Truth Facts



Problems With Extraterrestrial Contact

There are so many weird things going on, on earth, almost anything is possible. One of the things which seems fascinating was when a witness said he had actually made contact with an extraterrestrial and during a conversation the extraterrestrial said we humans were containers. I wondered about this since it really sounds strange and could mean several different things. Yes, of course, this is based on the fact the witness would have had to have been telling the truth. For the sake of argument let’s assume the witness was. This leaves us with the puzzling question of what did the alien mean?

I thought this could be referring to the fact the extraterrestrials knew we had a soul. Somehow this didn’t seem to fit the tone of the conversation. A few days later I read an article about a whistleblower who had been employed by one of our spy agencies and he was saying he found out there were not only some extraterrestrials on earth but, you better sit down for this, there were aliens inside us and they were from other dimensions. I know, this sounds truly insane. I don’t blame you if you are taking some time to laugh it off. The only reason I am even mentioning this fact is because of the container remark.

I feel the same as most of you out there who are reading this right now. While this is the most extreme remark about aliens, I have ever read, he also had more thing to say which was there were aliens living one earth which we could not detect, because they were from other dimensions and while we could not detect them, they could see us and even act on things which affect us. This made me think what he really had meant they could walk right through us and we would not feel them or detect anything what so ever.

We as humans are handicapped in a way because of our limited visual ability. We can only see part of the magnetic spectrum. There is so much more we are unable to detect without special instruments. This brings me to another point, and that point is we do have instruments which can detect far more than we can with our human vision. If there are interdimensional beings on earth, could we have used these instruments to have detected them? Maybe this is why our whistleblower knew about these beings. This never seems to be talked about when beings of this type are discussed. Why is that? Could it be the subject is avoided for some reason? Maybe the government doesn’t want to give any validity to the subject because some of the people who make the decisions believe we couldn’t handle this.

This also has meaning for us in the search for alien life. It would mean there could be alien life on a planet and because in is interdimensional, we would never know it, even if we landed on an inhabited planet unless we had special equipment with us to detect them. One of the questions we have to ask is even with our special tools, could there be types of life we could not detect. We also have to realize detecting this type of life does not mean we could communicate with them. While they might be able to see us and even affect us in some way, they might not understand us, or even realize what we were trying to do.

The idea of advanced dimensions is a human concept. It is a way of expressing a part of the universe which seems to be unavailable to us and yet could be occupied by beings who are very different from us. Maybe there are beings like that on earth, but maybe they are unaware of us. I think the idea is a being living in a higher dimension can access all the lower ones, but might not be able to access the higher ones than the one he lives in. This is just my theory but it seems to fit what the idea is. On the other hand, I could be very wrong about this, there could be beings who live in a higher dimension who have the ability to detect any dimension whether higher or lower.

Some beings could be very dangerous to us. Not that they want to be, but they could be because of their makeup. What if they are composed of antimatter? If we came in contact with them, it would be quite a problem since we are not antimatter and when the two meet it would cause quite an explosion. Who is to say there are not antimatter dimensions? This is only one of the things that could harm us. What if there are certain diseases which exist in some higher dimensions which might be disastrous to us because we would never know how to cure them and maybe never be able to even detect them?

As we advance, we are learning life possibly could be much more complicated than we first suspected and looking for planets which are similar to ours in both size, star type, and distance from their sun might be limited our search too much. I say this because we may be the ones who are very different and don’t realize it. We could be a very rare species and maybe that is why there is so much UAP activity on our planet. This could be the reason why extraterrestrials are so interested in us and this could also be the reason we are having a hard time finding alien life. The search might just be too limited.

I bet when we, the common folk, finally meet extraterrestrials, some of the things we find out will be very shocking to us. One thing I believe however is we might find they all have a general belief in a God. It might not be the same way we do, but I think it will be there. I remember a witness who claimed to have contact with an extraterrestrial saying he asked the alien about religion and was told the alien believed in a universal god, that is one which was responsible for the creation of the universe. It could turn out aliens may not be so different from us in some of their ideas at least. Finally, I would like to say we just might find some who even came from this planet many millions of years ago.

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