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Aliens Near Earth

Last year there was a lot of talk about two ships which were heading towards earth. The objects were being observed as they got closer to our solar system. The reason we could see them was they were huge. When they got somewhere near the center of the solar system and were still heading towards us, they disappeared and this prompted all sorts of speculation. Some had said they reappeared behind the moon. As with so many things on the Internet it is very hard to know what is true and what isn’t. There was so many reports on the ships heading this way it was probably true, because some of the people who cited seeing them were well-known astronomers. Many of us needed a better explanation than they “just disappeared.” Unfortunately for us no better explanation was coming forth and now we had to decide whether information was being hidden from us as happened so many times or did these objects really just vanish and were never seen again?

You may wonder why I’m bringing this up now a year later. I am talking about it, because a strange object has shown up near an asteroid. Some say it is only a tiny moon which has a diameter of only 230 feet and is circling asteroid. Others claim this is not the case at all and it is a vehicle. NASA says they know about the object and is nothing more than the tiny moon I just mentioned. Some investigators are saying NASA has taken clear photos of the object and only released very blurry and grainy ones for us to look at. This wouldn’t surprise me as this seems to be a theme with them when they don’t want us to be sure of what we are looking at. This technique has been used on photos of Mars and the moon and even on space objects. The photo was so bad when you try to enlarge the object you just get a pixilated version of what is there which is worthless, no shape can truly be seen. The uninitiated might claim this is an elongated object, but it is nothing more than square pixels being piled one on the other.

Seeing UFOs outside of Earth’s atmosphere is nothing new. There is the famous incident where we took videos of a UFO avoiding what seem to be a missile shot from earth. There is also another famous video of a broken tether line which stretched about 20 miles and was surrounded by UFOs. Both videos were made by astronauts either in the space shuttle or on the International Space Station. There is no denying these videos. That is why all this is so aggravating to many of us. We have the proof in front of us and yet we can’t get any government agency to confirm it. All you get is some very strange explanations. An example of this is we were told ice particles were actually what we were looking at. Isn’t it amazing how an ice particle can see a missile coming and then accelerate and get completely out of the way? They would probably have used the old saw of ball lightning except the UFO was above earth’s atmosphere. When you looked at the tether you knew it was 20 miles long, so it made it easy to gage the size of the UFOs around it. Some were very large and had to be at least a mile in diameter. Not only that, but they all had the exact same round shape with a notch in it and were spinning.

It is a shame when a government sets up a project and states it is there to find answers, but is really there to make excuses for what we see. Project Blue Book was such a project. The few people in it were tasked with making excuses for everything people saw and reported. They did their best to make people look foolish and in so doing stifled many sightings which probably would have been reported to civilian agencies but weren’t, because people didn’t want to be known as jerks and idiots. Even so, the astronomer who was assigned to this project, J. Allen Hynek, one of the people assigned to make excuses, heard so many cases which couldn’t be explained he became a believer and even started his own institute to investigate UFO sightings. What could be more proof than that, that UFOs exist and should be investigated for alien presence? This didn’t stop the government from still denying the fact and subjecting people to ridicule who reported these things. I say this because it is a well-known fact there is a government disinformation program which makes anyone look silly who makes a substantial UFO report. Hynek founded the Center for UFO Studies and even though he died in 1986, the Center is still in existence.

In 2014 a giant UFO was recorded in earth orbit and a photo was released by the Brasilla Planetarium. The disk was somewhere between 3000-5000 miles in diameter. This was said to have been created by the planetarium to celebrate its reopening, but many people think it is a real photo of a UFO which managed to hide itself from view and radar and somehow got its image captured in a moment when the stealth was not working correctly. Just as many UFOs appeared in the skies in Mexico during an eclipse, perhaps something interfered with its technology such as a solar flare or something similar. Here is the problem, the image could be just an innocent rendering as stated, but so much has been hidden from us it is hard to believe this even though it may be true and the reason for that is we have been lied to so much, we have become jaded when we are told something like this, it is a shame.

A CubeSat is a tiny satellite which is 10X10X11.35 cm and can weigh no more than 1.33 kilograms. Recently a big deal was made from the fact a tiny CubeSat was being sent into space which had the stated purpose of looking for extraterrestrials. It is said it will study objects in earth orbit. I am for research of this type, but I think a much more serious satellite is needed, not one limited by such a tiny space inside for equipment. Was this allowed to be launched just to shut up UFO investigators? These tiny satellites cost about $20,000 and can be put into an orbit as high as 195 miles. Their lifespan is about 3 months before they fall back to earth and burn up. When you think about it, NASA probably has so many cameras on the International Space Station that none of this would be needed if they would release all of the photos they have taken.


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