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UFOs And Strange Information

A lot of information has come out about UFOs lately, so here I am with another UFO article. On February 7, 2016 a Slovakian ufologist was said to have leaked secret Hungarian Air Force files on UFOs to MUFON. Supposedly there was a crash in 1996 between a Hungarian Air Force pilot and an extraterrestrial spacecraft. The report goes on to say the alien was alive and captured. Ufologist said a plan was created to hide this information from the public. Apparently they didn’t want anyone to know they had captured a live alien. There is proof the crash actually occurred. Hungarian documents also state two alien bodies were recovered and autopsies performed. The living alien was said to resemble a small humanoid man. The Hungarian said they couldn’t learn much from the alien and he wouldn’t communicate with them and seemed angry. They felt he was plotting an escape. Hey who could blame him? Apparently they also retrieved some sort of power unit, but didn’t seem to be able to understand it very well and certainly didn’t know how to use it. The pilot’s name has been verified and he was in a plane which crashed into something from which he had ejected. MUFON has asked this case be shared with the public and feels it is very important.

Capt. Eric “Winkle” Brown was the Royal Navy’s most decorated pilot. He was also a witness to a UFO event. I’m bringing this up because Capt. Brown died on February 22, 2016. He held the world record for aircraft carrier landings. He saw extensive action and World War II and then became a test pilot flying captured German aircraft. 60 years ago he was the commander of the Royal Naval air service station at Brawdy, West Wales. At that time he was chasing a UFO. The UFO was spotted on 6 February 1956. It came about when a station received a call from a witness saying there was a flying saucer over the West Wales coastline. Brown wanted to laugh, but when he checked with a returning pilot he was told the pilot could also see it. And traffic control from the base said they could see the UFO over the bases control tower. Capt. Brown decided to go up and have a look. He climbed to 35,000 feet while keeping an eye on the object which was still above him, the light was fading and the exact shape of the object could not be made out. Eventually he had to give up the chase. That night reports flooded in from everywhere from observers all across South Wales and a Bristol Channel region about a UFO in the sky above. Apparently at the time of the sighting a lot of people scoffed at Capt. Brown’s UFO chase. Today many have changed their opinions.

What really went on during the Apollo 10 mission? NASA has declassified some of the information about the flight which was being kept secret. Apparently the astronauts heard strange music as they were passing over the far side of the moon, when communications with the earth were cut off. I know this is the first time I am hearing about this, and I bet it is the first time most of you are. The three astronauts on the mission were John Young, Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford. They were practicing separation and docking of the moon lander and orbiter when they heard the strange music. Transcripts show they were shocked and talk to each other about the music and even discussed whether or not they should tell others about what they heard. One person said it may have been radio interference, but an expert said the astronauts was so well-trained and had enough experience to recognize such interference and would’ve known if this was the case. The origins of the music still remain a mystery today. It is incredible to think we are just learning about something which happened over 50 years ago. This almost certainly proves there are many other things which we are not being told about.

Years ago I interviewed President Eisenhower’s granddaughter who told me he absolutely met with aliens. The interview is on this site and can be looked up and listened to. Timothy Good, a famous author of all things UFO has also said Eisenhower met with aliens. This fact is almost a certainty, but what is not so certain is some of the stories told by investigators about these meetings. The most famous one says that President Eisenhower first met with aliens who looked like us, which are known as Nordics. Supposedly these aliens are so much like us they can walk among us and we would not know they were extraterrestrials. The story goes they offered us technology if we would abandon our nuclear weapons and we refused, but later decided to cooperate with another race known as the Greys. It is said we made deals with them, allowing them to take a certain amount of humans and examine them and then return them. Supposedly the deal eventually went sour when he aliens were taking people without notifying us and taking more than they were supposed to. We were said to have gotten into a battle with these aliens in an underground base and almost all of our people there were killed.

In 1952 general Samford said credible observers were reporting incredible objects. This is certainly true to this day. When he Air Force investigated the problem of UFOs it was to find out if they were a threat to national security, among other things. They determined UFOs were not a threat to our security. One has to wonder if we are being fed a line. I would think UFOs are a threat to security especially after they turned off our missiles several times at different military bases and have buzzed our aircraft. Many believe there are different kinds of UFOs from different cultures and while some may be threats others are not. When it comes right down to it however, any of these races could exterminate all of us from orbit if they wanted to.

Recently a UFO has been cited in cities and towns near Siberia’s Lake Baikal. It has been flying very slowly through the region. The object resembles a meteorite, but seems much brighter and was moving too slow to be one. Sergei Yazev is a senior research scientist from the Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics. He said the slow speed is very uncharacteristic for a comet or a bolide. He went on to say even if it was the stage of a rocket it will be traveling a lot faster than what was observed in the sky. In Great Britain, specifically in Kent, a fleet of UFOs has just been seen in the sky. They were glowing objects and an excuse was made for them by saying they must be flares, but they did not behave like flares. When checked the military bases around the area were shown not to have used any flares at all at that time. This is not the first time strange lights have been seen in the sky in this area.


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