Truth Facts




The Roswell UFO crash will never get out of the news. Just recently a witness  came forward claiming he not only saw secret photos of the aliens from the crash, but if he is questioned about the validity of his testimony,  he is willing to take a lie detector test. Of all the UFO sightings and retrievals, the government has been involved with, this one seems to be the biggest thorn in their side. People just won’t  forget about it even though it is one of the oldest cases. It was almost forgotten when a nuclear physicist named Stanton Friedman found a document in the Library of Congress mentioning the Roswell crash, which caused the entire investigation to be brought up again.

There is an unusual claim being made extraterrestrials have said there is a barrier around the earth which is protected by some race or space organization that prevents aliens from landing  on earth unless they get permission. This is one time we know for sure this is baloney. If this was true; we would not be able to send rockets and probes all over the solar system. Of course,  I expect someone to say we were secretly given permission to penetrate the barrier, but this just sounds like so much nonsense to me. Our sky is full of UFOs on any given day so if it was possibly true, there must be a lot of aliens who were given that permission. This reminds me of the people who say all the space flight is staged because the Van Allen Belts are stopping space travel. They are not and there is no barrier.

One would think by now the idea of us being  restricted to this planet would have been extinguished, but there are still those who believe this and also tie that in with the moon landings. As far as the Van Allen Belts are concerned speed is everything. Getting through them at rocket speeds means we can do it without harm. An example of speed making things safer is right in front of us. The fastest vehicle we have is the solar probe. The Parker solar probe is orbiting very near the sun. Using the argument this can’t be because it would melt, it should have been instantly destroyed and yet it continues to orbit. The probe has an average speed of 394,736 miles per hour. It got this fast by sling shooting around the sun. The probe has touched the sun. It has gone into the sun’s  corona. The corona is about 3 times hotter than the surface below. The corona starts about 8 million miles above the surface of the sun.

As incredible as all this is, there have been accounts by witnesses who were astronomers claiming to have seen UFOs fly through the sun and come out the other side. Why would they want to do this and another important question is how? This was not a one-time event. Could it be there are some ships from other dimensions which can penetrate solid mass and pass through unscathed. Perhaps even ships from our dimension have this power. We know there are many reports of aliens  out on abduction raids who have walked through walls.

There seems to be an odd connection between Bigfoots and UFOs. There have been reports which claim witnesses have seen Bigfoots being send down to earth in a beam from a UFO. Many have asked the question why? There are always theories for everything and there are several for the connection between Bigfoots and aliens. One has to do with the fact Bigfoots may have been earth creatures and were removed from the planet and taken care of by the aliens who wanted them to be able to go back from time to time and see their home planet. Another theory states the Bigfoots planet was wiped out and the aliens are helping to find them a new home. A group of teenagers claim to have seen a Bigfoot when they were camping out. They said the Bigfoot had glowing eyes.

It is said when Trumann was president, he formed Majestic 12, a group of people who would be charged of taking care to keep UFO data secret, and keeping UFO secrets out of the hands of others. Some say this was also to give the president deniability. This brings us to today and what past and present presidents knew about UFOs. Some believe presidents have been kept out of the UFO loop since then, but others think they know more about UFOs than at least any of us do.

When we think about all the sightings of UFOs, we have to realize there are far more than admitted to. People from every walk of life have seen them and some have even seen some of the pilots and crew members. If, for example, one can say a certain percentage of us have seen a UFO, that percentage will probably apply to different groups such as scientists, actors, the military and such and in some cases like the military the percentage might even be higher among sub-groups such as pilots. Now that more people are coming forward to admit to sightings, we are seeing a lot more actors confess they have seen a UFO.

Why do UFOs seem to key in to volcanoes? We see them going in and out of them with ease. It seems they are impervious to the heat and the material being ejected when they are active. This says a lot for their technology. Here we are flying around out planet on relatively fragile machines while these beings are on ships which are almost indestructible. I say almost because it has been shown if their shields are down, they are vulnerable to our weapons. We don’t know if this is  true for all of the different types or not.

When people state they are thousands of years ahead of us in technology this may not be true. As we develop, our technology, it is developing faster all the time, because it is based on new discoveries which in themselves foster even newer technologies. We shouldn’t measure technology by looking at how long things took to discover in the past, since there was no where as much technology which existed to base new technology on. I know this sounds convoluted, but I think you get what I am saying. For all we know extraterrestrials who are flying UFOs developed their technology much faster than us and some  of their races could be much younger than the human race.

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