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Ships On The Moon


There have been several reports of spaceships being found parked on the moon. If these reports are true it would certainly indicate there are either aliens who come this way, or we have some superior technology which the public doesn’t know about. First I would like to dispel the fact the ships on the moon are ours. You may wonder how one would do that, but in this case it is easy because some of the ships which have been reported are said to be larger than ten miles in length and I am sure we have not and cannot build a ship that large. Even if we did, we would have a tough time hiding it while it was being built. Maybe we could have built it on the dark side of the moon, but even then there would have had to have been a parade of ships bringing the parts to assemble and sooner or later we would have seen that. There is also the problem of working on the moon. While we might be able to perform some small task in our spacesuits, I doubt very much we could be building enormous spaceships that way.

The history of strange things being seen on the moon is older than one might think. Astronomers were reporting seeing strange lights on the moon way before we ever landed on it. One theory states the moon is artificial and was brought here from somewhere else and is nothing more than a hollow gigantic space ship. When NASA crashed a probe into the moon it rang like a bell for over an hour proving it was indeed hollow to some extent, this does not mean however the moon is a spaceship. There are those who think the planets are hollow and the heat inside comes from a tiny star and believe this is proved by light which has been seen coming out of the planet Venus. Does this mean the planets are spaceships and were parked here? I don’t think so, but could it mean the planets are either all hollow or some are? Maybe. The problem with this and the moon is most of the lights which were seen on the moon were moving across the surface and therefore might have been ships, but there are some reports of light being seen coming out of craters.

UFOs have been seen traveling across the moon and not just a few times. We have to remember our powerful telescopes get more powerful every year with the addition of bigger scopes and more stable optics so I am going to assume something here and you are never supposed to do that because like they said in the movie, Assume make an ASS out of U and ME. Anyway I am willing to bet there are a lot more sightings of UFOs on the moon than we have ever been told of and they are continuing to this day. I am also willing to bet if there are UFOs on the moon, most of them are on the dark side. Remember our moon probes circle the moon and can see what is on the dark side. I also want to talk about Apollo 11 where a communication was intercepted where the astronauts were talking about seeing UFOs lined up on the surface of a crater. How does one deny something like this? Everything is a secret, it is like the secret of how Ebola is spread, even if it isn’t airborne, no one ever mentions the fact money gets contaminated with the virus and it lasts for at least a week on the coins and bills so how come everyone isn’t contaminated? What is the truth here?

Getting back to the ships on the moon there is a story which has spread which is accompanied by photos. It claims Apollo 16 astronauts not only found a huge ship on the moon, but there was a female alien in it whose body was preserved. The female has been named the Mona Lisa. The story started with a man who claimed he worked on missions for NASA. He said there were two secret missions to the moon in the late 1970s and they both involved the U.S. and the Russians. He claims the purpose of the missions was to investigate a large object on the moon. The object was said to be on the far side of the moon which faces away from the earth. The missions were so secret he states they were never listed anywhere. He said the object to be investigated was an alien spaceship which had crashed in the dim past. When the ship was measured it was said to be 3,370 meters long. The Gerald Ford aircraft carrier is 337 meters long so the ship is ten times as long. The story goes on to say the men went into the spaceship and estimated its age at 1 1/2 million years. This is quite a story and there is more, because a French artist was caught creating pictures of the ship to hoax people and it has been said this was done on purpose to discredit the true finding.

Another object which was said to be an alien spaceship has been found on the moon. It appears to be a triangle shaped object with what seems to be lights arranged in a “V” shape. This object was discovered on Google Moon at the following location: 22Β°42’38.46β€³N 142Β°34’44.52β€³E. Some think it might be a building rather than a ship, but it seems to have the shape of the giant triangles which have been flying slowly over many cities on earth. This leads me to ask the question is it really an alien ship or one of our secret ones? There have been rumors of the United States having a space fleet for at least some thirty plus years.

One of the problems which crops up when checking for strange objects on the moon or planets is the problem caused by the human brain. Our brains like to finish what they see so they make us think an object looks a certain way when it really doesn’t. It uses shadows and broken likes to make us think we are seeing a complete shape where none exists. There is also the problem of wishful thinking. Many people have interpreted shadows and rocks as being something they are not. This happens more often than not, so we have to use our own common sense. If we see something which looks like an alien ship, then we should analyze it more closely taking into account every pixel on the photo. The best way to do this is by trying to disprove the object is an alien ship or building and if we can eliminate every possibility then we should have someone else who is qualified look at the photo before pronouncing it as an alien ship or structure.

Disc shaped UFOs have been seen traveling over the moon in several NASA photos and videos and yet people just say you are crazy if you bring this up. The government has done their job well in creating a situation which makes us look foolish if we talk about this and it is incredible to think they are able to maintain this. It just goes to show there are enough people out there who will believe anything the government tells them, which enforces its campaign of disinformation.

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