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The UFO phenomena

Well I think I’ve just read the most ridiculous statement that I’ve ever heard any scientist make. The statement was all aliens in our galaxy are probably dead. If one is going to say something like this, they might as well describe the aliens even though they have never seen them or maybe they should say things like every planet has aliens on it. Will the nonsense ever stop? Science is supposed to be based on fact and yet we often hear statements, made by people who should know better, because of their education and their intellect, which are so ridiculous they cast a shadow on all scientific theories. I was very surprised last month when I heard scientists who had discovered a star which had its light varying in proclaiming it had to have an artificial structure around it. Scientists jumping to this conclusion are equivalent to people who don’t understand how something is done claiming aliens must’ve done it. We are continually discovering new things about space and perhaps an undiscovered event or objects are causing this large rise and decrease in the light from this star, to cite a structure built by aliens seem to be foolhardy at this point in time.

Somebody might ask me why is it I am criticizing the scientists and yet I think some UFOs are alien and am I not jumping to the same conclusion? I have to answer this question with a resounding no. The reason I say this is UFOs have been seen by tens of thousands of people and many of them have watched while these machines have performed maneuvers which are impossible for anything built on the earth. There have been many whistleblowers who have worked in government who attest to the fact that UFOs are alien and even some of the most famous people in governments have said this. There is just no way to equate what I believe about UFOs being equivalent to scientist making wild guesses about things they can’t understand. An early announcement about the star putting out this varying light stated there was some sort of alien structure surrounding the star which would rotate around it and block the light at times. This was changed later to reflect the fact that a group of comets going around the star could have caused the light to be blocked the way it was. Now we are back to the idea aliens have built a mega structure around the star. Maybe somebody should tell the scientists who claim all aliens are dead about this. While I guess I should say that, because they could be dead and the structure could still be there.

Is a lot of people know this by now but I’ll mention it anyway. The CIA had declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 which have to do with investigations into UFOs. It is said they are primarily from the 1940s and 1950s. I am mentioning this because on their website they are claiming that Fox Mulder would have loved to get his hands on some of these. In case you don’t know who I’m talking about, Mulder was the investigator on the X-Files TV show. I’m always happy to see UFO data declassified, but I do have a problem and that is it is usually cherry picked. What I mean by that is we never know what we haven’t been allowed to see. All we do know is we are being given some declassified files. What I am going to do is list addresses to some of the files the CIA said Mulder would like to see so you can check them out. Please copy and paste each address into your browser’s address bar. Sorry but Truth Facts doesn’t use live links. The files are in PDF format and need something like Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free.

The ministry of defense which is part of the British government has also released UFO files. Nick Pope’s website states that 209 files around 52,000 pages have been released to this point. Nick Pope is the person who handled the UFO division of the Ministry of Defense for many years. Some of you might find it interesting to peruse his website where you can read about a lot of these things, so I have decided to also include the address. Just copy and paste it like you do with the addresses above.

it was once thought by those in charge if they didn’t acknowledge the fact that UFOs were flying all over our skies, people would lose interest. While there is always a certain amount of people who will buy any story told to them, a lot more people today believe at least some UFOs are alien vehicles. There has just been too many sightings recorded to ignore the fact that there are things in our skies that were not built on the earth. We are rushing to try and figure them out and copy them and that is why we can’t say everything we see doing strange maneuvers is of alien origin. There is no denying the fact the government and many of the aerospace companies have spent considerable time and money trying to build machines that will be able to imitate what alien machines can do and to a certain extent they have probably been successful.

There has been a lot of talk over the years that the infamous black triangle UFO is of earthly origin. It has been claimed these types of ships were built by us and provide a speedy trip to the moon and Mars, while also being able to fly extremely slow in the atmosphere without making a sound. I have heard several different things about them and have no way of knowing what is true and what isn’t, but I will pass along to you what I have heard. I was told that they contain a certain amount of helium, but also have advanced engines which allowed them to fly extremely fast in space and also other engines which are better suited for flying in the Earth’s atmosphere. I’ve also heard by other sources we have perfected antigravity engines and they are in the black flying triangles and enable them to fly extremely slow or extremely fast, performing maneuvers which would kill a pilot of a normal plane.

The entire topic of UFOs is surrounded by a blanket of secrecy which makes it very hard for those people who are trying to investigate the phenomena, but there was one thing which cannot be hidden and that is UFOs are flying all over our skies. Sure there can be mistakes made and what one person thinks is a UFO could turn out to be an airplane, what with the tens of thousands of sightings which go on every year. The thing is with so many sightings of UFOs there have to be some which are truly alien vehicles when they perform impossible maneuvers.  


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