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Was It Ancient Aliens Or Ancient Humans?

Alien Ship

Alien Ship

Okay we have all heard people talking about aliens. I am not talking about Mexicans or anyone else from this planet. What I am talking about are beings who come from somewhere else in space. One of the things I never understand is how some of the people who deny the existence of aliens will say somewhere down the road a piece of ancient construction must have been built by aliens, because no one can explain its construction. Those who think aliens are on earth or have been in the past are excused for saying it, even if I don’t agree with them, but those who have denied the presence of aliens and then flip flop to explain something, I cannot forgive. Either you think they are or once were here, or you don’t. You cannot have things both ways. I think maybe they see our politicians doing this and think they can get away with it.

Many times there are reasonable explanations for things such as what seems impossible for the ancients to have accomplished and other times the answer evades us. This doesn’t mean aliens, who by the way have not been proven to exist yet, are responsible. One of the theories which directly contradicts the ancient alien theory is the ancient advanced human theory. We don’t see this being discussed very much, but it should be. The earth is estimated to be about 4.54 billion years old. I think this is just an educated guess and everything in our solar system might be a lot older, but let’s accept this estimate for now. Moving on we have to ask the question how old is man. We keep finding more and more ancient skeletons, but they are not of modern man or so we are told. I believe the oldest of this type is 1.8 million years old.

If we compare the oldest humanoid skeletons science admits to having found against the estimated age of the earth, we have to realize man may have developed before and could have developed several times. Who is to say a prior human race didn’t make it and was eventually wiped out? I like to talk about the California gold rush, because as I have mentioned before there are many stories of modern human skeletons being found inside mountains as they were being opened up for mining. Here is the kicker as I like to say, the mountains interiors were estimated to be undisturbed for over 7 million years. The skeletons were shipped out to museums or destroyed and never seen again according to some articles.

Some might argue we haven’t found advanced human remains in the ground, but to these people I say how do you know that? Scientists have a habit of either not reporting something which doesn’t fit or just ignoring it, to protect their reputations. The bigger problem is when you are talking about the time scales I am talking about, they could reach billions of years. Let’s say the articles about advanced human skeletons inside mountains in California is false, does this prove there were no human races prior to ours? Of course it does not. The remains of a race from a billion years ago might be gone by now, after all human bones are rather fragile and a lot would also depend on the size of the population. According to Hoagland and Barra who co-authored a book titled Dark Mission, there were ruins on the moon which Β could be structures that were built by humans millions of years ago and attacked. Mars is thought to have ruins by many who have seen the NASA photos of different areas and if they are correct, there is a possibility the structures were built by humans who already had the capability of space flight to other planets. If humans existed who were this advanced, they were more advanced than we are today and this may have enabled them to somehow pass along knowledge which was found by ancient humans thousands of years ago and enabled them to move huge stones. One has to remember the same was accomplished last century when the Coral Castle was built in Florida by one man from huge coral blocks and then moved overnight. Just this fact alone either means ancient knowledge was used or alien knowledge, take your pick.

What about today, are then aliens walking our streets who are either able to disguise themselves to look like us or naturally do look like us? There are several interesting stories in this vein. One which comes to mind is a story I heard about a couple of years ago and concerns the New York City subway system. A witness claimed when they boarded a train they saw what looked like a green alien sitting calmly on a seat and reading a book. They said they got quite scared, but then saw no one else seemed to notice the creature. They panicked and headed for the car door and couldn’t wait to get off the train. The creature noticed but only stared and the person ran off the train at the next station. If we take this story to be true there are aliens who can disguise themselves to look like us, but apparently there are a tiny few who the disguise does not work on. If the story is true could the device causing the disguise be electronic or hypnotic?

There are said to be other aliens who are tall and have blond hair and are somehow closely related to us and who can walk in the street and appear to be human. Would it be so farfetched for some alien race and the human race to have a common root? Perhaps there are a limited amount of different intelligent life forms throughout the galaxy or even the universe.

I don’t know if humans existed on this planet in some ancient prior age far before we did, but I do think we should not dismiss this possibility out of hand. Some of the proof we have found is very hard to explain and would seem to point to the fact humans are at least as old as the dinosaurs. Take the paintings on some cave walls and rocks, which show a perfectly formed dinosaur and a human next to it in some cases. How would a caveman have known what a dinosaur would look like even if they discovered dinosaur skeletons? This makes me think some of the pictures on the cave walls are many millions of years older than the rest and perhaps cavemen picked some of these areas to draw and paint, because some pictures were there already.

It is time for scientists to open their minds a little more and explore the possibility we are not the first to inhibit the earth.

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