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UFO Sightings And The Future

I wonder what kind of year this is going to be? Will it be another year where UFO sightings are increasing all over the world? It’s almost as if there are a group of aliens with a playbook and everything is going according to plan, the plan being keep increasing the sightings until there was no longer any way for the world governments to deny them. So far it’s been a confusing year thanks to the video confession of Stanley Kubrick who claimed to have hoaxed the entire Apollo 11 mission and one other. Even though many are saying the video is a hoax, nobody really knows and it does look real and puts our whole space program in doubt. If it turns out to be true and if there are aliens out there, they must be incredibly puzzled by the actions of humans and probably still trying to figure out why anyone would do this, but let’s get back to UFOs. Lately there has been quite a few sightings already and many come with the usual blurry enlarged photos. I have been told many times by people you can tell these things are hoaxes because of these blurry pictures, but this is certainly far from the truth. Taking photos of fast-moving highflying objects, which are sometimes flying at night is quite difficult even for the best cameras and taking these pictures with cell phones, well you see what I mean. UFO sightings should never be discounted because the photos don’t look very good.

One UFO investigator who is very famous once told me one of the most important features of a UFO sighting is actually the story. He said Ken you can learn a lot about the veracity of a sighting by listening to people describe how they came to have the sighting and what the object looked like. When you think about it, it is sort of like a police investigation. The investigator asks a lot of questions and if there is more than one witness it is even harder for the witnesses to try and perpetrate a hoax. Photos are what are known as icing on the cake and if somebody supposedly used their cell phone on one of these highflying speeding objects and got a perfect picture when the photo was enlarged, that would be very suspicious. We hear a lot about UFOs looking like black triangles, saucers or cylindrical objects, but there are many other types out there. One I recently saw a photo of, which was verified by several witnesses, looked like what we would imagine a cargo ship in space would look like. It had a wide body with two clinical projections one on each side, which I assume might have been the power source. There was one thing for sure, none of these ships are rocket powered and if they were they never could have reached us.

We do not yet have the ability to take perfect pictures of distant objects with cell phones, but that certainly doesn’t mean it will always be this way. We have all seen a tremendous increase in the ability of the cameras in our cell phones and in the cell phones themselves. Who can say what these devices will be like in another 10 years? We may be on the verge of having the ability to get clear photos of UFOs which are very far away and traveling at high speeds. Once this happens it will be be very interesting to see what the skeptics have to say. They will no longer be able to say the photos are of things other than UFOs, because the photos would be so clear they will defy misinterpretation. This is something I am really looking forward to, but will probably come after my time. I know this is very possible because there are cameras being created which are capable of doing this and there are already some on the market which are extremely capable. I have a Nikon Coolpik with an incredible folding zoom lens that allows me to keep the camera in my pocket and yet when aimed at the moon one can see craters very clearly. I demonstrated this to somebody I know and it blew his mind. He told me the photos of the moon were better than ones he took with a small telescope.

Photo of Moon taken with my Nikon Coolpik using built in zoom

I haven’t had the chance to take any photos of UFOs with it, because quite frankly I only saw what I thought was a UFO one time. It was very far away and blindingly bright and this was in the daytime, but I had no camera of any kind on my person. I remember at the time thinking how incredible it seemed that this very distant object was so hard to look at because of the brightness. I have been talking and writing about UFOs for many decades and yet even though I have seen proof of many sightings and spoke to witnesses and UFO investigators and even set up a camera which took pictures for over a year of the sky behind my house I never really got anything definitive. I did catch a couple of things I am not sure about however.

One of the things which has helped to increase UFO sightings has been the restrictive smoking laws. I know it sounds very strange doesn’t it? It is true however, because several countries have passed laws which forbid workers from smoking inside structures where they work. It doesn’t stop them from taking their breaks however and many of them go outside to smoke and while they’re out there, there isn’t much to do so they look up at the sky and sometimes catch a glimpse of a UFO. This wouldn’t have happened if they would have allowed these workers to stay inside and smoke, so this has increased the amount of sightings. I can’t tell you what the percentage of increase is, but there is no doubt it is there. I have read many MUFON reports and there are a substantial amount where workers claim they were outside smoking when they saw a UFO. Workers on the night shift seem to catch sightings which would have been missed completely since nobody else was around to see them that late at night.

There are more UFO investigators saying they believe that aliens will make their presence known within the next few years. They are not talking about aliens letting us see them flying around in the skies, what they are saying is they will formally present themselves possibly in an assembly somewhere where there are thousands of people to see them or to a body like the United Nations or even our White House. I don’t like to make predictions like that, because who can tell what these aliens are thinking? It seems to me whoever is piloting these UFOs is very patient, because they have been around forever and I think it is premature to believe they will do anything else but continue with their program, whatever that is.


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