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UFOs And Our Nuclear Program

A lot of people are coming out and talking about UFOs and many of them are people who should know what they are talking about. Two different astronauts are claiming we have been in contact with aliens, one is Edgar Mitchell the sixth man to walk on the moon. He has been saying a lot about aliens lately. I have a theory about this, it seems to me as people who might know something about alien contact get older they feel they want to inform the public before they die. I have seen this quite a few times and there have been some death bed confessions made by famous people who were involved with the military or companies that worked on space travel who admitted we have been in contact with extraterrestrials. One of the things which bothers me is that Nick Pope, the man who worked for the British Ministry of Defense in a department dedicated to UFO sightings is calling out Mitchell on what he is saying. It is hard to imagine Dr. Mitchell an astronaut with many contacts in the military is being challenged by Pope whose credentials pale in comparison to Mitchells. I have talked to Pope in the past and I liked him, but I think he is barking up the wrong tree.

Mitchell said he found out that aliens were watching our nuclear tests. It has become common knowledge in at least UFO circles that many of our missiles were shut down by UFOs which flew over missile sites. There are also videos of UFOs actually shooting down some of our test missiles and the videos come from our own military, so is it so far-fetched that aliens are watching our nuclear tests? Mitchell said the aliens were very interested in White Sands where we tested our nukes. He states the aliens were keeping tabs on the progress of our nuclear capabilities. Mitchell went so far as to say, “Other officers from bases on the pacific coast told me their (test) missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft.” Mitchell also added our technology is not as sophisticated as the aliens and that they had the capability to destroy us at any time if they wanted, but that they are not hostile. Here is a statement by Nick Pope which really surprised me, he said, “Even where Mitchell’s sources are genuine, how do we know they have access to classified information about UFOs?” This coming from a man who admitted in an interview if something looked very important which he was investigating he wouldn’t make a paper trail so there would be nothing to release. There is one thing I agree with Pope on and that is some governments may promote belief in UFOs to hide the fact what people are seeing is their own secret aircraft.

There has been a lot of talk lately about Mars being the victim of some sort of nuclear attack in the past. This is based on things which have been observed on Mars including a thin layer of radioactive substances. It probably would have taken nukes far more powerful than we have now to do this and I remember one scientists who believes Mars was nuked saying he believed by the disbursal pattern it was hit with about two or three huge nuclear bombs. One physicist, Dr John Brandenburg thought Mars had been the victim of some sort of natural occurrence which cause this, but he has now revised his conclusion and believes Mars was attacked. He may think this because nuclear isotopes have been found in the Martian atmosphere which resemble what is formed when we explode a hydrogen bomb. Could nuclear bombs have been so powerful they caused the atmosphere on Mars to start to leak into space?

When we talk about UFOs watching our nuclear tests and sometimes interfering with our launches or turning off our nuclear deterrent we are talking about something which is documented by many of our agencies such as the Air Force, FBI, CIA and many other security agencies. One agency which we don’t usually connect with UFOs is the Federal Aviation Agency or FAA. The reason they are so involved is that many commercial pilots and others have reported seeing UFOs. Just to give you one famous example of this, a pilot for a Japanese Airlines was followed part of the way to Alaska by a UFO. His plane was  followed for over 400 miles. When the pilot reported what was going on the airline didn’t like it so they moved him to a desk and as far as I know, he never flew again. There are many files which have been declassified which show these agencies knew about UFOs and even though we are told they didn’t investigate them, the files are full of sightings and facts about UFOs.

A researcher named Robert Hastings spent over forty years investigating UFOs and their actions. He had interviewed many former and retired military personnel who were either directly involved with UFO incidents or indirectly involved. They cover all the military ranks. Many of the personnel talk about how UFOs interfered with our nuclear force and recently released documents from the former Soviet Union show the same things was happening there. So why are extraterrestrials so interested in our nuclear capabilities? Some think they want to protect us and everything they do indicates this. Others think we might have developed nuclear capabilities too early as compared to the rest of our technology and this has the aliens worried. Then there is the idea the aliens think we could become a threat and that is why they are monitoring us so closely.

When Hastings discussed UFO incursions at the Disclosure Conference at the National Press Club, it wasn’t covered by the usual media, so most people never knew it even happened. I bet most of you didn’t know about it. Here is the address for the video:
You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links. The video is interesting and worth a viewing. There is no doubt we are under surveillance by UFOs and their alien pilots and they are especially interested in our nuclear program.


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