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More UAPs

Well, if I was a betting man I would have to bet UAP sightings have increased dramatically. One story which seems to have spread all over the world’s press has to do with an Air Force Security Officer at a U.S. military base. He reported a floating red square over the base and said it was the size of a football field. Red objects have been seen in prior years. About twenty years ago one was seen over Vandenberg Air Force base. It was described as somewhere around 100 meters in size which is also close enough to saying it was also the size of a football field. This sighting was talked about before the U.S. Congress by a whistleblower.

I know I am repeating myself, but I have to say again there are so many different styles of UAPs and maybe different abilities, these UAPs surely cannot be coming from one race. There is a theory that some alien races might use asteroids as spacecraft or at least probes. Could some of them, which headed our way be probes? From what scientists say, it is entirely possible to turn an asteroid into a spacecraft. I remember seeing a Star Trek episode of the original Star Trek series many years ago and it was about a race of people who were on an asteroid which was really a spacecraft and didn’t know it. The engines broke down and Kirk and crew landed on it to repair them.

Several witnesses saw a UAP in the California sky. One witness said it looked like a ball of fire. The picture was said to have appeared on TikTok, I say “was said” because I never saw the photo. I don’t use TikTok. Anyway, it was said the fire abated and a figure could be seen at a window. Supposedly, there was not only one UAP, but many.

When you have a plane full of passengers and you have a UAP flying at the plane, it is not conducive to calmness. The passengers were said to be frightened at what they saw. It was a UAP flying on its side and heading right for them. It was said the video which had been posted was examined by the U.S. military. The problem is one never knows what is true and what is not.

Now that the boss of the UAP department, of the Department of Defense has stepped down, he said something that I have to say was so true. It was we better hope what we see in our skies is extraterrestrials, because if they are not from them, we have a big problem. I don’t think anyone would argue about that.

I usually don’t have much to say about Bigfoots. What I do find interesting is there may be a connection between them and UAPs. Several times or more they have been seen by witnesses who say they have come out of a UAP. If this turns out to be true, one has to wonder what that connection is? Could they have been a prior race who once lived here and was rescued from extinction by aliens?

Jaime Maussan has been catching a lot of flak lately. Maybe you have heard of him, he is not only a famous Mexican newscaster, but a UAP investigator. He had previously presented two small alien looking mummies to the Mexican Congress which made him the butt of ridicule. This time he went back to them with expert testimony which stated the mummies were just that and were not a hoax. They were not declared extraterrestrials however. They were accepted to be unknown. I guess this is at least a small step. The mummies were said to have been found in Peru, a country with a lot of strange things under its belt such as the Nazca lines, and strange skulls.

A lady UFC fighter who has won 16 of her 29 fights has said her grandparents were more famous than her because they were abducted by aliens. Before any ridicule goes down, maybe I should tell you who her grandparents were. They were Betty and Barney Hill, and most people agree they are the most memorable of all the abductees, because they were the first to become famous.

A UAP was sighted by a witness in Indiana. This UAP had a pulsating red light on it. It now gets a little stranger. The witness said a second UAP came along and eventually went inside the first one. As the witness watched the UAP just blinked out. He said it didn’t fly away, just disappeared.

There was a time in 1953 when the military sent a jet after what looked like a radar blip over the locks on Lake Superior. The jet took off from Kinross Air Force Base, in Wisconsin. There were two in the plane. One was the pilot and the other was watching the radar screen. The unknown object was hard to follow because it kept changing course. Finally, after half an hour, the jet caught up to the object. As the radar operator on the ground watched, the two blimps, the plane and the strange object, became one blip. The plane had disappeared and the object had also vanished. No wreckage was ever found, even though an exhaustive search had been conducted.

It is said reported three days before we shot down the Chinese balloon, an unidentified flying object was seen. It was flying over the Arctic Circle. The story goes on to say we sent fighter jets to shoot it down. The planes were unsuccessful. It is said this happened 8 or 9 times. So, it seems we are still giving orders to shoot down UAPs. Surprise, surprise. Are we ever going to get the full story of what is going on?

The Hudson Valley in New York is still one of the hot spots for UAPs. One UAP which has been reported multiple times over the years is an object with a V shape. Over 9,000 reports have been received of a V shaped object. The object was seen sending a white light down to the ground.

I read a story about a tribe which had been cut off from civilization. I guess it didn’t happen right away, but eventually they were shown a picture of an alien Grey. Immediately one said it was an ant person who lives underground. He seemed to recognize it, which must have surprised everyone. Could an underground base full of aliens be in this tribe’s area?

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