Truth Facts



What Is The True Story About Extraterrestrials?

Lately, we have been hearing more about the supposed true UAP story and how if we knew the truth, it would scare us to death. This seems to be the emerging theme. Is it being said to cover up the non-release of UAP data or is it true? If it is true why is it we haven’t heard that much about this before? It just makes me wonder even more what is really going on. Anytime a culture comes into contact with a superior culture they must have had at least a slight worry and maybe even more than that. The latest I have heard about was an ex-CIA officer saying if we knew the truth about UFOs we would be terrified.

The other side of the coin is we have also been hearing that there is an organization composed of different planets and they want us to join. This seems to be reasonable except for the fact we would be so far behind them in technology it makes we wonder why they would want us. One theory is there were ancient races here on earth before our current civilization who gained the ability to travel into space and they left to explore the universe and now they are back trying to get us, their descendants back into the fold. This doesn’t seem that farfetched.

When I saw the original movie of The Day The Earth Stood Still, I thought if we ever made contact it would be more like what was pictured. In the original we were invited to join a space organization but if we went to war, even with each other, there were powerful robots circling the earth which were authorized to destroy the planet. Could it be that was what was meant as terrifying? Could it be we were invited to joint a space organization but were also threatened if we took our wars into space we would be destroyed?

Put yourselves into the shoes of the alien races. That is if they even wear shoes. They don’t want to be threatened someday by us and who could blame them? Then there is this other thing which puzzles me to no end. It is a reoccurring story which states some in positions of power in our government think demons are involved with those that come here or they are coming here on their own. I cannot believe people in our government can actually believe this. Sure, there could be extraterrestrials which we might consider as exceptionally evil, but demons? Give me a break. I feel like we are going back to the Middle Ages.

It was said we were invited to join this space organization years ago on the promise we would give up our nuclear weapons and we refused. One would have thought we might have figured out a way for the entire world to do this under pressure from the aliens. Think about this, if we were worried about the extraterrestrials and thought nuclear weapons would protect us from them that is crazy. They could just stand off in space and destroy the entire planet and we could do nothing to prevent it. Knowing this the nukes were only good for using on each other and if the aliens could guarantee they would not let any country develop more nukes after the agreement and deactivate the ones we had, that would have been a good deal, at least I think so.

By not joining a space based United Nations type organization, we are being held back. Who knows what technology they might help us to develop. Instead of worrying about going back to the moon and even Mars, we might have the entire universe opened to us to explore. Think about what we could discover and who we might meet. The benefits so outweigh turning down the opportunity, you have to wonder why we didn’t do it.

I think about the way things are now in the United States and think to myself did we miss this chance for political reasons? Were the political parties in this country afraid they would lose power? One has to admit it seems like that is the most important thing to them, not the welfare of the citizens. What a shame that would be if that was the case.

Have extraterrestrials been leading us into space? I can’t help but think of a couple of things I mentioned before and they were the fact both Einstein and Tesla said the same thing about their work. Tesla said he would have a picture of an invention in his head and just copy it down. Interestingly Einstein said the same thing which leads me to wonder if somehow those pictures were put there by some means by extraterrestrials to help advance the human race. While Einstein was a genius there were people who had a far greater I.Q. than he did. His was 160. It was said however his brain was wired differently. Tesla’s I.Q. has been estimated but the figure is worthless. The estimate was 160 to 320. In other words, we don’t know but he was at least as smart as Einstein.

The fate of the human race is to get out among the stars. This will save all of us, but if we don’t change our ways we could become like a plague because of our war like ways. If that happens no alien might want anything to do with us and could we blame them?

It has already been said people have seen extraterrestrials working with us in secret bases. Could alien races be split on whether they want anything to do with us or not? Why would they help us develop new technology? Could it be to get us to trust them somehow? One thing I know for sure is we know nothing about how alien minds work. There could be all sorts of motives to get us on the side of a race of aliens we never realized.

One reason is they could have a problem procreating and we have something in our DNA allowing us to create hybrids. Many abductees have claimed they were forced to have sex with beautiful aliens. I thought to myself about how many believe some aliens can hide their identities and maybe those beautiful aliens females really didn’t look that way and were using some sort of device to hide what they really looked like.

We don’t know what is really going on with the government and extraterrestrials and we keep getting mixed signs. I think it is time to release all those secrets and actually be the first to tell everything.

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