Truth Facts



The Truth About Extraterrestrial Connections

We have so many people pretending to be time travelers we would never know if we met a real one. We also have some people who claim to be dimensional travelers. I have even met people who had a mental illness and were being treated for it who have some very strange ideas of where they came from. I remember one who was at a mental health hearing to determine if he should be released from the mental hospital he was in. Before the officers could stop him, he ran up to the judge, pulled out a toy badge and told the judge he was under arrest. Apparently, this man thought he was some sort of undercover agent and I guess the doctors let him because they thought he was harmless. Another patient thought he was born out of a photograph.

Why am I telling this crazy stuff? It is just to illustrate a point. With all these people claiming to be time travelers, some might actually believe they are. This means even if they admitted to taking a lie detector test, they would pass it. That is why I don’t put much faith in tests and also because there are ways to beat them.

Did you know some of these so-called time travelers claim to come from parallel universes and from countries which don’t exist. Could there be UFOs that are coming here from some places we could never even wrap our minds around. We could be entirely wrong about our idea of what the universe is. I base some of this idea on the fact scientists claim 90 percent of the matter in the universe is missing and must be what is known as dark matter. What if there are different kinds of matter we cannot detect because of our limited senses. Could the universe be like a Russian doll where dolls fit inside dolls? Maybe our universe is only one of billions. Could we ever contact beings in any of the others? I sort of doubt it. Normally I am more open to these things but in this case, I believe the obstacles to even discovering this might be impossible or almost impossible because they are so great, which prevent this discovery, meaning we may never conquer them. 

We think space is expanding but it could turn out to be wrong. Many scientific ideas about the universe have been wrong the past. It certainly looks to us the universe is expanding only because the objects in it are moving away, but what if there is something affecting only the objects and not space itself? It would make it look like space was expanding when it wasn’t. Some scientists believe at a certain distance out we are seeing a hologram which was created by some super being using a technique which they feel is like some very incredible powerful computer. This reminds me of early descriptions of UFOs when people didn’t know how to describe them and called them wheels and such. If it were proved the universe was a hologram something far more powerful than a computer would have had to have been used.

The is probably races other than the human race, through the universe who have different levels of intelligence and know much more about the universe than we do or maybe than we ever will. Even though they might seem like gods to us because of their powers, they wouldn’t be, but they would be much more advanced than us. If I were to create a scale of intelligence and knowledge, I think at the point we are in, we would rate pretty low on those scales even though we might not think so. I feel we are just at the very beginning of our journey into universal knowledge and so far, we are not handling it very well.

There is much to consider when thinking about where we are right now and I think we have to consider what 2 brave men have already told us who were in a position to know. One is Paul Hilliard, the former Canadian Defense Minister and the other is Haim Eshed, the former Israeli Security chief.  We know both were in a position in their governments to know secrets and both have come out to tell us what they knew and it has shocked some people because of where this information came from. Both have said years ago their countries have signed agreements with alien beings who worked for a sort of United Planets of Space. They claim we have been working with these beings. Remember I am not talking about some person who jumps on the internet or appears on a UFO show, I am talking about respected former government officials. I think we have to give serious consideration to what they have said. This would mean these governments are hiding some very important facts and I am sure our government is also in on this and maybe many others.

We are living in a strange world right now. We are supplying weapons to Ukraine and yet we are still cooperating with the Russian space agency, does anyone else think this is very strange? Could the Russians also be involved with this alien organization? It wouldn’t be a surprise to me. China is probably involved too.

Some might say how can I believe someone so outrageous? It is because not only do I take it from who is telling us this, it seems to be backed up by at least two death bed confessions when we were told by two former directors of the Lockheed Skunk Works, a place where secret craft are designed and built that we could now take an ET home. There are also people like Luis Elizondo who was the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, known as AATIP, the UFOs we see in the sky are mostly ours but some are extraterrestrial. If we add all this up and other evidence it seems we can only come to one intelligent conclusion, we are in contact with alien beings and have been for years in the modern era. We still have a lot to learn and it is time to shed these phony space programs used to cover up the truth at the cost of billions of dollars. Take the program to go back to the moon for example. If we already have superior capabilities, we probably have been to the moon plenty of times and even Mars and other places and at a much faster speed than a rocket can provide. The time is long overdue for the truth to come out.

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