Truth Facts



Police and Security Forces UFO Encounters

How do you know when UFOs are starting to be taken seriously? One way was demonstrated when police nationwide were given a handbook stating UFOs are dangerous and a threat to police helicopters. That is a new one to me. The handbook also states to beware of the unknown threat they pose. I would like it a lot better if these threats were stated, because not everybody thinks UFOs are a threat. There is one thing which cannot be denied, there are cases where police officers seem to have been put in danger by unknown craft.

One of those cases was unusual even for a UFO. I say unusual because a policeman named Val Johnson was sitting in his police car when it was hit by an unseen object which not only cracked his windshield and bent his antenna, but left him unconscious. The car was subjected to all sorts of tests, but the cause of the crash was never found. Another policeman named Lonnie Zamora had one of the most credible UFO incidents on record. He had stopped his car and began to walk towards 2 men who are standing next to a bright shiny object. The men got into the object and as it took off huge flames came out of it. Zamora ran for his life. Zamora called for help and officers arrived and could see the burnt area where the object was said to have taken off from. Over the years this case became one of the most famous because Zamora was an incredible witness and the area which was burned supported his story. Zamora had originally seen a flame in the sky and thought a local dynamite shack might have exploded when he came upon the craft.

More recently, officers saw something fall out of the sky in Los Vegas. Right after that people reported creatures in their back yard and the officers went to interview the witnesses. Other witnesses also said they saw something fall from the sky. The aliens were described as green and 8 to 9 feet tall. Video was taken and creatures were seen on it when carefully examined.

Police across several states reported seeing a UFO. They chased it to their border where other police in their jurisdictions took up the chase. Apparently, the UFO was not going very fast. Finally, the UFO disappeared.

Police are considered some of the best witnesses to UFO events. It is because they are trained in identifying evidence and being very aware  of what they saw so they can describe it. Several years ago, a police helicopter captured a video of a UFO. Another police helicopter in Africa chased a UFO which easily got away. Police agencies claim UFOs can fly circles around their helicopters. Border patrol agents also claim they had multiple encounters with UFOs, which performed  incredible maneuvers which were far beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft.

Police at the West Yorkshire police station in England thought they were going to have a quiet night. They were wrong. They first got a report of cows roaming the streets. An officer was sent to check things out. A light appeared over the road which the officer thought might be a bus. As he drew up, he realized he was seen a diamond shaped UFO. He made a record of it, but the light kept getting brighter and blinding, and he blacked out and woke up hundreds of meters away, but still in his car. He then drove back to the site and found a very dry patch in the shape of a circle. The officer had about an hour of lost time. The cows were found on a fenced off Rugby pitch without prints leading  there.

An officer in Exeter, New  Hampshire,  was returning to his police station. A woman had told him she was chased by a large red UFO and she was at wits end. He had calmed her down before returning to his station. A hitchhiker saw several strange lights in the sky. One of the lights came toward him. He had to duck to avoid being hit. He stopped a car and asked them to go to the police station and report the attack. The police sent an officer to the scene to investigate. When the officer got to the site and got out of his car he saw a giant red UFO in the sky. He used his radio to alert the other police. A second officer was sent out. As the object got closer it looked round and was about 45 feet in diameter. As the object headed toward the officer, he drew his gun and yelled he was going to shoot. The object began to reverse and the officer didn’t fire. At that point the second officer showed up. He saw the object leaving.

The year was 1967 and two policemen were patrolling one of the main roads. They saw a strange object in the sky they described as looking like a cross. They said the inner parts were like the point of a compass but were blurred. They said the object was silent and very bright white. The object was said to be going slow and at treetop height. The police said the object was watching them before flying away at incredible speed.

A security detail was sent into Rendlesham Forest when a UFO was reported next to an American occupied RAF base named Woodbridge. There had been a report of strange lights in the woods. The lights were  said to be red. A UFO had landed in the woods and was sitting just above the ground. Strange writing or symbols were on it and one of the men touched it. The deputy base commander had come out personally. The sighting has been denied by various so-called experts, but the facts seem to maintain the sighting. One of the men who had touched the object, reported feeling a low powered shock of some sort and later on wrote down pages of 0s and 1s he said was transmitted to him by the object. This turned out to be a message when deciphered, indicated the object was from earth, but from the future.

There have been plenty more sightings by police and security experts all over the world. The sightings seemed to have touched every area of life. Most seem harmless, but there are those which are dangerous and this can’t be denied. Some UFOs seem to have intelligent beings who are very benevolent and this seems to be most, but others seem to be very dangerous without regard for human life.

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