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Are UFOs Alien?

We have all heard the excuses, what we saw was ball lightning and not a UFO or was a plastic bag floating in the wind or some such thing. I know it is possible for a plastic bag to float in the wind, but I also know it is not possible for one to travel at 1,400 miles per hour and turn on a dime. It reminds me of politics when so called experts say these things. The reason I say that is how many times have we heard politicians asked a question and they give some answer to something else to cover their tracks. It seems to me there are a lot of those types of answers being given by government officials and skeptics, because they do not want to admit that at least some of the thousands of UFO sightings every year might actually be craft piloted by aliens. We have been fighting this problem since World War II. Even in the war both sides saw balls of light chasing their planes which seemed to be under intelligent control. It was funny in one sense. We thought they were German weapons and the Germans thought they were ours.

After the war was over the public wasn’t thinking very much about UFOs. When a supposed UFO crash occurred at Roswell it was immediately reported by the newspapers as a crash of a flying saucer, but the very next day the US Army made a retraction to a statement which they had made and said it was nothing more than a weather balloon and the incident was soon forgotten for many years until a UFO investigator found documents referring to it which seemed to contradict that. The one major event which one would have thought would have cemented the fact UFOs were alien and far more advanced than anything we had was the appearance of UFOs over the White House several times in 1952. This event was reported by the news everywhere and demonstrated the superiority of the UFOs as the interceptors which were sent up after them didn’t have a chance of catching one, let alone shooting one down. It is amazing to me how this one event didn’t convince everyone at the time alien UFOs were in our skies. Some might say it is a tribute to the effectiveness of the government in covering up these events. Experts say that after Roswell the military had started to perfect methods to hide or even blunt the effects of UFO sightings and used these methods for the White House Flap.

When we talk about UFOs and aliens we can’t eliminate all those dead cows which have had their organs removed along with their blood. My opinion was we were doing this to keep track of radiation effects from the thousands of nuclear test explosions. Some investigators have a different theory and they say cow blood is very similar to human blood and that in an emergency can be used by humans. I was skeptical at first that cow’s blood could be used this way, but I found a newspaper article from 2011 which states a woman named Tamara Coakley was in an automobile accident and her life was saved by transfusing her with cow blood. Why is this important? It is important because these same people say the aliens have a genetic disorder and need blood and they are capable of using cow blood. This doesn’t answer the reason for removing organs. No one has said anything about aliens being able to use cow organs, perhaps they eat them. Liver and onions, know what I mean?

It doesn’t take much research to find many different people who all think the government has made a deal with the aliens. I think most of us have heard this story by now. The reasons behind this deal is said to be the fact there is absolutely nothing we can do to protect ourselves from the aliens if they wanted to harm us, because there technology is so far ahead of ours. They say we are in contact with many different races, but for one reason or another only accepted an offer from a race which is known as the Grays and we now allow them to take people, examine them and perform tests on them and in turn receive advanced technology. Years ago this stuff seemed laughable, but as time has gone by and different things have happened and whistleblowers of unimpeachable reputation have come forward to tell us what they know, it certainly seems plausible today. There are far too many strange sightings in our skies of craft which defy gravity and are capable of changing shape and making unimaginable maneuvers which would kill a human pilot.

When you ask who believes UFOs may be alien, some of the people on the list might really surprise you. President Reagan was one as probably was President Clinton along with John Podesta his Chief of Staff who vowed to get to the bottom of the UFO story, but was not able to. Hillary Clinton pledged a probe on UFOs, but some say she was joking, but the same John Podesta was running her campaign. I think if she could she would release some UFO data, unless she felt it would be against U.S. interests or the interests of big business. The reason I say this is there have been stories that big business is being given advanced technology we have gotten off of UFOs and they are patenting it as their own. If this turns out to be true it would be a national disgrace, but would just be one of many if we look into some of the business practices which are taking place.

One very disturbing thing which I have mentioned a few times before is the fact the main stream news media doesn’t carry any stories about UFOs no matter how imposing they are. It seems to me if a UFO is seen which crashes to earth there is a good chance it is a satellite, but sometimes one can see something which is absolutely none-terrestrial and for some reason it lands. This has happened a few times in other countries like Mexico and was carried by their news media while ours was completely silent about the event. The same is true for events where thousands of people witness UFO fleets in the sky and it is kept secret.

If it was up to me I would put the Disclosure Project hearings on television. It amazes me these hearings which have all sorts of respected UFO witnesses from all walks of life are conducted in the Press Club in Washington D.C. and ironically are not being covered by the mainstream press. When you have people like famous astronauts and the former Defense Minister of Canada telling you UFOs are alien, we should listen.


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