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Aliens And UFOs

I don’t know how many people saw it, but a very strange thing happened in the skies above the Large Hadron Collider. The device is the biggest machine on earth measuring about 20 miles in diameter and is used to smash atoms together creating particles. As people watched clouds began to swirl and take on the shape of a funnel in the center. Some say what was being observed was a portal to either another dimension or another area in space. It was so strange that not many thought it was natural. The fact that it opened up over the world’s biggest scientific machine may have had some relevance. The phenomenon occurred on September 28, 2015 and seemed to be accompanied by strange electrical activity. While nothing was observed coming out of the funnel, there are those who suggest there are plenty of UFOs in the air above this planet which are invisible so, we really wouldn’t know if something came through the funnel or not.

A second NASA scientist is saying that there is somebody else on the moon. Is the wall of NASA secrecy starting to crack? Some say the reason the Freedom of Information Act was created was to prevent much of the secrecy we have today, but people who make requests under this act know that most of the time the records they receive are so heavily redacted they are next to useless, which defeats the purpose of the act entirely. It is turning out that many NASA personnel have noticed structures on the moon, but it is just now that some of them are talking about them. This is understandable when we are talking about people who need their jobs to support their families. It turns out that a lot of the original photo prints showed things which were denied to us. There has long been a theory which states the Apollo missions to the moon were not missions of exploration, but missions to gather and return technology. If we are talking about technology on the moon, we must be talking about aliens or very ancient humans who once colonized Luna. Could the true story of the human race be that we were far more advanced at one time and are really struggling to catch back up? It has been said that at least 40 rolls of film have been erased to cover up what was found on the moon. Bob Dean a retired Command Sergeant Major said the reason for erasing these film’s was they were disruptive, socially unacceptable and politically unacceptable. How easy it was for the government to destroy our history. If this is how the Apollo films were treated, it makes one wonder how many other times evidence has been destroyed which would have proved we are not alone?

Getting back to pictures of what is on the moon there are those who claim they have seen buildings in photos which are miles in height. These buildings could not have been built by us, because we would not have the capability to create them. This means they were not built by modern humans, but they were built by beings who must be far more advanced than we are. I guess the fact that they were able to reach the moon from somewhere else is a further indication of their Advanced Technology. While many believe we have been in contact with extraterrestrials since a little after World War II or maybe even before, there are those who think we have not and that we are being watched by aliens to see if we will begin to take care of our planet and stop making war against each other and that it will only be then that they contact us. I think indications show we have already been contacted, but that is just my opinion.

About seven years ago strange incidents occurred on a ranch in the Midwest and people on the ranch claimed they were seeing extraterrestrials. It is claimed these creatures abducted one of the people from the ranch. During a study it was found that about 45% of the abductees the investigators studied were either Native Americans or of Irish descent. I only mention this because it is unusual. One of the people on the ranch said he managed to shoot and kill one of these aliens, but the most interesting part is he sent fluids and other material to a laboratory for examination. He claims the aliens continue to come to the ranch, but they are protecting themselves behind some kind of a field. He has posted a report from the laboratory which he claims was done by W.C. Levengood and Amanda N. Nimke in 2009. The report claims when the blood and tissue samples were examined, the blood seemed to be pure hemoglobin and was the same as the fluid which was found at cattle mutilations and there appeared to be segmented rods in the blood and the examiner claimed he never found anything like this before. He said the skin looked like segmented grass except it wasn’t grass. He stated he used strict forensic techniques and that the proteins had never been seen before. The killing of the alien was said to have been accomplished using a sword and when the alien died he disappeared leaving only small parts of his body and fluid.

A tiny humanoid which was discovered in 2003 in the remote Atacama Desert region of Chile is still puzzling investigators. Stanford University was invited to Chile to test it in 2012 and they took CAT scans and genetic samples back to the University. The person who directed the examination was a visiting scholar and professor at Stanford University and one of the leading experts in the world on skeletal dysplasia and abnormalities. He examined the x-rays, CAT scans and photographs of the humanoid. All the evidence was gathered up and delivered to Dr. Nolan in Washington DC in October 2012. Dr. Nolan used advanced techniques for examining ancient DNA, because that is a specialized area of research in which Dr. Nolan was one of the leaders in the world. The body of the humanoid is only 6 inches in length and a CAT scan showed this was definitely a living being at one time and not a hoax. The body has only 10 ribs and an unusual head and proportionally to its body its head would be much larger than a human head. A fully grown tooth was found in the jaw proving this was not some type of fetus. It seems this individual died from a fracture to its skull. Guesses of the age of this creature are between six and eight years old. The DNA was in good condition and ruled out any chance this was the skeleton of a primate. So what do we have here? It seems we may have found an alien body.

Remember a couple of months ago when everybody was excited over an announcement that SETI believed a gigantic structure had been built around a star? Well disappointing as it may be they now think it was just a group of comets they were looking at, but some have changed their ideas and are back to an alien structure.


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