UAP News December 4, 2024
A new coin was minted by the Canadian mint, a coin which probably never would have been made a few years ago. It commemorated an incident which occurred on September 1, 1974. On that date a farmer saw 5 UAPs in the sky. They hovered over a field for a while and they left. The sightings were documented when investigators found circles in the field under where the objects were seen. Canada has a series of coins it named the Unexplained Phenomena series. If we had a series like that and truly kept up with it, we might have hundreds of coins in it.
The current senator from Arizona is a former astronaut and his name is Mark Kelly. It seems he is not happy about the information we are not getting concerning UAPs. He believes it is an investigation problem, which I can’t agree with. I think they know a lot more but are keeping the information secret. He talks about interviewing navy fighter pilots, but I believe things go a lot deeper than that and don’t understand why he thinks the government is just not as competent as it could be? I think most of us know by now the government must have thousands of reports including some from foreign countries. What I would like to know is the truth.
Why is it so many photos of UAPs are blurry, and leave a lot to be desired? That is why it is celebrated by the UAP community when a really clear photo is released. The problem with many of these clear photos is they are a hoax and usually Photoshopped. Photoshopping is when a photo is manipulated. It usually has an object inserted into it, but there are also other forms of manipulation. One which comes into mind had to do with a triangular UAP being inserted onto a photo of the deck of an American aircraft carrier.
Every once in a while, the subject comes up about an old UAP sighting. The reason is it was very unique. We launched a rocket in the 1960s which was said to have a dummy nuclear warhead and a UAP came along and shot at it with a laser type weapon. At least we think it was a weapon. It is just about a sure thing extraterrestrials would have known the warhead was not real, so why would they shoot at it? Could it be to show us their displeasure with the idea of using nuclear weapons? They seem to have demonstrated this point many times over the years going as far as to shut down nuclear missiles.
The sightings of UAPs not only continue, but seem to be getting more frequent. Recently a UAP was seen over Tampa, Florida. It seems many large cities are the targets for UAP sightings. It is almost like the powers that be behind the UAPs want to make themselves visible to as many people as possible. They are doing a good job and we can see it in the polls about UAPs. About half of the population of the United States now believe in alien life forms existing. It is said the number of people who believe in the existence of alien life has increased by 20 percent since 1996.
I don’t know if this has anything to do with extraterrestrials or not, but we all know sometimes extraterrestrial craft are seen going into or coming out of the ocean. That is why I am bringing this up. Oxygen has been found in the ocean at a depth of 13,000 feet and scientists are having a hard time with this. They are calling this dark oxygen. Just a couple of weeks ago it was found that there were rocks on the ocean floor which were producing oxygen so this seems it might be the way oxygen got down so deep, it was created there. On the other hand, could aliens be creating oxygen for use by themselves? Maybe there are bases down there and they need oxygen for them.
A story has come out claiming we have found ruins on Mars and they seem to indicate an intelligent race existed there and they resemble some of our ancient ruins. This estimate seems to ignore the fact some things on Mars look a lot more advanced. Maybe, Mars was a base for aliens who were exploring the earth and the rest of the solar system? We can’t be 100 percent sure if we find indications of past life, unless those clues are abundant, proving it was a Martian base.
The Ukrainians have been sending drones all over the combat area and so have the Russians. When this happens, sometimes unexpected images are caught on the drone cameras. The other day what looked like a UAP in the distance was captured by a Ukrainian drone camera. It is hard to make out, but when enlarged it could be a UAP. It is well known UAPs have been seen many times flying over combat areas.
Residents of Richland, Washington believe they saw a UAP flying overhead in September, 2024. It was said it made a sound which woke up a sleeper who didn’t know what the noise was or where it came from. The noise may not have been related to the sighting after all. An object was seen on a few doorbell cameras, but the images were very low quality.
What I have heard over the years was a story about Prince Phillip of Great Britain which there is no way of proving. But it was kind of known that some members of the royal family were very interested in UAPs. Many people knew that Charles, before he became king, was said to have an incredible library of UFO material, and Prince Phillip was said to have met with an extraterrestrial. There is even a documentary about this streaming on some of the services. As with everything UAP, there is no way of proving this and it doesn’t seem the king is ready to admit it. He might surprise us one day and discuss how he feels about the subject, but I wouldn’t hold out too much hope. Having said that, some feel he had some very knowledgeable connections in the field and given his high position, probably knows more about the subject than most of us and if he did meet with an extraterrestrial, who can say what he was told? It isn’t just the United States that have recovered UAPs, England is also said to have some. Knowing the close relationship we have with them, I am sure much secret data has been shared.