Truth Facts



Why Do UFOs Go Where They Do?

Why is  it we are seeing more frequent flights over airports by UFOs? Could it be because this is a good place for them to go to get noticed? As most of the readers of this site know by now, I have the idea UFOs want to be noticed but the government may not want us to know they exist now, or maybe never. One way for extraterrestrials to counter this would be to fly to places where they stand out and there are a lot of people around to see them. One of these places is an airport. Sometimes they seem to stay around for a while. O’Hare airport was a good example of this and even when the UFO left, it created a hole in the clouds which lasted for quite some time. Airports in China even had to  be shut down due to UFO activity, just to mention a few instances.

Wanting to be noticed by as many people and maybe get into the news would also apply to UFOs appearing over large cities like New York City. As a matter of fact, there was an April 2024 appearance by a UFO. We know New York City has a very large population so the chances of a UFO being spotted by a lot of people are great. Since the UFO was over such a great city, it would probably make the news, and it did get into some news outlets.

I believe there are at least two different reasons for where UFOs appear. One is the reason I mentioned which is publicity to try and force the governments to admit the truth to the public. The second reason is to study us and our resources and this is why they appear over nuclear power stations, military bases, and such. They seem to even study our wars. This might be because they ended all wars on their planets, or they may not want us to completely destroy ourselves.

Why would they care about us? I think this is an important question? My hunch is they have a lot of time invested in us and may even be altering us slowly, and don’t want to lose their prize experiment. On the other hand, they could be charitable and don’t want us to completely extinguish ourselves. At least some of the races coming here might have had similar backgrounds but managed to save themselves from annihilation, and want to pass that result on to us. There could be other reasons. We have to remember we are dealing with alien minds so their reasons might be completely different than what we think. Maybe they are worried about the planet, not so much us.

Why would they care about the planet and what happens to it? One of the things that comes to mind is the fact some scientists think they found portals here which could be shortcuts to other worlds and dimensions. Could it be possible if our world was destroyed it might affect other worlds or dimensions which were attached to it? There has been talk stating when we set off a nuclear bomb it does affect other dimensions, but of course there is no proof of this as we don’t even know for sure if higher dimensions exist.

There could be another reason for aliens to be worried about the earth and that is, there are aliens living here. They are said to have underground and underwater bases, and that some have even mixed in with us and we don’t know it. If they have been coming here for thousands of years there could be quite a considerable population of them here by now. Maybe if we somehow managed to blow up the entire planet it could upset the solar system and upset the balance and eventually be the cause for its destruction and maybe some of the aliens come from one or more of the moons or planets here. If they are worried about us doing something stupid, they have a lot to worry about.

It seems the aliens have signaled us by letting us see the Black Knight satellite which is said to have been orbiting the earth for many thousands of years. It showed us it has the ability to go invisible, but appeared and some pictures were taken. Was this done intentionally? The aliens certainly are not stupid and must have know if they let it become visible, pictures would be taken.

UFOs have become a lot more visible in recent years. Who ever thought fleets of them would show themselves. Could there be a reason for that. Let’s try and think like an alien if that is possible. If I wanted to prevent a human war, might I sail several fleets of UFOs over countries which would probably be involved in that war to dissuade them from fighting? If this is the reason, we are too stupid to recognize it. We I say we; I am talking about the human race. We have had them flying across  our skies, buzzing our ships and been seen flying across the moon, to mention a few places where they want us to notice them.

Short of them firing and say melting a mountain or something like that in the public view? It seems we are not about to pay any attention to any message they are attempting to send to us, and that is a shame. It seems countries can easily find some reason to attack each other, but can’t easily find a reason for peace.

If extraterrestrials really want to save the human race, it will have to be accomplished more like it was in the original movie of When the Earth Stood Still. In that movie we were guaranteed peace, but the cost was if there was an attack, the aliens would burn the earth to a cinder. I certainly wouldn’t want to be under that kind of procedure, would you? Maybe the answer is something the extraterrestrials have already demonstrated and that is turning off all the nukes in the world and preventing the building of new ones. It would be a great start and perhaps promote peace. On the other hand, we have been fighting wars for tens of thousands of years when we didn’t have nukes so we might go back to conventional weapons.

Are extraterrestrials benevolent, uncaring or evil? More say benevolent, but there has been some indication which shows some of them seem to hate us and have killed humans in the past.

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