Extraterrestrials Seem to Love This Planet
We have moved from some so-called experts saying extraterrestrials are interested in nuclear sites to some now believe extraterrestrials are now stalking them. This change in language seems to indicate the aliens are a threat and we see these ideas getting more traction in the public forum. Yet we don’t hear very much about why aliens would be a threat except for the fact they are using our airspace and maybe this would be a threat to airline routes. I think if the government thinks extraterrestrials are such a threat, they should tell us why because we put these people into the government to keep us informed of problems and I also believe no matter how bad the news might be, we have a right to know.
If things are so bad and there are dangerous problems with aliens, I think something would have gotten into the news by now. It just might be that certain people in the government are afraid our secrets will get out because maybe the aliens have found out things the government doesn’t want us to know. I think most of us know how secretive the government is. When Julian Assange the head of Wikileaks found out embarrassing things about some politicians, I remember one calling for a death sentence for him. Talk about the punishment not fitting the crime, even if there was not one.
If extraterrestrials are coming here, and more people than ever are accepting this premise, there seems to be many different races and many beings. I would think if they are anything like us at all, they would have their crime and a few alien criminals might make it to this planet who are responsible for any bad deeds. We don’t know the entire story of course, but we do know of a couple bad deeds by aliens which occurred. Some were in the sky and some on the ground, but the bulk of the aliens seem to be interested in protecting us and the planet and that was the message that has been given to us many times by all different means. It was told to a class of school children, many individuals and was shown to us by some of the actions we know were taken like the ones which shut down our ballistic missiles and activated Russian missiles and shut them down the last minute. This was a warning to us which made it very clear they could control our nuclear stock pile and stop us and the Russians from launching. Whether they would actually do this is up for discussion.
It seems to me there is a line which they may not want us to cross and it is the nuclear line. If they wanted to prevent wars, they would have at least started with World War Two when UFOs were known to be present and known as Foo Fighters. Then they had the change with the myriads of other wars since then. Since none were nuclear, the prospective of protecting the planet from destruction may not have come into play or I could be entirely wrong in what I think.
When one is trying to figure out how an alien mind works it is probably impossible since none of us have had experience with aliens according to the government. Is that true? Probably not, there are some people who claim to have met with them who are respected people and some who were like us, just everyday people. Most said they met the small grays and they seemed very robotic to them and it is suspected they might be biological robots created to help out other races. Even though right now this is far more advanced than anything we can do, we are making progress in creating robots and also in organs. Could we someday create an artificial human, is it a possibility? It seems to be.
One thing I think we have discovered, even though it seems the extraterrestrials have shown incredible patience with us even when we shot at them and maybe shot some down, is they seemed to have shown their temper at times. In the Vietnam War it seems we shot missiles at them, presumably from planes. Witnesses claim they shot up and sank a small boat known as a Swift boat. It was a military river boat with a crew of about 6. What they did next surprised everyone. The UFO must have caught the missile shot at it because they fired it back at an Australian war ship and killed some of the crew and damaged the ship. I don’t think we ever realized UFOs could catch shells and missiles fired at them before.
This makes me wonder about all the shots which were fired at a UFO during the battle of Los Angelis in World War Two. Were any of those shells being caught? Prior to this knowledge I think most of us thought the UFOs had some sort of shield to deflect or destroy incoming weapons. It just goes to show the technology on UFOs is even more powerful than first thought. Early on I had heard we shot a couple of UFOs down but some said this was because they were surprised we shot at them and they hadn’t deployed their protection, but they quickly learned we were dangerous.
Why are UFOs keeping such an eye on our weapons development? Are they watching the development of nonnuclear weapons also? I would think so. It seems to me they have to because if we invent a weapon which is dangerous to them which they can’t shut down the only option they might have left is to destroy our craft to protect themselves from us attacking them. Something else might happen and that might be they show themselves all over the world to the general public and move for a treaty of nonaggression against them and them against us. It might not be a treaty which would be easy for us to sign because it might contain language of harsh punishment if we fire on them.
One thing I am pretty sure about is the world is going to change soon, but probably not in my lifetime. I have to believe we are not the first planet the UFOs have visited and are visiting. They might be visiting many other planets with intelligent populations and been through this method of making contact many times before. It does show incredible patience since we have evidence they have been coming here for thousands of years and maybe before humans.