is concerned, one of the saddest stories concerning extraterrestrials was the Heaven’s Gate event. A man named Marshall Applewhite was clearly unbalanced and started a religion known as Heaven’s Gate. He got quite a few followers and told his followers a comet was headed toward earth and in its tail was a spaceship which was ready to take him and his followers away, because the earth was going to be recycled and all life destroyed. There was only one hitch, you had to be dead to get on the ship. The comet was Hale-Bopp and when it came near the earth in 1997 there was a mass suicide, he and his 38 followers were dead. It always amazes me how some people will believe what they are told no matter what nonsense it is.

When you think about the size of the universe and the amount of planets in it, it is almost impossible to think we are alone. There has also been indications there may be life which doesn’t need a planet to exist. Cosmonauts have seen winged creatures flying outside of their Salyut space station. I am not talking about one cosmonaut, but six of them. When three radioed back to base saying they saw these creatures, the Soviets sent up three more cosmonauts and they also saw the creatures. Were all six cosmonauts seeing things? I don’t think they were and there were other unknown things seen which may or may not be alive such as a light which kept changing shape and following a U.S. space shuttle. It could turn out our idea of life is severely limited and life is far more adaptable than we suspect. Just because we need to breathe doesn’t mean other life forms will have to.

Astronauts were captured on NASA video talking to an extraterrestrial in the bay of a shuttle. Apparently the monitors at NASA were on and the shuttle camera picked up the scene. The alien was very tall, perhaps about eight feet and wore a spacesuit, but there was no evidence of any air tanks or lines leading into its helmet. When it was communicating with the shuttle astronauts it seemed to understand them and they it. The meeting seemed very friendly. When NASA realized this was being seen they cut off the monitors that several employees were watching and one tells us they then ran to another area where they knew monitors were always on and even though that area was locked they could see monitors through the glass and watched the rest of the event. This was told to us by a former NASA employee who I believe was part of the Disclosure Project, a project where impeccable witnesses from every walk of life testify to what they have seen. Scientists, government employees, members of the military, subcontractors and many others have appeared before the Disclosure Project and you can hear and see some of them by going to YouTube and viewing the videos.

There have been many rumors that President Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials. The story goes he was approached by the aliens known as the Nordiques. These are supposedly aliens who look like us and are tall and have blond hair. It was said they told him they would help us, but we had to get rid of all our nuclear weapons and we refused, but later made a deal with the Greys. The Greys are the small gray aliens with big heads and large black eyes. You hear a lot of different stores when you are in contact with UFO investigators and many of them I have a hard time believing. The Eisenhower story sounded a lot like internet chatter to me, but then I did an interview with Laura Magdalane Eisenhower, the granddaughter of the president and she told me he did meet with aliens. What can I say, it seems the story has a good chance of being true.

Strange things happen sometimes. Let me give you an example. The year was 1956 and I went to an airshow. I was young, 15 years old and took a lot of photographs. I didn’t think much of them until a year later when the first Sputnik satellite was launched. The U.S. said they were completely surprised, but I remembered something I saw at the show and went through the photos and there it was, a photo of the Sputnik and its insides. It wasn’t the original satellite, but it was a demonstration copy, so we knew all about it.

About ten years ago I interviewed someone who was connected with a subcontractor for NASA. He told me he had gone to an airshow and noticed what he thought was very strange. There was a hanger at the show which caught his eye so he told me he went into it. He said he was flabbergasted, because in the hanger were several disc shaped craft. He went on to say there was no one else there. This story sounds crazy, but the person who told me this is very reliable. What was going on there? I have no idea, but I do know that on some rare occasions mistakes are made and maybe these craft were indications that we were building flying saucers. I know there were some that were built which had a canopy like an aircraft on top of a saucer like body.


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