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UFO Report January 8, 2016

I guess it is time for another UFO update, so here it is:

An earthquake hit the east end of Cornwall Ontario on November 28, 2015. While the earthquake was rocking the area some people reported seeing a UFO hovering in the sky. There are those who believe the UFO might have had something to do with causing the quake.

A very odd story has come out with a video and the story tells of a very strong alien who has thrown cars around at a Chinese crossing. No alien appears in the video, but cars certainly are flying around. I thought you might enjoy seeing this video due to the fact it is so unusual. Here is the address for it:
You can copy and paste the address into your browser’s address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links. The Chinese are blaming the accidents on a street sweeper which was said to have tangled a fallen cable and tightened it lifting the cars. This is all very strange since the cable doesn’t seem strong enough to do this. Look at the video and come to your own conclusions.

An old copy of a newspaper has surfaced in England it is from 1801 and states people in the town of Hull saw something very mysterious. They described it as a huge moon-like orb that appeared which gave off a strange blue light. It appeared on June 19th of that year.

From time to time old photos pop up of the moon or Mars which show UFOs that weren’t noticed before. This time one has surfaced of the moon which was taken in 1971. It is an official NASA photo and shows something very odd in the background. The object looks like a spacecraft. The object was easy to miss due to its dull color, but once it is enlarged it is obvious it is something which looks similar to an inverted “V”.

It is being said one of the best places to see UFOs from is the window of an airliner. It seems sightings from commercial airliners are increasing. A huge UFO was seen by Indian airliner passengers and many others by passengers and pilots in other aircraft. It is hard to get a handle on the numbers, but the reports seem to be increasing. As for the pilots no one can blame them for not reporting such sightings, they want to keep their jobs.

Dr. Brian O’Leary an eminent astronomer and former friend and co-worker of Carl Sagan stated that in 1961 Carl Sagan stated if aliens were coming to the earth it would have to be covered up, because it would cause too much cultural shock and that he was working in collusion with NASA. This is according to CE or
Astronomers are very excited over the fact they seem to have picked up radio wave bursts of a frequency never heard before and one was a double burst. The signals are being analyzed by the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales and many are saying we could have gotten signals from alien worlds. One of the scientists involved said, "We have no idea what's going on, but we know it's definitely something cool.”

South Africa
Something very strange happened over Cape Town on 29 November 2015. As people looked into the sky they could see what looked like a wormhole opening over their heads. Some of the people seeing it even questioned if it was an opening from another dimension. Others looked at what was happening and thought it might be a green disk shinning a light down. One man said it was a UFO and he had seen the same thing about three years ago. Here is the address of the pictures, you can copy and paste it into your web browsers address bar:

It just goes to prove UFOs are everywhere in the world. Two UFOs were seen monitoring Russian drone strikes in this country. Two orbs were seen flying past the Russian drones as they were releasing their bombs. The UFOs were flying in the opposite directions. A Vietnam vet said when he was fighting in Vietnam he had also seen UFOs monitoring the battles.

United States
A video was taken in Conroe, Texas and it shows a number of strange blinking lights in the sky. The video was taken on 12 November 2015 and is indicative of many other videos which seem to show lights in the sky blinking on and off.

NASA does it again. Off with the live feed! That must have been the command from the person in charge as a rather large donut shaped UFO appeared flying over the earth on one of the NASA cameras. The object looks almost line a smoke ring in the distance and can clearly be seen before the cameras go off. Here is the address:

It seems there are plenty of UFOs to go around and we could fill a book with them every month. I believe sightings are increasing and maybe this is being done on purpose to acclimate us to the fact UFOs are really alien craft and lessen the shock on us by this fact.


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